
May 13, 2005

Why couldn't I be addicted to exercise? Wouldn't that have been a better addiction?
This weekend I'm going down to Oshkosh wo my nieces college graduation. I can't believe that she's graduating from college. I feel SO old! She majored in physcology. Maybe she should specialize in WLS patients and the emotional changes that they have to make and deal with. Before, during and after sugery. Then she can start right here with her Auntie. Maybe i'd even get a family discount.


May 07, 2005

Today is Mothers Day. Guess what I got for Mothers Day? A NEW DIRTBIKE. Apparently at one of our races I happened to mention that it would be "fun" to have a dirt bike to ride around. . . Well for once he HEARD something I said and I got one. . . I know it was just an excuse for him to get one and he gave it to me for Mothers Day so that I couldn't get mad. How can I get mad he bought me a gift right?? Well I'm NOT real happy about it that's for sure. I just got done paying off his cc not even a mth ago and then he goes and puts this on it and jacks it right up again! I would have been just as happy with a gift certificate for a massage or flowers or something. I think for fathers day that's what I'll get him and use it myself! MEN . .


May 06, 2005

Boy . . . . I feel like I have done a 360 since yesterday. I'm really depressed today. I just can't believe I have gotten so outa control. I bought a scale today. I hadn't weighed myself in a couple of months. I was 285. How can that be? What was I thinking. I have decided that I am not an alcoholic, i'm not a drug addict or a sex addict (although I bet my hubby wishes I was) I am a compulsive overeater. There I said it. That has been hard for me to admit. I started to read the book "Love Hunger" I felt like some of those pages were wrote about me. I was reading a part of the book where it talks about how some people eat to punish their mates. I think thats ME! I thought in the beginning marriage was going to be just a wonderful fantasy world. It's not the way I pictured it was going to be and he's not the man I want him to be so I eat to punish him. Why?? I've said before that there isn't much affection from him. Maybe this has something to do with it maybe not.

I read about this woman who had gastric bypass surgery and after she couldn't stuff her anger down with food because her stomach was no longer able to accept it. SO, the rage surfaced, and she'd have these terrible temper explosions at her husband. I sure hope I can get this under control so I don't have that issue post - op. I fear this. I won't be able to stuff my feelings with food any longer. I have to start to take control of this now and learn to deal with it another way. Easier said than done . . . I only have 2 1/2 mts to conquer it. Will I do it? We will see.


May 05, 2005

FINALLY! A date. I can't believe they made me wait a week to find out. My date is July 20. I was hoping it would be sooner but that is fine. This gives me time to prepare mentally and physically. I just hope and pray that everything goes OK. I'm ready for a life change and I can't wait to start my new journey!


Apr 29, 2005

Am I being selfish doing this? I have been asking myself this question for sometime. Maybe so but I have to keep remembering why I am doing this. I want to be a better mother. I avoid doing things with my kids because of my weight. I am to tired or to humiliated to go do things with them. I know my children will benefit from this too. If I DON'T get this done I will die anyway. Maybe not in every sense of the word but inside I am slowly dying an emotional death. I need to do this to get my life back.


Apr 28, 2005

I'M APPROVED! I just got the notice today. I'm going thru a roller coaster of emotions right now. Happy, excited, scared, nervous! I haven't got a date set yet. They are supposed to call me in the next few days. Looks like sometime in July.

I'm very lucky to have a great support group behind me. My friends and family have been wonderful so far thru this. I haven't told everyone yet that I am doing this. I just don't know what everyones reaction will be. I am doing this for ME for the most part. I want my life back. I want to be able to get on the floor and play with my kids and go outside and play ball with them. I want my husband to look at me the way he used to when we were first married. I am so looking forward to the new me both physically and mentally.


Apr 27, 2005

Finally . . . Some progress. I called the admissions office to see where they were with my claim and she said that my insurance company called them yesterday to get the "procedure codes" and that they would be sending an approval letter within two days! I'm so excited I can't stand it! Woo Hoo


Apr 26, 2005

My husband works out of town a lot. I feel like a single mom. He's gone this week until Friday. This went on from like May to Dec. last year. It's good money when he is on the road but I hate being here alone. It's so lonely. The kids miss him too.

Still no word from my insurance. I'm going to call again Friday if I haven't heard by then. I keep thinking in the back of my mind that I'm going to be denied again. I don't know why but I don't have a good feeling about it. . .


Apr 23, 2005

Today is just a bad day. I am sitting here at home just me and my baby. He's napping and all I can do is sit and cry. I think I must be PMSing. I just can't believe that I let myself go the way I have. I don't even care what I look like anymore. I don't fix my hair, do my nails or anything anymore it's like I'm just a big slob! Why? What is the matter with me? I don't feel like doing anything today. I have a ton to do, laundry, dishes, vacuuming, windows but yet I sit here on my A$$ and do nothing.

