thigh lift pictures before,after, revision, and 6 months later,

Feb 23, 2006


It is almost 5 weeks now after my thigh lift revision. It looks so much better. I still have some swelling, and minor bruising. There is some loose skin above my knees, but not too bad ( I was warned by my Dr that he probably could not get rid of all of the loose skin above my knees.) the fact is it is dramatically improved and I am a lot happier. The appearance of my thighs was apparently bothering me even more than I thought it was, because with the improvement I am seeing I feel like a ton has been lifted off of me. I might even look OK in shorts this summer. The thigh lift revision and all the pulling up of the skin and the extra removed also pulled my tummy a LOT tighter. It had loosened a little bit over time, but was still really good, but now it is GREAT! The areas that were liposuctioned (flanks and knees) are still swollen, but coming down. If you ever want lipo be forewarned, with the swelling you will come out a lot bigger than you went in. and it takes months to go down. NO INSTANT GRATIFICATION! I am looking forward to the results and think it will look good by summer. It better! I want to wear my 2 piece swim suit this summer.

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before and after 1st thigh lift
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1 week after 2nd thigh lift -seriously bruised from lipo around the knees

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close up of bruising 1 week after lipo

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6 months after 2nd thigh lift - significant improvement

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6 months after lipo I still have some discoloration - probably permanent - this was one of the potentials listed on the informed consent that I kind of ignored, because it wouldn't happen to me. I am still happier with the results even with the permananent discoloration.

Thoughts about my breast implants from January 2006

Feb 03, 2006



I received breast implants 4/18/2005. Mcghan style 110 silicone, 330 cc. textured surface.

Initially they looked really good but about 3 months out I started showing a lot of rippling.

I have had many conversations with my ps in regards to this. there are several factors at work here. The first is - I had a massive weight loss of 130 pounds, and therefore have needed several procedures to remove excessive skin. He has done a belt lipectomy, thigh lift, arm lift, liposuction to contour, and the breasts. I am thrilled with all but the breasts. (when you consider that I had a pannus to my thighs and sort of a 2nd pannus that hung well over my belly button, my results are miraculous.)

The implants were kind of to be the "frosting" on the cake.

I was to have a lift and the day of surgery he said he would like to try a different type of procedure, to raise my inframammary crease. He removed a redundant fold of skin and sutured the crease to the perichondrium (sp?) which I understand to be that kind of thick heavy membrane over the ribs.

My implants were to be placed sub muscular, but they were not. After many discussions with my Dr. he said that with the weight loss, my breasts were very low set on my chest and that he was unable to get them under. He was afraid if he put them up under the muscle I would have double bubble. and he was afraid if he did a full lift my nipples would end up too high & looking like I was bottoming out. My breasts were not too horribly saggy, mostly deflated. He has
offered to change them to smooth, but feels that while I might have less rippling, I will eventually have more drooping with a smooth implant, he stated he wanted to use textured so the would stay in place better with the crease lift.

My ps says he does not think he can offer me much on the way of improvement. although he is willing to do what ever I choose, he really wants me to be happy with my outcome and feel good about my body.

The bottom line is I feel disfigured. I have considered all the options listed, to change to a smooth implant, do a lift etc. I do not know what to choose or if there are other options I do not know about. If my ps says he doesn't think he can improve me, I may have to accept that. When I went for my thigh lift revisions, I did decide to wait, and decide later what I will do. As I posted in a previous post, I am not necessarily willing to risk all the possible other complications for little or no improvement.

the choice to have breast implants was mine and I wonder if I did them for the right reasons. I had posted preop on another board the question to others "why did you get implants?" I was questioning my decision based on feelings that are hard to describe. One being that I felt almost like I was betraying the very breasts that had fed my babies, the other that I hate that women are being judged on the size of their breasts, as well as every other part of their bodies. Nearly every single woman that answered that post stated that they got implants because they felt like less of a woman because of their breast size. Even the ones who had complications were getting them replaced, many having multiple surgeries. It seemed rather foreign to me, as I never really based my womanhood on the size of my breasts. How much of a woman I am is based inside of me, in my head, not on my chest. But, even with reservations I could barely admit even to myself let alone anyone else, I proceed ahead. I had lost all this weight. my belly looked fabulous and I got stuck on this vision in my mind of what a beautiful body I wanted that I had not ever had as an adult. As a teenager I had a gorgeous body, that I was oblivious to and completely took for granted. I wanted to get back what I had destroyed with the abuse I did to my body. Maybe a little of a mid life crisis, afraid I was getting old and had missed out on so much in life.

