8 days to surgery! Prayer Request!!

Jul 21, 2010

I read a thread on one of my message boards about something that sometimes happens when you have surgery... A person went in to have Gastric Bypass Surgery, and at the beginning of the surgery, the surgeon took a peek around in her abdomen, just to get a feel for the working area. The surgeon found a tumor on her pancreas. He did her Gastric Bypass and finished by dissecting and removing the tumor. It was a cancerous tumor, but it was only stage 1. Now, I don't know if you are familiar with cancer or with pancreatic cancer specifically, but it is a cancer that is VERY hard to find in the early stages. Virtually NO ONE finds a pancreatic tumor when it is stage 1, as a matter of fact, they consider you pretty lucky if your pancreatic tumor is stage 3 when they find it. I know of a few people who have gotten pancreatic cancer and other than this person, I don't know any who lived longer than 4 months after their diagnosis. The point is- Sometimes there are UNSEEN things going on.

Having this surgery gives my surgeon a unique opportunity to take stock of what's going on under the surface, what unseen things might be lurking without me knowing. Please pray for her to have a keen eye for the unseen while she is doing my surgery! That God would guide her hand to anything that could become a problem later!

This is especially true of my pancreas, spleen, and gall bladder. All of these organs will be stressed by this surgical process. Frequently, Gastric Bypass patients end up needing to have additional surgery to remove their gall bladders and/or spleens. Another thing she will surely be looking for is hernia, which is common in large people like myself.

Verse I'm meditating on today:
2 Corinthians 4: 16-18
Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.


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9 days to Surgery! Prayer Request!!

Jul 20, 2010

I remember being at someone's house once and her mom was morbidly obese. She was so large, she couldn't really walk much, her legs were always swollen, she was diabetic and I'm sure she had many other things going badly in her body that I didn't know about. Even in her own house, she used a scooter to get around. But, she was preparing to have Gastric Bypass Surgery.

I distinctly remember her saying, "I'm going to be skinnier than all of you guys". She was referring to the 3 women in the room: Myself, and her 2 daughters. Now, none of us were incredibly thin, but only one of us "girls" was even remotely large enough to be considering surgery, and that person was me. I have to admit that I have spent some time dreaming about getting so thin that the only word to describe me is skinny. I even had a nightmare or two about not being able to stop losing weight, and having to have medical intervention because I had lost too much weight.

This surgery will help me lose weight, probably a lot of weight, and give me the tools I need to be able to keep it off. I really want to have realistic goals about what I'm hoping to get from this surgery. The reality of this surgery is that I might not ever reach "skinny" but it is very likely that I will reach much more healthy than I am now.

Please pray for me to have reasonable goals with regard to the drastic changes my body will be going through! Pray for me to keep my eyes on the prizes to come: Roller Skating, Dancing, Bike Riding, Hiking, Swimming, Roller Coasters, and hopefully another baby or two!! Pray for me to worry less about the numbers and more about the health! Please also pray for me to be realistic about any plastic surgery work that may need to be done later!

Verse I'm meditating on today:
Philippians 1: 3-6
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.


10 days to surgery! Prayer Request!!

Jul 19, 2010

Welcome to my count down to surgery!! I'm very excited to be having Gastric Bypass Surgery in 10 days on July 29, 2010!! I've been working very hard to get to this point, and have done many tests, diets, and classes to prepare. I've also read books, and seen many specialists on my road to this surgery. My plan is to have my prayer warrior friends and loved ones pray for 1 thing with regards to my surgery every day until the big day!! I think this will give me a chance to talk a little about what I'm going through, and also to share with you how I'm feeling!!

Today, I'd like for you to pray against a spirit of starvation. That sounds weird even to me writing it, but I have spent many hours on message boards and blogs learning about what this surgery is all about. MANY people get to the end of their journey to surgery and feel a need to resist starvation by having any and every carb or fat laden meal they can get their hands on. My surgeon has warned me against this, and even told me she once had a patient gain 10 pounds in 3 days by gorgeing themself for their "last meal" many many times over. The reality of this surgery is that there will be some time spent on a liquid diet, some time spent on a pureed diet, some time spent on a soft foods only diet, and then a LIFETIME of eating NORMALLY and in a HEALTHY way! There is no need for me to be concerned about starving, and I wish to have no desire to eat a "last meal" of any sort. So, please pray for me to help me resist the temptation of living to eat instead of eating to live.

Verse I'm meditating on today:
Psalm 107: 8-9 (NIV)
Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men,
for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things!



What a Goober!!

Jul 08, 2010

Every time I see a thread called "I got a date!" I always expect to read a romantic story about how someone met a cute boy or girl and they are going out on a date, LOL...

What a Goober I am!


Kind of cool...

Jul 08, 2010

Today is the 3rd day in a row that I can wear my engagement ring. I've been able to wear it a couple times, but only for one day. For whatever reason, the next day I couldn't get it back on... But, this time, it's been 3 days in a row that I've been able to put it on in the morning and take it off at night. Groovy!! :D 

For the record, I'm wearing LB 3 red jeans right now, and 22/24 tops...

Today I got my box of Celebrate ENS for the first 2 weeks post op when I can't chew up my vitamins!! It's getting closer!! :D


Hi There and Hello!!

