Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years ago
Skinny Shaming? - I live in a campground during the summer, and my brother and SIL have their own camper here, visit on the weekends but live an hour away.  They are on vacation this week, so are sp...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 1 month ago
Simple Truths Not Often Spoken - I read this article on CNN this morning, and it hit my truth nerve.  Here's some sound advice not on how to diet, but how to adjust, adapt, and cope with the lifestyle changes nece...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 2 months ago
One Year Surgiversary...or is it 8 years? - One year ago today I had my lap band removed and revised to VSG.  So I had a big head start; I already knew the mantra of "protein first, veggies next, and no drinking with your me...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 2 months ago
Fermented Food Anyone? - I'm starting to get interested in fermenting some of my own food.  I just made sauerkraut and it couldn't have been easier.  Well, we'll see if it turns out or not, but it's just c...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 3 months ago
My Favorite Thing About Living Here Is... - I live in Detroit Lakes, MN from May to October in a campground.  It's glamping at its best, with WiFi, satellite TV, an indoor swimming pool and hot tub,  and paved roads.  Detroi...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 3 months ago
Article - Processed Foods and Protein Content - I found this short article very interesting.  In a nutshell, they say that our bodies are hard wired to devour certain amounts of protein, carbs, and other nutrients, and when we d...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 3 months ago
Article - Processed Foods and Protein Content - I found this short article very interesting.  In a nutshell, they say that our bodies are hard wired to devour certain amounts of protein, carbs, and other nutrients, and when we d...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 3 months ago
Fargo - Discuss.

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 3 months ago
If You Won the Lottery - Along the same lines of my last post, if you won the lottery (we're talking record setting Powerball numbers here people), what are the first 5 things you would spend it on?  Here'...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 3 months ago
Bucket List? - What's on your bucket list?  If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?  What would you do?  Me?  I've spent the last 25 years traveling the world (for busines...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 3 months ago
MH370 - What's Your Theory? - I admit that I'm a little obsessed with this story.  I work in a software company that does nothing but airline software, and I've flown Malaysian Airlines several times.   What's...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
10 Months - With Pics! - It's been 10 months since my revision to VSG, and 8 years since my lap band surgery.  I couldn't be happier - I'm learning to make good choices, and when I don't, I own it.  My nex...

Sandy M. uploaded a photo 10 years, 4 months ago

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
It Took Me Eight Years - One of my earliest memories is playing on the playground slide at school and an older group of kids started calling me Fattie.  I wasn't - not even close, but I believed them and p...

Sandy M. wrote a blog post 10 years, 4 months ago
They Ain't Kidding... - about the weight coming off more slowly the closer you get to goal!  I've been pretty serious on the food front since my last post (my exercise could be better), and the pounds are...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
WLS Myths - If you've been on OH for any length of time, you see a pattern in a lot of posts, with the same questions or topics recurring over and over.  So I thought it would be fun to gather...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
NSV? Hmmm.... - A very good friend of mine saw me today at work, and complimented me how skinny I was getting.  Then he asked what I weighed now.  Uh? So I told him that asking a woman what she w...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 5 months ago
NSV: Size Whoo Hoo! - When I first started this incredibly long journey almost 8 years ago, the NUT at the lap band surgeon's office asked me what my weight goal was.  I'm 5'4" and didn't have the first...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 5 months ago
Does Your Protein Shake Make You Bloated? - I listened in on an interesting conversation on Dr. Radio this morning.  A lady called in complaining that she always felt so bloated and gassy after drinking her protein shakes, a...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 5 months ago
It's Your Choice - Saw this quote today, and I thought it fit our weight loss journies.   "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he st...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 5 months ago
The Valley of the Shadow of Death - Silly people, I'm talking about Super Walmart!  We're expecting an ice storm today so got up early to get some essentials.  Walking through those aisles on Super Bowl Sunday was re...

Sandy M. wrote a blog post 10 years, 6 months ago
Practicing What They Preach - So I knew that the winter months have historically gotten to me.  The food, starting around Halloween all through New Years, the lack of sunlight, missing my family - they all c...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
"But It's Free!" - I had family visiting Texas from North Dakota last weekend, and they wanted to experience a Texas BBQ joint.  We all selected our food and went to the cashier to pay.  The cashi...

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
New Diet Fad -

Sandy M. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
Cheating Doesn't Apply Here - I originally posted this in response to another post a few weeks ago.  The holidays were full of people upset that they had "cheated" on their diets, and were looking for ways t...
About Me
Detroit Lakes, MN
Surgery Date
Apr 07, 2006
Member Since

Friends 26

Latest Blog 27
August 9, 1993
The Power of Gratitude