I look back at the past 3 1/2 years. I have been thru so many changes that I don't even really know who I am anymore or what I really want out of life.

I am wondering, If I were one of the women who felt like less of a woman because of my breast size if I would just be happy with the fact that I have large breasts and look good in clothes? Maybe it wouldn't bother me that I look so bad naked.


shouldn't I just be happy I am thin-regardless of the "skin"

Jan 07, 2006


Recently, there were a lot of posts on the message board about a "Dr. Phil " show and a person who had lost a lot of weight and was depressed and horrified over the hanging skin left on her body. A lot of people have been very critical, saying she should just be happy to be thinner. I really have been thinking about it a lot and my feelings regarding having so much hanging skin when really I should just be grateful for having lost the weight and being healthier.

I completely empathies. I was horrified by my pannus, well actually I had 2, one to my thighs and another that lapped over my BB. It also fell thru the legs on swimsuits and under wear. I compensated by getting a suit with out high legs, and bought a pair of swim shorts at Wal-Mart to wear over. My hideous thighs still showed but not the pannus. my arms were sagging down , and my thighs were too bad to mention. (and not much better now, but hopefully will be good after my PS in 2 weeks) I had no real breasts, just empty sacks of skin hanging down. I was trapped in size 28 skin on a size 8 body, and there was nothing I could do myself to make that better. No amount of diet, or exercise or anything else would make that skin shrink.

Some people I know personally (not from OH, people who have never dealt with this stuff) have made comments that really hurt, the she just wants to look like a "Barbie Doll" or can't believe you are doing this," to "how many surgeries have you had?" I try to keep in perspective that they have not dealt with it and approach it from an educational point of view. But, it can really hurt inside when you feel others are judging you.

One person who had said several things, I finally looked at her and said, I was living in size 28 skin in a size 8 body. It was miserable and uncomfortable and told her about the pannus falling thru the legs of my underwear and flapping when I run. She looked a little taken aback as I said I would never have considered having plastics if it were not such a drastic problem. I don't think she expected such a blunt and honest description of the problem, or had any idea what was involved.

Getting the belt lipectomy did more for my body image and self esteem than losing 130 pounds did. I looked at the hanging skin and felt it looked at least as bad as weighing 260, if not worse. My profile is much more about my plastics than the actual WLS. The WLS allowed me to lose weight and get healthy. The plastics are allowing me to have my body look more normal, like a regular person and maybe allow me to get past the morbid obesity and be able to forgive myself for abusing my poor body so badly in the past.

I am still working on it. I know plastic surgery is not going to make anything perfect, I know the strong healthy thing to do is just put on the swimsuit hold my head high and go have fun and that others are too busy worrying about how they look in a suit to really care what we look like. I am just not that confident.

I feely admit I am weird, but I wore a swimsuit with out thought when I was 260+, I said right out loud - anyone who doesn't like it can kiss my fat A$$

I didn't really think about it very much when I was 260. I didn't look in the mirror below my shoulders. When I look at pictures of myself, it might as well be a stranger. I don't even know that person. I saw my self as somewhat overweight but not as grossly obese as I was.

I know the pressure I feel is coming from with in myself . I am in therapy so maybe I will figure it out someday. It doesn't mean I am ungrateful for the weight loss I am thrilled to be healthier and able to exercise etc. It was just easier a lot of times to be the invisible fat woman.

2006 3rd round of plastics

Jan 06, 2006


It is a new year and a new opportunity for a fresh start. I don't make New Years Resolutions as I just feel it would be setting myself up to fail.

