Surgery is tomorrow

Feb 19, 2008

I forgot to post when it happened, but surgery was re-rescheduled for 2/20/08. There was a cancellation or something, so I got the date. It's tomorrow! Just sitting here letting the wonderful bowel prep do it's magic. Can't wait to just be done with all this, you know? Done and on the other side!!!

Surgery Was Canceled

Feb 06, 2008

Well, today was supposed to be my surgery date. Obviously though, I am writing you, so guess what? I'm not in the hospital. My surgery was cancelled because Dr. Coates is apparently really sick and canceled all his surgeries for the week. Hilary from the office stated that in the 4 years she has worked for him, Dr. Coates has never called off. So, it must be pretty serious. Anyway, they rescheduled me for March 4th, so lets hope it happens! Everything happens for a reason, right? God knows what he is doing. Anyway, that is my news for now.

Pre-Op Diet

Jan 22, 2008

Hi all,

Just wanted to check in and say that today starts the 2 week pre-op diet. YIPPEE! I'm going to do my best. Wish me luck!

I'm the SYSK for the Week!

Jan 21, 2008

Well, today I was nominated to be the SYSK by ShellsBells. This is such an awesome honor. This site is such an amazing networking and support tool. I love my OH family! Only 2 weeks and 1 day to surgery!!!

3 Weeks to Surgery

Jan 16, 2008

Not much to report... just wanted to say 3 Weeks to go!

My Letter to Family/Friends and Co-Workers

Jan 11, 2008

Today I wrote a letter to everyone I think needed to know about me having surgery. Here is the letter below. I hope it wasn't too preachy and that it was informative. 

To the Many Important people in my life,



If you are receiving this email & letter, it means that first off, you are special to me. It also means that I want you to know about my upcoming life changes. As some of you may already know, I have a leave of absence scheduled for 02/05/08-03/19/08. This letter is to inform all the people that I think need to know or that I want to know of what the leave is for and also to hopefully give you an understanding of why. This also allows me a forum to explain my reasoning and to hopefully answer questions that some of you may have. This may be a lengthy letter, so please bear with me.



I have always been the funny, outgoing, pretty-faced fluffy girl. I have never had a problem with that and have maintained a sense of who I am throughout my life. I have never not liked myself or wished that I could be somebody else or in someone else’s body. I have always had good self-esteem.



What you may or may not know however, is that because of my weight I suffer from Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. This condition is where I have many cysts on my ovaries which makes me unable to ovulate. This has led to infertility for me and Jayson. Without a dramatic weight loss, I may never be able to conceive, which would be absolutely heartbreaking for me. I also have severe family history in almost all of the women on my mother’s side of diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure and some cancer. It usually starts rearing its ugly head around 30 years old, so as you can tell… I’m not too far off from that. I have also been limited by my weight to do the things I love: rollercoasters, acting (they hardly ever cast the fat talented girl ☺), skydiving, etc.



It is because of these things that I have decided to have the Rou-N-Y gastric bypass. My surgery is scheduled for 02/06/2008 at Memorial Medical Center with Dr. Patrick Coates, a leading bariatric surgeon in our area. For those of you who don’t know, gastric bypass is a procedure in which the surgeon will lapriscopically (through tiny incisions instead of a big open cut) insert 6 instruments, go inside my body separating a small portion of my stomach into a new “pouch” that will only be able to hold about 1oz. of food at a time to begin with. This “pouch” will then be connected to about 18” of my lower intestine, thereby making a “New”, smaller stomach. This procedure is both restrictive (meaning I will eat less), and malabsorptive (I won’t absorb the same nutrients that we do now).



The surgery is very serious and is by no means an “easy” task. Many people have a false conception that gastric bypass is an easy way or a cop-out for fat people. However, after researching the surgery for 2 years, I know that it is certainly not either of those two things. I will have to work harder at my diet and lifestyle than I have ever done before, being constantly vigilant about what I eat, taking important vitamins EVERYDAY for the REST OF MY LIFE, making sure I get enough water, protein, and exercise. I will also have to change my way of thinking concerning diet and exercise and take the important challenge of making sure I remain mentally healthy and prepared for such a dramatic change. Like I said, this is NOT an easy way out.



