HippieDreads wrote More weight down 7 years, 4 months ago

I woke up today 203.2 YAY. I'm so close to wonderland. Four more pounds and I will be there. I'm sick today but I'm going to try sticking to plan today. Today for breakfast I'm drinking water and h...

HippieDreads wrote woke up today with a loss 7 years, 4 months ago

204.8 five more pounds and I'll be in wonderland. I had a week of eating crappy and gained a pound but I'm back and losing. Thank goodness. I thought I was down for the count. I hate being sick. Ho...

HippieDreads wrote back down a little below where I started 7 years, 4 months ago

I weighed in at 205.2 today. I'm so happy to be below where I started before the week of sickness. The doctor yesterday said that my concussion is why I'm having the upset stomach all the time. She...

HippieDreads wrote Sick of being sick 7 years, 4 months ago

I'm sick again today this is like day 5 of having some kind of stomach thing. I don't know if this is from my concussion or if I actually have some kind of illness. I see a doctor today as long as ...

HippieDreads wrote Still Up Two POunds 7 years, 5 months ago

I have been sick again and all I had yesterday was broth 1.5 cups and about 5 saltines and I didn't lose an ounce. I'm hoping today I feel better that I can get back on track with my eating. I know...

HippieDreads wrote Have been doing everything right and still woke up with a gain 7 years, 5 months ago

I woke up 2 lbs heavier today. I don't know why the only thing I can figure is that I am retaining water. I'm so disappointed. I'm so upset. I am hoping and praying that after today I will wake up ...

HippieDreads wrote Today's weight... 206 even. 7 years, 5 months ago

I'm feeling pretty darn good. I lost .6 lbs last night. I now have 66 lbs left to lose. I'm happy about that. 

HippieDreads wrote very small loss today 7 years, 5 months ago

I only lost .2 lbs today. I'm disappointed but at least it's a loss and not a gain. I don't know how I didn't lose more when I only had 600 calories yesterday. Well maybe tomorrow will be better. I...

HippieDreads posted a discussion topic 7 years, 5 months ago

I've lost another .6 lbs and I've only got 67 pounds to lose. I can't even wait. I'm creating awesome meals and munching hearty. I made unstuffed cabbage soup yesterday and it was so yummy. So good for this kind of weather. I'm going to eat it again fo

HippieDreads wrote 8 Lbs to go 7 years, 5 months ago

I will be under 200 if I can just lose 8 more pounds. I woke up with a loss of .6 this morning so I'm exactly 207. It feels good to be losing. I made unstuffed cabbage soup for dinner last night an...

HippieDreads wrote Down A Little today 7 years, 5 months ago

I'm down to 207.6 lbs. That's 15 lbs exactly I've lost since the Thursday before Thanksgiving. I'm glad I lost today when I haven't lost the past couple of days. I was getting bummed out with no lo...

HippieDreads wrote a Little disappointed 7 years, 5 months ago

No loss again today blah. I want to be below 200 so bad I can taste it and I'm at a stand still right now. I'm so bummed. I'm just sticking to it and trying not to lose my mind while I wait it out....

HippieDreads posted a comment 7 years, 5 months ago
Thanks so much. I appreciate it.

HippieDreads posted a discussion topic 7 years, 5 months ago

I'm so excited over my loss so far. I can't believe that almost four years out I am finally losing the weight. My goal is 140 and it's so close I can taste it. I'm so proud of all I've done so far and can't keep it to myself. I want to let everyone kno

HippieDreads posted a discussion topic 7 years, 5 months ago

I'm 208.4. I'm feeling like a normal human being again. I can move in my skin. I can breathe without feeling like my skin's going to explode. I can stand longer periods without pain. I'm still struggling with stairs and walking long distances but it's

HippieDreads wrote No Loss, No Problem 7 years, 5 months ago

I woke up today same as yesterday. No problem because now I know I will see more weight come off eventually. Today I'm going to do eggs for breakfast with salsa. Lunch I will have cottage cheese an...

HippieDreads posted a discussion topic 7 years, 5 months ago

I didn't gain anything while I had my two days that I ate crackers. I was sick and the only thing I could handle was crackers and cheese so I'm thankful I didn't gain. I actually lost 1.2 lbs the first day the second day I stayed the same. I think it m

HippieDreads wrote No Loss Today 7 years, 5 months ago

I'm not surprised at all. I lost two days in a row I was not expecting to lose today. I'm exactly 208.4 Has a beautiful ring to it doesn't it? Imagine how wonderful it will sound when I get below 2...

HippieDreads wrote SIck again 7 years, 5 months ago

I was throwing up yesterday. I ate eggs and a cheese stick yesterday and threw up half my eggs. That's all I ate. I couldn't stomach anything else. I woke up today down 1.2 lbs since yesterday. I'm...

HippieDreads wrote Down another pound 7 years, 5 months ago

3 and a half weeks and I'm down 13 pounds. This is awesome. I'm so glad my mom is eating like this too now. She has diabetes, she's 5'1 and weighs 250. She is not healthy. I would love to see her l...

HippieDreads posted a discussion topic 7 years, 5 months ago

I've lost 12.5 lbs in 24 days. How awesome is that. I had given up so many times since having the surgery which got me to 222 lbs. Now I'm down to 210.2 and still losing. It doesn't feel real. ALmost 4 yrs out and I'm finally losing and doing it right.

HippieDreads wrote 3 weeks and 3 days 7 years, 5 months ago

I've lost 12.5lbs in 3 weeks and 3 days. I started a week before thanksgiving and I'm so happy with how this is going. I know I already posted today but I wanted to share my success. I'm so excited...

HippieDreads wrote Down 1/2 Pound in Two Days 7 years, 5 months ago

My last weight loss was two days ago then I woke up today and I'm down half a pound. I'm happy to be losing. I know I keep saying that but I am just fascinated with the fact that I'm losing so fast...

HippieDreads posted a discussion topic 7 years, 5 months ago

I just wanted to blast my cookbook on here. I bought it about two weeks ago and I absolutely love it. CHeck it out there are recipes for everything even bread. The one's I've tried so far are excellent. I'm always trying new stuff and after getting thi

HippieDreads wrote No Loss Today But That's Ok 7 years, 5 months ago

Woke up today at 210.6 again. NOT a problem, I'm glad to be where I am so far. I can't wait until I'm under 200 lbs. It's so close but feels so far away. Lol. I had a little more carbs then usual y...