I am starting the year in busy mode, I am scheduled for plastic surgery revisions on 1/21. I am really nervous, I fully remember how hellish it was the first time I did my thighs. Of course worry about outcome, anesthesia, and complications. What if I still don't like it? I feel my PS is very motivated to make it as nice as possible. It is hard bringing what I want out of plastics into line with what is possible with stretched out flabby skin with no elasticity.

here is a picture of me - I had to crop it as my grandkids were in it with me and I didn't want to invade their privacy by posting them. You can tell by my smile that I am a happy gramma and adore them to no end!!!!

Image hosted by

I am having my revisions Saturday. I am terrified, esp. after my previous experience.

Dr is doing lipo on my thighs around knees and said he will do any other lipo I want as long as the machine is already out, so lipo on fat area just under my butt outer hips area, flanks and waist to contour me a little.

He is removing more skin as well.

I talked to him today and he said he would change my implants to a different type if I really wanted him to, and that he did not feel it would make much improvement since I still have little breast tissue. smooth implants would probably ripple less initially, but sag more and over time as they sag I will likely ripple even more than I do now. I am very sad about the rippling, but have made the difficult decision to leave them alone, at least for now. I am afraid of the potential complications, i.e., loss of nipple sensation, and having seen several people posting about hematomas, loss of nipples, etc. I guess I am just chicken to take the risk. afraid of ending up w/ something worse than I have now.

I seriously considered just getting them removed all together, (he said if I really wanted that he would do it) I talked it over w/ DH who apparently is afraid to state any opinion whatsoever. and he just basically said don't do it. ($8K and only scars and no breasts to show for it) Otherwise he will not even say if he likes the implants or not or what he thinks of the rippling. he is driving me crazy.

It has been very difficult but for the moment I am at peace with my decision, but that can change minute to minute.


I lived thru it. I had surgery Sat. in the am at 730 and was home by 1 pm. Some discomfort, but not too bad. Woke Sun am feeling like I had been beaten. The swelling is bad I can see even with this compression garment that goes from just under my breasts to my ankles. My legs look huge. I have had to sleep in the recliner, legs too sore to even think about going up the stairs.


Went to the Dr. and my legs are more swollen than I expected. Please note: If you get lipo it looks way worse before it gets better and better takes a long time to see.

I had posted above about lipo on the area under my butt on the outer hip area. Well Sat. am when he looked at it he said it was not that big and lipo there would leave extra loose skin in the area. Now, why would he tell me I need lipo there in the office - then tell me not to lipo it in the pre op room? Do I not have enough insecurities and issues with my body? I really didn't think it was bad until he pointed it out, then I got neurotic about it and wanted it gone, now it is still there.. I mentioned it to him today to never ever do that again, and I really don't think he "got it" as to what I meant. I don't need anything else to feel insecure about, or have issues with on my body, I have enough with out a plastic surgeon suggesting a new one.

It is hard to tell how my thighs look other than really purple, really swollen. My whole groin area is also very swollen. My lower back where I did get lipo is sore and a little bruised and very swollen. The incision in the groin looked a little open and was oozing blood, so it got a dressing with some medication in it and covered with gauze and now I must wait until tomorrow to shower.

He was also supposed to redo the incision on my inner thigh - and extend it to remove more skin and once again - waiting to go in to the OR, he made his own unilateral decision, that he was not doing that.  ( you would think I would learn after a while - since he had changed plans on the breast lift last time, and now I'm having issues with THAT)   One thing I am learning is always have someone with me in talking to the Dr, to support me and to verify and uphold  agreements that are made.

I ordered a new compression garment so I can have an extra for when I am washing one and it should be here in a couple of days. The one I am wearing needs serious cleaning, it has blood stains and I have been living in it for 3 days now. ICK!

So far this is not as bad as last time, and while I am sore and bruised, I feel ok to walk around in the house and take care of myself. I am using way less pain medication than the last surgery which is also good. I tire out really easy, by the end of my Dr. appointment I was wiped out and needed to rest.

I think I am getting either a seroma or a hemotoma on my inner knee/thigh where I had the liposuction. It is a hard painful lump about the size of a softball. I was feeling better, than my leg started hurting more. When I took off my compression garment to shower I saw this big lump. I did call the Dr. and he is calling me back when he gets out of surgery to let me know what time to come into the office. In the meantime it hurts like hell and I can't take a pain pill because I may have to drive myself to the Dr. office as my husb is working in the city and can't leave the jobsite.
whine whine whine.

