The Scales will Humble You.

Feb 01, 2010

The scales are playing with my emotions. Up and down 2-3 pounds.  I'd like to think I am not worried, not concerned.  But, it sure makes me stop and take an assessment of what I am eating and  making sure I don't get complacent, and get my butt back to the gym. The further I get from my WLS date, the more I push the envelope.  I have gotten slack in measuring and I sometimes skip meals.  My taste buds change from day to day.  I used to love a good T-bone steak.  Now, a few bites and I put it aside.  Just doesn't taste the same. I never thought I would rather have a bowl of  navy bean soup. 

I know they tell you not to put all your hopes in the "scale", but I know this... it sure will humble you when you see the numbers go up instead of down.  Heck, I could write 91 lbs lost, but that blasted scale keeps creeping back those 2-3 pounds.  I am humbled to the point of submission!


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Ahoskie, NC
Surgery Date
Nov 14, 2009
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