Jul 07, 2010

Well, I have 4 OH friends who are saying they want to know what my journey has been like so far and I haven't even started any blogging or anything... So, here's my WLS story so far!! :D 

Day 1 February 2009 Surrender. I don't care if having surgery is the easy way out, right now, I'll take ANY way out there is.

Day 2 February 2009 Visit with my PCP, who gives me a referral for Dr. Takahashi, Medical Director of Bariatric Surgery at COE Torrance Memorial Hospital. Call to make appointment. Take the earliest available appointment.  It's for October 24, 2009. Depression... This is going to be a nightmare. I can't believe I have to wait so long just to meet the dr. Get on the scale and face the music for the first time in a long time! 316  wearing 26/28 shirts, size 44 H goddess bra, and Lane Bryant Size 5 Red Jeans. My wedding and engagement rings are hanging around my neck because they are too small.

Sometime in the summer:  PANIC!! I have this packet of stuff that has to be at the office 4 weeks before my appointment. It's filled out. It's staring me down. I can't mail it. I'm a chicken. A BIG chicken. A 316 POUND CHICKEN!! I can't mail it. Maybe it's time to try dieting the weight off one last time... I tell my family that in prep for surgery, all bread, tortillas, chips, soda, and sugary foods will be ejected from the house. All cooking sugars are stashed in the hard to reach cabinet above the fridge. One shelf is designated for Rachel's lunch stuff (off limits to all but Rachel).

Early October... TRAUMA!! The patient coordinator at the drs office calls and asks for my paperwork. I never did mail it. She says if I bring it to her in person today, she will bend the rules and let me keep my appointment. I'm so scared, it's not even funny, but I drive the papers over there anyway.

October 24, 2010  299 pounds... You're kidding?? I can't believe I'm under 300. I can't believe I lost weight. And even better, Dr. Takahashi counts those 17 pounds as part of my required 32 pounds to lose!! I'm more than halfway there and I haven't even started!! YAY!! Dr. T asks me, "What surgery are you interested in?" I ask her, "What surgery should I be interested in?" We talk about the choices and decide on RNY. She gives me tons of test and bloodwork orders, sets me up with weight check appointments, and sends me on my way... I like her, she reminds me of Christina from Grey's Anatomy. Of all the interns on Grey's Anatomy, I wanna be friends with Izzie, drink with Meredith, go camping with George, go dancing with Alex, but for my doctor?? I WANT CHRISTINA!! She also gives me a book to read: Living a Lighter Lifestyle. 

Next couple few months... Reading this book is changing my life!! I can't believe the things I'm learning in this book... I hate having an arterial blood gas test. I don't mind pulmonary function test all that much. Chest X Ray, Who cares?? Same ole... Same ole... Upper GI is torture invented by drs to attempt to kill us... and skinny biotches should not be allowed to stand there suggesting I think about food to make the nasty stuff go down faster... Things come out of my mouth like, "But, if I throw this stuff up, we have to start all over again, right?"   Echocardiogram is no big deal... Vein Ultrasound, no DVTS, yay. Upper Abdominal ultrasound, fatty liver, pretty expected... etc... etc... etc...

During this time, my ever obnoxious uterus starts creating for me a problem with anemia. Add 3 more drs to the mix- dr. gynecology, dr. gastroenterology, and dr. hemotology... Everyone is pretty sure I only really need Dr. gynie but better more doctors than less I guess... After many different prescriptions for varying levels of birthcontrol, and finally a depo provera shot, my iron levels start inching back up again... Take 1 iron pill a day (50mg)... No, better take 2 pills a day (100 mg)... Why are you taking so little of such inferior iron, take this niferrex 1 time a day (150 mg w/ vitamin c)...

March 15, 2010... Pre-op appointment... 269!! YAY you have done everything we've asked of you and you are ready for surgery... EXCEPT... What's this?? Hemoglobin 9 ?? No, we can't do it... We are going to have to postpone it until you get this anemia under control...  

March 17, 2010... Shoulda been my surgery day... Spent the whole day miserably trying to convince myself that some day I will feel better, I will get to have this surgery sometime... Try not to eat your feelings, remember what you read in the book.

Continueing on with the Iron pill fun: Oh, you should be taking that pill 2 times a day, it will help much faster (300mg)... Take this, You can have it 2-3 times a day as you can tolerate it, whatever (650 mg)... What?? No, you can take your iron with food and take 3 of those pills EVERY DAY! I don't want to hear about you missing doses! (975 mg a day!!)  A month or 2 later and my hemoglobin is in the normal range again... 

June, 2010... My iron levels are normal! I'm cleared by Dr. PCP, dr. gynie, dr. gastro, and DR. HEMATOLOGY!! WOOHOO!! I get a new surgery date: July 29, 2010

Question of the months is: Will I be able to lose 3 more pounds before surgery?? Or will I just maintain the 47 pound loss I have acheived so far??

So far, I'm "just" maintaining the loss. I think it would be awesome to lose 3 more pounds before surgery, but I'm also very excited and proud to have lost 47 pounds and kept it off for 5 months. That's one of the highest numbers I have lost, and this is the longest I've ever kept any weight off... So, even if I don't lose 3 more pounds, I'm ok with that.


About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 04, 2009
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