My Dr had me come in after he was done with his surgeries for the day and saw me in his office. Dr. does not think it is a seroma or hemotoma at this time and recommended warm baths, and massage. 
( addendum later - I am quite sure it was in fact a hematoma due to the long term of the bruising and the very long term skin discoloration - but this is a Dr who denies denies denies any complications.)


Interviewing your surgeon

Dec 30, 2005



First and foremost, do your homework before you see a plastic surgeon. Be sure you are at a stable weight that you can maintain comfortably. It will not be good for your results if you are gaining and/or losing much weight post plastics.

Here is some suggested reading material.

The Smart Woman's Guide to Plastic Surgery : Essential Information from a Female Plastic Surgeon by Jean Loftus, MD
all the pros , cons etc and descriptions of about any surgery you can think of

Science on Trial by Marcia Angell
about the silicone breast implant controversy

The Best Breast: The Ultimate, Discriminating Woman's Guide to Breast Augmentation by John Tebbits
Lots of info about breast surgery.

also the website
has everything you ever needed to know before getting implants, and hundreds of photos in the photo gallery.

I have compiled a list of questions of what I think is important to ask a plastic surgeon. Many of the questions could equally apply to any surgeon/doctor.

It can be very intimidating to really interview a doctor and ask tough questions about their qualifications, experience. With each Dr. I have consulted, I checked out their credentials prior to the initial appointment. has their certifications. In Illinois, where I live you can look on the web site for the Department of Professional Regulation and find out if the doctor has had any disciplinary action against his license. This will only report disciplinary action. If there was a complaint that did not have enough evidence and there was no disciplinary action it is not reported. It is a fairly difficult process for the consumer to go thru the reporting process, and I think many people are intimidated out of it, or don't have the knowledge/resources to deal with it. It will not tell you whether or not he/she has been sued. That info is very difficult to find out. If you have access to a legal search engine such as Lexis-Nexus you "might" be able to get info if there was a court judgment. Most seem to be settled out of court. Also there are many good Drs. who are sued who really did nothing wrong, and it is difficult to filter that out from the ones who are really incompetent.

Go on your gut instincts. Interview several doctors. If ANYTHING you are being told makes you uncomfortable, do yourself a favor and don't proceed until you are comfortable. There are a lot of really good, really caring docs out there and you deserve the very best. This is your body and you will be living in it for the rest of your life, long after the doctor has forgotten your name.

I saw a program "Plastic Surgery Nightmares" and one of the Drs. who was fixing badly botched plastic surgeries made the statement that the bad doctors don't even know they are bad. They think they are just fine. That really struck me that a doctor might have all the right answers but not the skill to go with it.

Having a board certification in plastics tells you he has been thru an appropriate training. Be sure the certification is from the ASPS. Unfortunately any Dr. can call himself a plastic surgeon. A dermatologist can take some weekend seminars and do plastics. You need a person who was trained as a surgeon.

Here is my list of questions.

What are your certifications? ( My minimum standard , board certified in general surgery *and* Plastic surgery, & recognized by the ABMS, the only really credible certifications are recognized, If they have the certifications they are happy to brag about it. anyone who is an MD can call legally themselves a plastic surgeon whether they have the right training or not, also verify their certifications thru

Where are your surgeries performed? If it is in an outpatient surgery center, Is it an accredited facility? Is he on staff at a hospital? If the Dr. Is NOT on staff at a hospital this is a major red flag.

Out patient? (I prefer to go home the same day!)

What do you think you are best at? Specialty

Who assists you in surgery? another MD , surgery tech, resident?

Experience with procedures I need? - How many, how often?

Bariatric patients - How many do you / have you done?

Pictures before & afters of procedures I want

Do you have a previous bariatric pt I can talk to about their experience?

Pros & Cons of this surgery.

what can I realistically expect?

Can I get a better result with a different procedures?

Preop procedure? Testing? When? where?

How long does this surgery take / anesthesia time

who does anesthesia? MD or CRNA? (I'd be happy with either to be honest, just like to know)

Follow up care- how soon, how often, how long?

