SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 6 months ago

I am not at the stage yet, but wondering what kind of sugar free things you go to? Trying to get suggestions as I go.

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 6 months ago

I know I am pretty early on being 3 weeks post op, but I am writing down things that I am looking forward to. Obviously I am looking for better health but materialistically, I am excited about cute clothes again and being able to shop off any rack in a

SuMari posted a comment 3 years, 6 months ago
I am newly out of surgery and the Eggs looks really good. I may have...

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 7 months ago

I am one week out from surgery and trying to add some variety since chicken broth is starting to be unappealing to me. I am mixing it up with my protein shakes but want to know what other options you can recommend for broths? any recipes? or tips?

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 7 months ago

Hi All!

I have been home since Tuesday night and happy to say I am resting comfortably with some bouts of pain here and there. It's hard to cough/sneeze but I am doing my best to get my fluids in and intake of protein.

Broth has been m

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 7 months ago

Sitting here waiting to be wheeled back! Prayers needed.

Thank you all for your support over the last year. I am overwhelmed with emotions that this day is FINALLY HERE!!!

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 7 months ago

Please say a prayer that my surgery is not rescheduled. I hate to even think about it but my anxieties are super high right now. I take my Covid test tomorrow and then have to self isolate over the weekend and then I check in for surgery at 9:00 am. </

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 7 months ago

Yeah, Kinda stinks ( I know it won't last for long) that now I look at everything in the Kitchen and want it all... even if I would never turn to it before.

I am one day into my liver shrinking diet and I have a feeling these cravings are goin

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 7 months ago

In exactly 2 weeks, I will FINALLY be on the RnY Losers bench! FINALLY!


Praying for patience these next 2 weeks since I will be drastically changing my menu but the rest of my family will stay

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 7 months ago

I received the best news this morning! After seeing my bariatric doctor just before Thanksgiving, they just called to let me know that I am scheduled for Monday, December 21 for the Bypass! I am so beyond THANKFUL! FINALLY!

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 8 months ago

I have 2 children now, and my husband and I are not sure if we are quite done yet. How was the process for those who have had a baby after having bariatric surgery? can you help me with ways things were different (if you had kids, prior)? Did you gain

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 8 months ago

I don't have a specific date yet because I am meeting with the surgeon's office at the end of the month. Oh my God, I am so relieved. I was wondering about things you did to prep?

  • Questions I can ask the surgeon?
  • Tell me what

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 9 months ago

So, my insurance denied my request to approve surgery citing, "Not Enough Evidence, Lack of Supervised Weight Loss Efforts"

I am so confused!! I went through more than 6 months of visits, food logs, mental health appointment, support group atte

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 9 months ago

Still haven't heard from my insurance company about my approvals and trying to do things that take my mind off of "waiting".

What are some things you now do, new hobbies etc. that you have picked up since you can't just sit an eat (that's what

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 10 months ago

I saw something this weekend that really resonated with me. I can't remember it verbatim, so I am paraphrasing here...

Most of the scars on your heart were not left by enemies, but people who you thought had "your best interests in mind". It se

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 10 months ago

Is there anything that that has happened you wish you knew to expect before your surgery? ( good things bad things )

Hoping to get an answer from my insurance company today! but, with it being so close to 5pm, I'm thinking I am not going to get

SuMari posted a comment 3 years, 10 months ago
I have so many recipes that I want to use this in! Can't wait to try it!...

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 10 months ago

I just had my last appointment with my PCP/Nutritionist and everything is being submitted as we speak! Hopefully will have a surgery date within one to two months but wondering about birth control ? Doctor told me to stop the pill because of blood clot

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 10 months ago

Just curious how long your surgery was? How long you were under, how long you stayed in the hospital?

SuMari wrote on Deby4fsu's support wall 3 years, 10 months ago
I just saw your Before & After photo on the homepage and your transformation is amazing! Congratulations!

SuMari posted a comment 3 years, 10 months ago
Hoping you find what you are looking for! Please keep us posted! A...

SuMari posted a discussion topic 3 years, 10 months ago

Hi all, just curious if you can recall how long it took you from when you submitted your paperwork for approval, to the time you were able to schedule for surgery? Trying to get a "guesstimation" of how long it might be? I realize that I am not account

SuMari posted a comment 3 years, 10 months ago
Take little steps at a time. I have seen others do chair exercises if...

SuMari posted a comment 3 years, 10 months ago
I appreciate articles like this that provide me with insight that this...

SuMari wrote Getting a Bit Nervous 3 years, 10 months ago

I am about 2 weeks away from sending all of my paperwork in to my insurance company for their approvals... why do I feel so nervous! I guess I have read horror stories of how confident other are ju...

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Jan 07, 2020
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