feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 6 years, 7 months ago

VSG has been wonderful to me, given me my life back. The weight loss was a fantastic journey and the 2 years after were enjoyable including a promotion, becoming more open and friendly, and the ability to exercise again.

About a year ago life

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 9 years, 10 months ago
A few new NSV's - Odd one first...but when I was lighter I used to suspend myself by bracing myself on the handrails of an isle (think amusement park line queue) or on steps. I was walking up a fire...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 9 years, 10 months ago
Football and Food - I was waiting for this time of year. From my earliest memories, I've always watched NFL football. When younger, 20 relatives got together and talked and watched and of course there...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 9 years, 11 months ago
My fitness pal accuracy - Those using MFP to track your calories - do you find it accurate. I noted that 5 weeks ago, that at 800 calories a day MFP estimated my weight to drop to 314. Now, 5 weeks later I...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 9 years, 11 months ago
Science of a stall - warning no science - I've come to accept a stall as my body holding water. Anyone have other explanations or evidence about stalling? It boggles my mind that I can be 2,000 calories below my daily cal...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 9 years, 11 months ago
CPAP with nasal pillows - starting to hurt - Before surgery, I had my static pressure (15) changed to a Bipap (sp) - a variable setting (9-15). Over the last 4 weeks it has started to become painful and getting worse.  Painf...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 9 years, 11 months ago
Flu or nutrition? - I've had a whole body ache (ache muscles and sensitive skin) and slight fever with chills for about 48 hrs. That's my normal flu reaction, but I'm missing the runny nose, no sore t...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 9 years, 11 months ago
The first 100 - I can't believe I over looked it - yesterday I hit -100 since my consult.  The amazing part is how much easier and enjoyable it is to live life. I'm less crabby, more patient, hid...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years ago
Drinking Water - http://www.naturalcuresnotmedicine.com/2014/07/just-add-water-3-delicious-metabolism-boosters.html   I took this from Jillian Michaels FB page.  A quick read about the value of ...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years ago
A new normal? - I was hungry tonight and didn't like the feeling. Not sure if my mental feeling over being hungry was disappointment or fear or something else. (or head hunger). 3 months ago, I w...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years ago
2 weeks to make a habit? Changing tastes/new cravi - I'm more of a 2 days makes a bad habit and 2 months makes a good habit, but.... Today after painting (NSV able to stand on a ladder without my foot feeling like it would snap in h...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years ago
Cooking for 1 - what's your advice for portion con - I was never good at cooking for one, so I ate for 2 or 3! Now I'm finding it hard to plan meals - specifically what do with all my ingredients.  A zucchini? I'd be eating it for ...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years ago
Missing mexican carbs - substitute suggestions? - I've been having my taco meat and fajita meat, adding a bit of (some or all) cheese, salsa, s.cream, working in veggies - lettuce, tomato's, onion, jalapeno, bell pepper. But I mis...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years ago
Despite the warnings...these clothing sizes change - I dug out some old pants, a bit tight about two week ago Dry cleaned them and wore to work for the first time 8 days ago, fit perfect. Looked at myself in the mirror today at wor...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years ago
watching a pig out at the family 4th of july picni - Not sure what I feel. I'm 6 weeks out and it was a different perspective looking at the types of food eaten, watching others eat/shovel food in their mouths, talk of being on a die...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years ago
Any one lost their taste (not hunger) of food? - I've been feeling a bit off this week. Eating all the same things I have been eating the last couple weeks but nothing tastes good, nothing. I put food in my mouth and would rather...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years, 1 month ago
Anyone else have issues sleeping 1-2 months post o - After that 1st week or two post op, I started having issues falling asleep and waking up early - very unusual for me, almost to the point I was wondering if something was wrong. Hu...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years, 1 month ago
Slider foods - what's your experience? - On the scale of food, what point does food stop sliding and start filling. ex yogurt, beans, scrambled eggs all the way to denser dryer foods such as steak, bread (I haven't tried ...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years, 1 month ago
A stall, the gym, real food, excuses, and a genera - I admit I have more sympathy and astonishment having hit my first stall. Went from 362 to 361 in 7 days averaging 680 cal a day. Crazy how our body can do that. Went to the gym fo...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years, 1 month ago
What does full feel like post op? - and what does satisfied feel like to you? I hear some say eating to much gives them a Thanksgiving full feeling. Others say that feeling doesn't exist anymore? In terms of under ...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years, 1 month ago
Some unexpected NSV's - I just ate an egg and my sleeve liked it  (soft scramble w/ a tbl of skim milk, tsp of cheese, over 20 min) and it tasted sooooooo good. Had to adjust my steering wheel, it was at...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years, 1 month ago
Can (former) volume eaters share your experience p - I'm a volume eater, meaning I didn't graze or snack, and rarely ate a 'normal' size portion. At a restaurant I'd pick out the largest meal (no dessert). I loved going Mexican, asid...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years, 1 month ago
Hi - Doesn't seem like many/any of the discussion boards are very active other than the main boards.  

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years, 1 month ago
Water weight - staying hydrated - Today I weighed myself, got dressed, went on a 35 min walk, stripped off my sweat drench clothes, weighed again. I lost exactly 3 lbs or 48 oz of water.  I have always been one to...

feels_so_good posted a discussion topic 10 years, 2 months ago
Can soup fill you up? - On full liquids now...supposed to start with 2-3 tablespoons (then practice not drinking for 30 min). It doesn't seem that different in consistency than a protein shake made with ...
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Surgery Date
Jan 12, 2014
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