Compression garment/ ace wraps?

Pain control? OnQ?

Return to exercise?

Cost of surgery? Including anesthesia and OR charges?

Payment plans?

Revision policy?

How do you close incisions?
Stitches under skin vs. staples (if they say staples just leave, don't go back)

Scar Care, treatment & prevention?

Any other suggestions? Anything I should have asked and didn't?

set for revision of plastics, and thinking too much

Oct 05, 2005

I had an appointment with my PS today and I think it went very well. I left feeling a lot better about things. We had a long talk about all the issues with my thighs, breasts and lipo. he drew lines on me to give me an idea of what he can do. I think he is wanting to make it better and make me happy with my results. he is going to do liposuction on the pudgy areas on my knees and lift and tighten the skin more. It will have to involve extending the incisions longer. I figure what the heck, I have so many scars now I look like a Raggedy Ann doll, what's a couple more inches here & there.

I am still undecided on what to do about the rippling implants. He said he can go in and see if he can get them under the muscle, but was not optimistic that it would be worth the additional surgery for the amount of improvement he would expect. My husband thinks I should leave them alone.

he is going to take off more from the area he liposuctioned before too, as I was not happy that I could not tell a difference in the area.

I am feeling so much better about it all!!!


revision date set for 1/21/2006 at 7:30 am. revision of thighs, lipo, and implants under the muscle. I am relieved, excited and scared all in one. Unfortunately, I remember how much pain I had the first time around. and the swell hell. Yes, I would like to look like a Victoria's Secret model, but since my PS is a doctor, not a magician I'll settle for legs like a normal 45 year old woman. but with scars.


My mind is working overtime. This is not always a good thing. I had a long conversation with the psychiatrist today. And with my husband when I got home. This is the basic summary of the two conversations combined.

when women are morbidly obese the reaction of the general public, men in particular fall into 2 categories. The most common is that you are simply invisible. Not worth the notice. The second is ridicule. Very few men see beyond the fat. With weight loss, the focus of attention is very different. I have never as an adult dealt with men making passes or sexual comments to me. As a teenager I was slim and very pretty, and received a lot of attention that was mostly unwelcome from older men. It often made me uncomfortable and I didn't know how to handle it then either. As A child I was sexually abused by a family member, and wound up in foster care, after having to take a lie detector test and testify in court with the abuser staring right at me at the age of 12. (I am proud of being just a kid and having the courage to stare him down and tell the truth.) There was no abuse in foster care, but I was accused by my foster mother of attempting to seduce her old, overweight, bald and bad teeth husband, (yeah sure, I wanted to marry Donny Osmond not an old chubby guy, and I was ***12*** years old for God's sake!) I slept in a dining room converted to my bedroom with a sleeper sofa because their daughter did not care to share her room. I supposedly attempted to seduce him because I went up the stairs to the bathroom wearing a night gown and no robe. To be quite honest, I had never owned a robe before that and it never even occurred to me to wear one. Also to be quite honest as a kid and teenager I was pretty oblivious to how my body looked and honestly didn't give it a whole lot of thought. I wish I could go back to that level of innocence. Later I lived with my older sister and her husband who was physically very abusive. He did his best to beat the spirit out of anyone weaker than him.

I had met my husband when I was 13 and he was my lifeline thru my teenage years. Thru this all I never really learned to deal appropriately with situations with men. Quite honestly I was intimidated by men in general, and especially who were older, in positions of power etc.

Now I have this new body and I have had to deal with some situations I never had to deal with before as an adult. One man in particular has made several very blatantly sexual comments to me and I am really freaked out by it. I simply do not know how to handle it. I feel confused. On one hand - I feel a little flattered that someone might notice me in that way, It hasn't happened in years. On the other hand, it is not appropriate. I have been dealing with this for several months and only today got my nerve up to tell my husband about it and how it makes me feel. It is bringing out a lot of mixed feelings. I am having anxiety attacks and trouble sleeping. Several times it was so bad I was shaking all over and my heart was racing. My psychiatrist (a female) feels it is a flashback to when I was a kid and in an abusive situation. She is 100% supportive of me and that the guy was way out of line. My husband when I talked to him about it totally agreed.