Some people ask the question to many gastric bypass patients, “Why not just do it the old-fashioned way? Through diet and exercise?” I can honestly tell you that those two things aren’t all that it adds up to. Being overweight also comes partially from environment as well as genetics (ask a Dr. if you don’t believe me). And as far as diet & exercise goes, I, like most other g.b. patients have “Done it All”. Weight Watchers- 3 times, Jenny Craig- 3 times, Atkins- 1, South Beach- 2 , Metabolife- 3, Curves- 3 (and still going), Slimfast- 1, Cortisol- 1, Richard Simmons- 2, Regular ole’ diet & exercise- 3 times. And the result has always been the same. I can lose some weight, but as soon as the program, pill, book, whatever ends… it all inevitably comes back plus some more. The Bariatric doctors say that with all the perpetual dieting that we have done, most of us have pretty much messed up our metabolic system. The gastric bypass gives us a new “tool” to use that will tell us when we are full (which I can honestly say most of us don’t have now) and that can’t handle certain things (sugar, high carbs, etc.) which helps us to eliminate a lot of what made us fat in the first place. Now don’t get me wrong, I know that there are certainly people who have or can “Just Do It”, and have been able to change their lifestyle completely and do it on their own. However, that percentage is only about 5% of the people who try. For the other 95% of us, it is a vicious, vicious cycle. And if you have never been overweight, you will probably never understand it.



I will be taking a 6 week leave to allow my body to heal and to also get used to my new way of eating. Through the next 2 years of my life, you will be seeing me going through a dramatic change. I ask that even if you don’t agree with the surgery or if you have reservations, that you please respect my decision. It is a very personal one and was not easy to make at first. When my Dr. first approached me about it in 2005 I told him that I wasn’t ready for such a dramatic thing, that I thought it was a cop-out and that I wanted to try it again on my own. I did. I did not succeed in that attempt, and last year I  made the decision that I was ready to take such a dramatic step in order to gain my health and to hopefully give myself and my family a future. 



This surgery has many very serious risks, and I absolutely have studied them and know them well. Yes, I am scared of dying. Yes, I am terrified of blood clots going to my lungs. No, I don’t want my hair to thin for a couple of months. But for me, in my personal situation, the long term benefits far outweigh the risks.



I am asking that through this time in my life, you support me. I need each and every one of you to understand why I am doing this. Like I said, you don’t have to agree with it, just support me. You may be tempted at times to ask, “Are you supposed to be eating that?” I will try my hardest to answer that question if I think it is a legitimate one, but please don’t do it to be rude. I am going to do my absolute best to make this tool work for me. I plan on staying on track and making the most out of the time that is my window of opportunity. But after awhile, I will be able to eat “normal” again, but in MUCH smaller portions, so please be aware of that. Accountability is an important tool, so if you think I have a real issue that needs to be addressed, feel free to hold me accountable, but do it out of love and support. Please.



Well, I think that is pretty much it for now. I will leave you by saying thank you ahead of time for your love and support and that I will make us all proud. I also want to leave you with some resources to investigate the gastric bypass for yourself if you have any questions or concerns. Please feel free to ask me any question you have as well. This is by no means something I am embarrassed or ashamed about, and I would love to answer questions if you have them.



Thank you all so much for being a part of my life.





April Stevenson




Big Medicine- TLC- Wednesday Nights at


Pre-Op Appt Set & Support Group

Jan 08, 2008

Well hello there... first off, let me start this post by saying that last night's Support Group meeting was awesome. I loved meeting all the fabulous people from the message boards. I HIGHLY recommend going to a support group if you are thinking about, have completed, or are ready to get the RNY. Surgery info is as follows: First Monday of every month @ Memorial Medical Education Center- McHenry Village- Modesto, CA   6 p.m.-8 p.m.


I got a call from Memorial today and scheduled my pre-op Education Class for 1/29 1-4 p.m. Yippee!!! It's all coming along.  

That's Right... YOU SEE IT!!!

