Week 20 Post-Op Update

Jun 23, 2011

Some of this was already covered in other posts this week but for the sake of consistency here goes.. Today marks week 20 since I got my VSG. I currently weigh 288 Lbs and I'm totally stoked! Recently I completed restoring my 1964 Schwinn and started riding it daily. It's super satisfying because of several reasons. One.. Now that I've lost significant weight i have the energy to complete long term projects that have been sitting for years like my bike. Two.. I can actually ride a bike again and it can hold my weight! Three.. The more I ride the more I trigger my metabolism to loose more weight!
In closing, I love my VSG, my greatly improved quality of life, & my kick-ass bike too...LOL!... Craig  


OMG! I'm in the 80's

Jun 22, 2011

Well the wait is over! I had a feeling I was on a loosing streak (I'm sure increasing my bike rides has something to do with it). Yesterday I blogged that I was close to the 80's and today I am firmly IN the 80's already. Today the scale says 288 Lbs!!!!!. WOO HOO!!!! I'm literally jumping for joy and had to share!
Thanks... Craig

80's Here I come!

Jun 21, 2011

Time for good news! Despite a "mini binge" on some Fresh & Easy Twisted Pretzels a few days ago.. the scale has moved! Today it says 290! Good thing too. I was begining to think the thing was broken!?! The 80's are in my sights now!..Craig

Week 19 Post-Op Update

Jun 17, 2011

OK friends... Yesterday (Thursday) marks week 19 in my post-op journey. I'm sort of in a stall right now (mini stall) but I'm fine with it. I still weigh 292 Lbs but I look much better and I feel really good! I have been eating more calories and more carbs lately because it's summer time here in AZ now. That means 105 degrees per day, every day or hotter (as high as 115 so far this year). Hot weather, low carbs, and high protein are a recipe for dehydration so I have to keep myself healthy and let the weight loss do whatever it's going to do. 
I had a major NSV this week! I went into my stock of "too small" clothes from years gone by to look for some jeans to wear. I have jeans that run from as small as 34" waist to as high as 56"! Well I left the 50's behind a long time ago. Recently I was wearing military cargo pants with the adjustable waist straps so I figured I was in a 48 or something. Anyway, back to my closet of clothes.. I tried on some jeans size 48 and I was swimming in them! So I grabbed the 42's and they fit but not comfortably enough yet. So I put on some 44's and they fit loosely! I was so stoked it brought a tear to my eye (anyone that knows me knows that's not a common occurrence).
So there you have it.. I'm not loosing lbs as fast right now but I am loosing inches and I can wear jeans again, not "huge fat guy jeans" either. Jeans off the shelf at most stores!
Still love my sleeve!... Craig


Week 18 Post-Op Update

Jun 10, 2011

Technically my 18th week surgiversary was 2 days ago (my surgery was done on a Thursday). So where am I in my weight loss journey now? Well I was fortunate enough to have a nice run of weight loss recently that helped me break through, & get some distance on the 300 Lb barrier. For 3 days now I'm yo-yoing between 292 & 295. I'm not letting it freak me out though because I've seen this yo-yo crap after every cycle of loss that I've had since my surgery. It's almost like my body is desperately trying to hang onto the weight & I just have to keep the pressure on until it finally breaks free & I start to loose again. Then I get about a week of the scale dropping daily (Thank GAWD!).

OK, tough subject now... This week I've become keenly aware that as much I love spending hour upon hour on this forum, that there's a whole life out there that I'm missing out on. So don't take this personally.. but OH friends... I need some ME TIME. I'll still check in & make my posts each week. But like many other folks on here, I'm no longer a newbie. I'm several months post-op & it's time that I cut the cord & go out in to the real world. I'm thankfull that I got the support I needed. I got the educartion I needed. I got the confidence I needed. Now I know I can do this & so long as I stick to the program it works. Besides, I'd hate to end up like some of the so called "VETS" that sit on here all day, day after day, just dying for interaction.. even if that interaction is negative bullshit & fighting! Some of them seem to actually crave the fighting & go picking fights. Well I'm over it! I say "Via Con Dios" to the keyboard commandos (you assholes know who you are). To the rest of you I say, keep it positive, stay vigilant on your diet, your supplements, & your exercise, & go out into the real world. This forum is cool but it's only a tool.

Attended the monthly Bridges meetings tonight.

Jun 07, 2011

I missed last month so there was no way I was going to miss this month. Last time I attended (2 months ago) the size of the group was small, about 20 people and it was a bit slow actually. Tonight there were around 50 people and lots of new faces. It was lively and fun! Several of the folks were from the super duper category (600 Lbs pre-op!). We went around the room and took turns telling the others how much we had lost. I was actually embarrassed to say ~115 Lbs. The lady that spoke just before me had lost 290 Lbs!!! The new guy that went to surgery at 600 Lbs 5 weeks ago... he's already lost 88 Lbs!! I'm like OMG.. I'm considered small potatoes going from 406 to 293 in 5 months in this group! Anyway, I wish they held these meetings 2X a month (so did others) and I look forward to next month... Craig 

It's all about the DEUCES!

Jun 06, 2011

I'm happy to report that over the past week I have dropped ~5 lbs! Yesterday & today I weighed 293.4 Lbs! What's most exciting is I'm now OUT of the 300's & firmly IN the DEUCES! For 3 days in a row my scale has had the number "2" in the 1st position & I fully expect to see that number 2 there for the rest of my life (I don't have plans to go into "Onederland" but we'll see when I get closer). So from here on out I'm going to be a "Two Hundred Something" Lb person & I couldn't be happier about it.
Thank You for all of the encouragement & well wishes my OH friends.. Craig 
1 comment

17 Weeks Post-op Today! (Scale Pic Included)

Jun 02, 2011

Today I'm back to 299 lbs and I'm on day 3 of back to basics, liquids only, shock the sleeve regiment. Although I've lost a considerable amount of weight, I have been losing slower lately and really fighting the stalls. I don't really understand why my metabolism is so hyper reactive to solid foods but the reality is that IT IS! All it took was a small diversion like eating 5 oz of ribeye steak last Sunday to derail my weight loss and plunge me back into yo-yo mode. But by switching back to the liquids only, keeping daily intake extremely low carb (40 gm or less), & the old low calorie bitch slap (about 500 calories) always seems to work for me. I don't plan on going off the "liquids only" regiment until I hit 295. That way when my metabolism stalls again and I rebound up a few pounds I'll still be below 300. I didn't take an updated week 17 photo yet but I will do it soon and add it to my pics album.
Keep the faith!.... Craig


I'm a ZERO!

May 27, 2011

Double ZERO to be exact! As of this AM I am officially 300.4 Lbs!!!!!!!! I missed my goal by 2 frigging days but I'm still elated to see that double zero on my scale finally!!!
Deuces here I come... Craig

Happy Birthday to Me!

May 25, 2011

Today I'm 51 years young,  I weighed in at 301.4!!!, and my BMI is 42! (BMI was 56.4!) For the 1st time since starting my OH profile I've missed one of my goals  I wanted to see 300 lbs or below on the scale by my birthday but it just wasn't going to happen. I was in a hard stall recently but thanks to perseverance & support from the OH crowd I'm very close now! If I don't go nuts with the sushi at my birthday dinner today I should see the double zeros very soon!
Thanks for listening... Craig

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 30, 2011
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