Scott A. 22 years, 2 months ago

It's now just shy of four weeks post-op and I have lost 50 pounds forever and weigh 437! Apparently the scale in the bed was me wrong in the hospital, because now that I can weigh myself on various scales, the most I coupld have weighed pre-op was 487. I have just graduated to whole foods, and had my first restaurant meal a couple of days ago. I ordered meatloaf and smashed taters and steamed veggies. I asked for a saucer-sized plate, and my wife measured out 2 oz. of meatloaf, 1/4 cup of potatoes and 1/4 cup of veggies and put them on my plate. You should have seen the looks on people's faces around me. They looked as though I must be some kind of freak! That did NOT feel good. But as I slowly ate my meal, I had to realize that the uninformed will NEVER understand what I'm doing, and that it's not my responsibility to educate them. Of course the upside to my first dinner was that I could bring home enough food for three more dinners! I'm feeling great after the doc removed my drainage tube, and am sleeping normally now, Thank you Lord! I go back to the studio to do my show on Monday after 2 weeks doing my show from home. I'm going to miss doing my radio show in my t-shirt and gym shorts! For those of you who have written to find out how you can hear my show, just go to and then click on "Listen Live" between the hours of 12 noon to 2pm Central time.

lologmom 22 years, 3 months ago

Hi Scott..WOW 42 pounds! Awesome! But......I will have to pass on the broccoli mush! YUCK! I don't think even being on liquids for a while could induce me to eat that! Kind of like eating bugs on Survivor! Gross! lol Just so you know.....patients are not the only people that get hard bloody boogers! I have been a nurse and worked in hospitals for 20 years and trust me it is a battle we all face! We are exposed to that "hospital air" for mega hours! So dry! A lot of nurses rely on the old standby, saline nasal spray. Just to moisten the membranes. So you are going back to work. Are you going to talk about your surgery on the radio? And is your station one that can be heard on the internet? If it is you should post it so we can all hear you LIVE!

Joelle B. 22 years, 3 months ago

Hi Scott, Great to hear that you are keeping positive and doing so good! That great attitude will get you through any rough days. We are all pulling for you!

suzanne S. 22 years, 3 months ago

congrats! sounds like you are doing great keep up the wonderful work. Suzanne

Cinna G. 22 years, 3 months ago

WAY TO GO SCOTT!!!!!!! Keep up the good work. Ya, that mush tastes like Filet Mignon (spelling?) right about now huh? I too loved my mush. :)

Scott A. 22 years, 3 months ago

Well, here I am two days shy of three weeks post-op and I have lost 42 pounds already. Holy Cow! Still have the drainage tube in, but the doc says that comes out Tuesday. I was able to switch to pureed foods three days ago, and I never believed that chiken mush, and potato mush and broccoli mush could taste so wonderful. Last night I had pot roast mush with the other two. And Cottage cheese! A revelation! Seriously, taking a half hour to eat and appreciate 3/4 cup of food has never been such a pleasure. I feel I've been given a be able to appreciate the goodness of food in it's proper context. Well, on we go!

Blase K. 22 years, 3 months ago

Great job Scott!!! I am very happy for you. Getting back to work will do wonders for you, it seems that everyone that posts on this site says that is always a good thing.. Also if we can get your radio show on the internet let me know I'd like4 to catch it!!! Later, Blase Kearney

rhondan 22 years, 3 months ago

Scott, congrats on the weight loss, I am so jealous! well i be there soon. I want to wish you the very best and a happy and healthier life!!Way to go Scott! HUGS TO YOU !!!

Scott A. 22 years, 3 months ago

Wow! Here it is 10 days post-op and I have dropped 30 pounds FOREVER! I'm feeling better every day, especially since I stopped hurting enough to actually lay in my bed and sleep for the first time last night. Nor mally pain has not been an issue, but I found that laying on my side made my incision hurt for a while, and now that's not a problem, so last night I got a GREAT night's sleep with only three bathroom visits. (i'm not complaining about those, since that's where the fat goes). I thank God for WLS and all of you good people who are going through this as well. No problems so far, except I'm sick of fluids only and can't wait til I go on pureed foods in a few days. My energy isn't great if I do anythig physical, but I've got to build that up I guess. I'm tolerating the lack of "real food" well, and am not haunted by too many cravings. So far so good! My wife gave me a dropper full of liquid vitamins yesterday and I very nearly yakked. Funny, no nausea of any kind until I did that. We WON'T be using those. I go back on the air on Monday after two weeks off, although from my home for a couple more weeks. All in all, life is great!

Kristi C. 22 years, 3 months ago

Yes, those scales do hve a way of keeping us honest. Congratulations on a successful passage to a NEW way of life. I hope you & your wife start to enjoy YOUR new Healthy life. Just seeing you get healthier should make her feel better about your weight loss & changed looks.It's not how we look but how we love that counts & you both have love for each other..
About Me
Mesa, AZ
Surgery Date
Dec 08, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
The morning of my surgery--February 25, 2002
487 lbs.lbs
Down 192 pounds--February 19, 2004