I told him in many ways it was easier being fat. I never had to think about my body, never looked at it below the shoulders. It was easier sometimes to be invisible. Certainly didn't have to worry about being sexually harassed, and that I simply do not know how to deal with it. He is really supportive and very wonderful and by my side. I still don't know how to handle it. Dr. wants me back to discuss it more.

I feel very pressured about my appearance. I want to look pretty, sexy etc, but don't want to be harassed or abused either.

I really like this song by the Barenaked Ladies. I really identify with the lyrics, about the expectations and pressure from the outside. this is an excerpt of the lyrics.


When I was born, they looked at me and said what a good boy, what a smart boy, what a strong boy. And when you were born, they looked at you and said, what a good girl, what a smart girl, what a pretty girl. We've got these chains that hang around our necks, people want to strangle us with them before we take our first breath. Afraid of change, afraid of staying the same, when temptation calls, we just look away. ** I know that it isn't right, but be with me tonight. I go to school, I write exams, if I pass, if I fail, if I drop out, does anyone give a damn? And if they do, they'll soon forget 'cause it won't take much for me to show my life ain't over yet. I wake up scared, I wake up strange. I wake up wondering if anything in my life is ever going to change. I wake up scared, I wake up strange and everything around me stays the same.** We've got these chains, hang 'round our necks, people want to strangle us with them before we take our first breath. Afraid of change, afraid of staying the same when temptation calls ...[Chorus] When I was born, they looked at me and said; What a good boy, what a smart boy, what a strong boy. And when you were born, they looked at you and said; what a good girl, what a smart girl, what a pretty girl


Oct 03, 2005


Went to the ortho. This same ortho had done my Achilles tendon repairs in 1998. When he walked into the room the first words out of his mouth were "you have lost a ton of weight! you look GREAT!" It was when I was under his care that I was first diagnosed with the hypertension. The family Dr. I was seeing then said, when I presented to his office with a BP of 210/110, that I must be under a lot of stress. His response was to tell me to just check my BP every day for a couple weeks and if it was still up to call him and he would call in an RX and gave me a photocopy of the "Mayo Clinic Diet" telling me it was developed by Mayo clinic for heart patients to lose weight fast.. I basically told him it was BS.
My Ortho Dr. referred me to a different doctor, who is still my family practice Dr. She started me on BP meds IN her office, gave me samples to get started right then and there as my BP was dangerously high. She has taken such excellent care of me, and is the one who helped me get started with the process to have gastric bypass.

Good news is no Arthritis in the hip. Bad news, I do have it in my lower back and possibly a bulging disk. The hip joint pain may be torn cartilage in my hip. I am having an MRI Wednesday after noon, as apparently that is the best way to visualize the disk and the cartilage in my hip.

I will have a dexa scan tomorrow. It is a bone density test that measures the bone density in your hip. I have decided it will be an annual thing due to the high risk of osteoporosis with gastric bypass surgery.

I had my labs last week and I am totally in the normal range on my Hemoglobin and Hematocrit, iron panel, B-12 etc. My WBC is a little low and my liver enzymes are very slightly elevated.

BMI and body fat

Sep 28, 2005


My BMI is 27.3 when I weigh in at 135, I am consistently 130-135. So that leaves me at overweight. My supposed "ideal" body weight is around 118.

I had a body fat analysis over the weekend that showed me at a "very Good" level of body fat and not at all overweight. whew!

I was getting a complex because I am working so hard and even gained some pounds when I started exercising harder and lifting weights. ( I was 125 after belt lipectomy) Even though I am pretty happy with wearing a size 8 petite I was wondering if I should buckle down harder and lose more weight to get my BMI in the normal weight category.

The trainers at the health club think BMI's are not accurate because they don't determine how much is muscle vs. fat. IE a 6 ft 200# body builder will have the same BMI as a 6 foot tall 200# couch potato with a pot belly.

I wonder how many out there are struggling with the last 20 pounds and not taking all this into account and setting themselves up for failure by having unreasonable expectations for them selves. beating them selves up and not celebrating how far they have come.

It is all too easy to pick ourselves apart instead of focusing on what is good about us.