I've sent in photo today to add to the msg board and it's one from like 9 yrs ago. I hate how I look now and I can't look at my fat ugly mug on that msg board every time I go on it so I sent one of how I WANT to look again. I know I'll never look 23 again but one can have dreams right?

I see many posts with questions on appeal letters. I have posted mine to give reference to one. I am still waiting for my approval but I hope this letter will make them think. . .

Dear Board Members:

I am now writing the most important letter that I have ever written. As you can see by the enclosed copy of the letter from my insurance company, I have been denied coverage for Gastric Bypass Surgery. Therefore, I am providing you with further information that hopefully will help you to see that by denying this surgery to me, the cost to the Health and Welfare Plan will be far greater in the long run. Surgical treatment is medically necessary because it is the only proven method of achieving long term weight control for the severely obese.

I am only one of over 1.5 million Americans who suffer from Morbid Obesity. I am 32 years of age, and I am a wife and mother of two children. I weigh 270 pounds, and my Body Mass Index (BMI) is 41. I have been obese for 8 years now. These facts alone qualify Gastric Bypass Surgery as a medical necessity. I am carrying an extra 128 pounds, and have no energy whatsoever. I have pain in my knees, plantar fasciitis, terrible back pain, urinary incontinence, and heartburn that I treat with over the counter medications when it becomes unbearable. I cannot walk a flight of stairs without losing my breath. My weight gain has driven me into a vicious cycle of inactivity and even more weight gain. I don't want to wait for the parade of weight-related diseases to start: diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, etc. Quite frankly, I am extremely scared.

I am very well educated in the area of Gastric Bypass Surgery. I have been researching this subject for 8 months and have attended support group sessions and informational meetings. I have learned a tremendous amount from the people I have met. This surgical treatment is NOT a cosmetic procedure. This surgical treatment does NOT involve the removal of fat tissue. Gastric Bypass Surgery involves reducing the size of the gastric reservoir, with or without a degree of associated malabsorption. As a result, eating behavior improves dramatically. I know exactly what this surgery entails and the positive changes it will bring to my life. After reviewing my family medical history, I hope that you will agree.

I am at great risk of developing diabetes, as my grandmother had it most of her adult life before she died of ovarian cancer. She too was overweight. My mother has diabetes as well, and I had Gestational Diabetes. According to my doctor, I am at extremely high risk of developing diabetes as well if I do not get my weight under control. The complications that I am facing if I do NOT lose this extra weight would cost the Health and Welfare Plan far more than the cost of Gastric Bypass Surgery.

I have tried losing weight many times. I have tried diets, behavioral changes, exercise, pills - - and they all work, for a while. But the weight just comes back, and with a vengeance! I have done the Weight Watchers program three times, lost weight, then gained it all back (plus extra!) every time. I have taken Phen-phen at the Doctors Diet Clinic when it was in Duluth. I also was on a Redux and lost weight with this as well, but then gained it all back and more. I have tried numerous over the counter drugs and even went as far out as to pierce my tongue so that I couldn’t eat for a week! I was even walking and exercising along with my dieting, however, the orthopedic problems mentioned above from my excess weight prevented me from doing this on a routine basis. All of these methods worked for a short time, then, to my despair, the weight crept right back on.

I cannot even go on bike rides, hikes, even amusement park rides with my kids; things that a person of “normal” weight takes for granted. I need to return to and maintain a healthy weight so that I can set a good example for my children. I cannot pass along the legacy of devastating weight issues that I am dealing with.

As I explained, I am a prime candidate for surgery with a BMI of 41 and other serious health risks. I strongly desire substantial weight loss, because obesity severely impairs my quality of life. I clearly understand the risks involved and I am ready to face these risks in exchange for my health and quality of life. I want this more than anything I have ever wanted before.

My primary care provider, nutritionist, my surgeon, and my psychologist all agree that this procedure is the right option for me. This surgery will give me back the life I have lost and what life I have left. I am ready to face the challenges ahead of me and will not give up until I am able to get approval for this procedure.

I thank you for your time and attention to this appeal. If you have any questions or need further documentation, please call me at (715)555-5555 or at my place of work (715) 555-5555.


Becky M.


Apr 22, 2005

Still no word. I can't think of anything else! I am constantly thinking about this WLS. I'm going wacko I think. Every min of the day it's in my mind. I need to get a date so I can stop obsessing about this. Maybe next week I'll know. I sure hope so.

I think I've figured out one of the reasons that I'm overweight. My husband is a GREAT father. The husband part could use some work. He grew up with just his mom and his brother and sister so I don't think he know really how a husband should act. He is very UNEMOTIONAL. He doesn't kiss me or hug me (unless we're having sex). I think part of the reason I turned to food is to fill the void of the lack of affection that I get from him. It's like I am "starving" for affection. I love him and I think he loves me I just wish that he would show it more.

About Me
Up North, WI
Surgery Date
Mar 24, 2005
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