surgeon changed his goal for me?

on 5/30/12 11:55 pm

I remember my first post op appt with the surgeon.  My goal is to get to 150.  His goal was around 160/175!  I know he's going by averages and probably doesn't want to get my hopes up.  I was actually pretty angry that he didn't think I could lose 100 lbs. 

Suzanne    RNY:  4/17/12  -   HW:  267  -   SW: - 256  -   GW:  150           
on 5/31/12 12:19 am - burlington, VT
 well i think you can :)
on 5/31/12 12:09 am - Midlothian, TX
Don't hold too much stock in what he puts down on his paper.  It's just a number, on paper, and it's probably a number he picked out of his head based on BMI charts, and averages.  Get where YOU are happy and want to be, not him.  His numbers just make you a statistic in his books, it's you who have to live the life...
Since 2008 my team has raised over $42,000 to fight breast cancer.

on 5/31/12 12:23 am - burlington, VT
 thank you :) it just shocked me  according to him my perfect weight would be "125" baised on my hight and what not. and since people lose 70-90% of there excess body weight. 145 is probably between 70-90%? iv never actually sat down and done the math guess im gonna do that now. XD ill post what i get. XD 
on 5/31/12 1:01 am - Crandall, TX
RNY on 09/18/12
We are the same height. During one of my many times to lose weight (just to regain) I weighed 145. I felt SOOO freakin sexy! I was not skinny. I had meat on me, some muscle, and some curves. I thought I looked HAWT. LOLOL

Having said that, even though I am not obsessed with a scale number, I was a size 7-9 at that weight and had never been happier in my life. It was my happy place. So, that is actually my goal-to be around a size 9.

We are all different :)

Do not panic. Just because he wrote that number down, does not mean that you have to torture yourself to get there. With your diet and exercise, you will probably get there anyway, even if the doc never changed the number.
on 5/31/12 1:10 am - burlington, VT
 oh darling i wouldnt mind being 145!!!. i just didnt want to get my hopes up ya know? thats why i set my goal to 160 so that when i got there. i could go down (if my body was still letting me) but at the same time if for some reason i was stuggling to lose weight i would feel at ease or comforted that i reached my goal? i dont know i guess that sounds silly now that i read it XD 
on 5/31/12 1:54 am - Midlothian, TX
I know a lot of people buy into the whole concept of your body will decide where it wants to be and they will just let it do what it wants.

I'm not a fan.  Letting my body be where it wants got me to almost 300 pounds and if I did that now I wouldn't be where I am now.

You can be any number you set your mind on.  If your body doesn't "let" you get down to 145 or 160, then you just adjust what you are doing to get it there.  Change your eating, increase your workouts... it's a numbers game.  My body wouldn't let me get below 240, so I had to change it.

I just wanted to say that.  While you don't have to accept whatever goal the surgeon chooses for you, you also don't have to settle for where you end up.  If you want to get to 145, and are stuck at 170 then simple changes will help you keep losing to where you want to be.  Granted, body composition and structure will always be a factor, but you can always get farther than you think if you put your mind to it and work for it.
Since 2008 my team has raised over $42,000 to fight breast cancer.

on 5/31/12 2:21 am - burlington, VT
 i was under the impression once you stopped losing weight you were done then you then had to maintain? i didnt know you could push the limits :) another reason i love this site learn something new every day.    that being said.  my exercise plan after surgery is work out 3-4 times a week while getting at least a 30 minute brisk walk in a day enough to get my heart pumping and so on. (doctor said i would burn my self out doing any more then that) while maintaining a high protein low carb diet. i never thought about pushing my self to get to a specific weight because my reason for getting the surgery was to get to a healthy weight, not to look "skinny"  anyways my point is. lol i feel id be blessed to get to 160 just didnt think it would be possible to get to 145 so it shocked me to see it as a possibility you see? hope this doesnt sound rude because its not my intention!!!!!! have a wonderful day :) also you look amazing!!   
on 5/31/12 5:45 am - Midlothian, TX
It doesn't sound rude, not at all.

I'm just a firm believer in the fact that you control where you end up.  My choices got me to 300, my choices also got me to 133 when I was stuckat 160 for 6 months.  I could have settled, but I didn't.  I changed things.   My choices also made me gain 10 pounds too, and now my choices are taking it back off.

It's a numbers game.  Burn more than you eat and you will lose.  Eat more than you burn and you will gain.  Want to maintain?  Eat what you burn.
Since 2008 my team has raised over $42,000 to fight breast cancer.

on 5/31/12 1:48 am - Midlothian, TX
Threadjack -I went to high school in Crandall.
Since 2008 my team has raised over $42,000 to fight breast cancer.

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