3 years post op WLS, and the plastic surgery continues

Sep 25, 2005


My 3rd anniversary of WLS and my 45th birthday. (impossible, I can't be that old! I demand a recount!!!)
I spent the day before my anniversary at the walk from obesity and it was a great experience. I met some awesome people. For anyone who has not participated I recommend it, I will be there next year and hope to bring friends too.

The past 3 years have been a roller coaster ride. It is awesome to still weigh in between 130 and 135 so I feel I am maintaining well so far. I think I have it down pretty well on what to eat. I have my challenging days where yes, Ice cream *might* just be worth the consequences. and I have unfortunately learned that if I eat protein first I likely won't dump. I exercise on a very regular 4-6 times a week basis. I weight lift at least 3 times a week, cardio 4-6 times a week, and on days I am not lifting I have started going to yoga / power stretch. My cardio varies. I like the precor cross ramp, but was getting into a rut with it, so I have been attending different classes at the health club, Like cardio kickboxing. I started going to Karate classes with my 6 y/o grandson. I have been having aches in my hip that feel like might be arthritis, so I am going to an ortho Monday to have it looked at. I might not be able to do the Karate over the long haul because of that pain in the hip. I really feel that one of the keys to long-term success and health is staying active in life. Not just the health club, but walking, bike riding, dancing, and playing. A generally active and healthy lifestyle. It is something I am learning. I didn't grow up with that kind of thing so it is a new learning process for me. I want all this to just incorporate into everyday life.

1 year post belt lipectomy

Sep 11, 2005


It is the one year anniversary of my belt lipectomy. Until a few weeks ago I thought a belt lipectomy and a lower body lift were the same thing. One of the Doctors who post on here explained the difference. It is so helpful to have these doctors who post and answer questions truly out of the kindness of their hearts. I know it takes a lot of time and many times they know that these out of state people are not ever going to be their patients, but yet they take the time to respond. I know that I have come across a couple on this site who would be worth traveling to see.

My belly still looks great, although the skin has loosened up somewhat.
My arms are in great shape. Still have heavy scarring, more than I expected at this time. Thick, ropey looking and red. They have faded some but still are very noticeable. The shape is great and I feel very comfortable in sleeveless tops even though the scars are very visible. I am wondering what can / will be done for it.

Initially, after getting my breasts done a 34 C Champion sports bra with molded cups fit well. Now, I am wearing a 36D, I could wear a 34DD but they are hard to find so I had to go up on the strap size. I really did not care to be more than a 34C. I can still wear the sports bras but it is tighter than it was initially. Do they grow post op? my weight is the same.

I go back to the PS in a couple weeks so I will have to work on my list of questions. I have to say that I tend to come in with long lists of questions, I put them on my computer and when I think of something I add it to the list & print it out the A.M. of the appointment. My doctor has been pretty good (and patient) about answering the questions I bring in.

It is almost the 3rd anniversary of my WLS and I have been thinking a lot. (probably too much) about the whole experience of the past 3 years and the changes. I have indeed been through a LOT. I am feeling very much better than I was a few months ago. The depression is easing up. The antidepressant increase helped. Therapy is going well. I went into mostly because of my issues with my plastic surgery/body image. I was wondering if I was just crazy and my PS was right that my thigh lift, etc. was just fine. I was truly wondering if I had body dysmorphia. After consulting with 2 different new plastic surgeons who also agreed I did not have a good outcome and both of them said if it were their work they would redo it at no cost, I felt such relief. When the first told me that I thought - maybe he just wants the opportunity to do surgery on me and make some money off of me. So, I went to another who said exactly the same things about the outcome and what they would do to revise it. BOTH of them also said my implants are NOT under the muscle as they should have been, but over the muscle and that is why I am having such bad rippling of my breasts. At that point I felt such a sense of relief that it was not just my imagination. It was like a million tons lifted off my shoulders. Then I cried a LOT because I had lost that much trust in my self, and my own judgment and not listened to the inner voice that tells me what is right and wrong. I hope I never make THAT mistake again.

About Me
Lake In The Hills, IL
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2002
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6 years out of surgery - wow- where did the time go?
summer's (almost) end