Jan 03, 2008

Uh huh... if you look to the left of your screen you see it...  MY SURGERY DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!


Now this is a story, 
All about how, 
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute, 
Just sit right there,
And I'll tell you how I got a SURGERY DATE!


Ok, so I called this morning to Dr. Coates' office and VERY politely asked to speak with Hilary. Hilary came on the line and I said, "Hi Hilary, this is April S. I hate to bother you again, but I know you said you were going to submit for surgery yesterday and I just wanted to know if I need to come in and sign anything or do anything else". - Now, truth be told, I was actually saying- Hey chick, did you make sure to submit for approval yesterday???- However, I couldn't just come out and say that, now could I? Besides, Hilary is wonderful and DID! Sooooooooo... she said, "No, you don't have to sign anything, I actually got the authorization from Pacificare." --STUNNED AT THIS POINT IN SILENCE-- "Do you mean that they approved me?" "Yes". --STILL STUNNED-- It had only been 1 day... ONE DAY PEOPLE... and she was telling me that they approved me ALREADY! And then...............the dreaded "BUT"... "But, we do need some verification that your Kaiser insurance has ended. Memorial won't TOUCH a Kaiser patient." I thought quick... "I'll fax something over as soon as possible, I'll go see what my HR dept. has". So, my fantastic husband and I (we work in the same building and were on break together) RAN (ok, took the elevator) up to the HR dept. I got a printout of my benefit confirmation for the year and my open enrollment change forms. I then went online to and printed out my "Health Plan Status" which said, "You have no current eligibility in our program." I faxed all that and copies of both of my insurance cards to Hilary and as soon as I heard that lovely, "SCREEEEEEEECCCCHHHHHHH, BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPppppppppppppp, KRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" and "Transmission Ok" printed out, I called Hilary and said in my SWEETEST voice, "Hi Hilary, it's April... again. I just faxed over everything I think you may need." She said, "Let me check..." and then the most beautiful words I have heard in a long time came... "Well, it looks like you are good to go! Let's book you! The very soonest I have is.... February 6th, 2008. How's that?" PERFECT! PERFECT! PERFECT! PERFECT! 

So, there you have it... in ONE SINGLE DAY, I went from imagining the surgery to being scheduled! 

She then called back a little later and told me she got my file mixed up with someone else's and that I had actually been denied.


She set me up for my Pre-Op appt on 2/1/07 and told me not to take any blood thinning meds like Aspirin, Ibruprofren, etc. before the surgery and that Memorial would call to tell me when to be there, etc. So... that's it in a nutshell! *No, THIS is it in a nutshell... Help, I'm in a nutshell and I can't get OUT of this nutshell...*

Today is the Day...

Jan 02, 2008

Submitting for approval today... wish me luck!

This is moving so quickly...

Dec 31, 2007

So, tomorrow is the 1st. Pacificare changes over to my Primary Insurance tomorrow and we can submit for approval! WOO HOO! I called Dr. Coates' office this morning to see if they had everything they needed. Hilary asked if I had done the Nutrition Eval.  I told her that I did it on the 17th. She said they hadn't rec'd any info on it yet and suggested that I had the Dr. fax over the info. Right away I called Carol Kraft (Great Lady by the way), and explained who I was and why I was calling. She was very sweet and said that she thought she had already sent it over, but she would double check and get on it right away. I called Hilary back right after I hung up (I know...) and left her a message telling her what had happened. A few hours later I got a call from Hilary stating that Dr. Kraft PERSONALLY walked over the eval and that they were all set to submit for approval on Wednesday!!! Crazy, huh? WOW. This is moving so quickly. Strange how far away it seems until it comes down to it. I asked Hilary if she needed any Medical Records (because Kaiser FINALLY sent them to me after 2 months of waiting for them). She stated that they weren't needed at all in fact for Pacificare. So... that's that for now. I'll wait for an update to see if I get approved and if so... when the magic day is.

About Me
Modesto, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 28, 2002
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Friends 62

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Weight Update
Weight Update
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Weight Update
Weight Update
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Not too fat anymore!
Weight Update
