A Change of Plans

Sep 10, 2009

Well, I met Dr. Gornichec yesterday (9-9-9)and things did not go as I had hoped. My fantasy was that he would say, "You poor, poor old lady! You are so sick we are just going to have to put you on a fast track to surgery! Would next week be too soon?" But exactly the opposite occurred. He said that I was basically too sick to have the surgery at present time. My A1C level is 10.6 and he does not operate on anyone who has an A1C level over 8. He also explained to me how devastating metabolic syndrome is, leading to blindness, amputation, kidney failure and death. I also have an irregular heart rhythm that a cardiologist is going to have to take a look at.  Oh, and an endoscopy and a colonoscopy because of my severe tummy troubles. And changing my diabetic meds to Metformin plus Actos or Byetta. So, I am definitely not on the fast track to surgery. After meeting with him, I saw Tiffany and she was most helpful. I am now on a diet plan that I like very much and I hope to accomplish the reduction in my blood glucose level as soon as possible. After leaving the office, my husband and I went to Hometown buffet and I had baked fish, seasoned beef, green beans, jello, salad with low fat dressing and cantelope with strawberries. Before yesterday, I would have had pizza, fried chicken, lasagna and two helpings of ice cream. But I was completely happy not having all that junk yesterday. The only bad part was that my poor hubby didn't want to eat cherry pie or banana pudding in front of me although I assured him it wouldn't bother me. So, next week I go back for my phsyc eval and to see if I need a sleep study. I haven't decided when to go for the support group meeting, but I guess it will have to be pretty soon as I think Dr. Gornichec expected me to have done that already. But it will be done as soon as hubby can work it into his schedule.


Aug 27, 2009

What a day. Got my lab tests done and got my stress test done. Had to reschedule my phyc eval  because I am broke (my insurance won't pay because we haven't met the deductible) and it will  be $300 to self pay. My husband is really balking at the expense, but my funeral would be much more costly, I reminded him. In two days, it has cost us $415 dollars. I wonder how other people cope with the expense. And if Aetna pulls out after I have paid all this money to try and save my own life, their name will be mud and I'll spread it around. Mixing my metaphors. And I am having the worst hot flashes ever with rivers of sweat pouring off me just suddenly, and my temper goes from pleasant to pass me my shotgun.  Worst of all, after we were through and on our way home, Danny realized his PDA had been stolen. It had the entire Bible downloaded onto it and phone numbers and even codes he needs to run the robots at work. He was inconsolable and I felt bad because I had made him leave our sleepy little town and go to the big city where thievery is rampant. It was a trying day, but I am willing to do anything it takes to get this accomplished.

Initial Consultation

Aug 25, 2009

Today was the day I had my consult with Ms. Tackett. Such a nice lady. Thurday I go back for the blood work and the phyc eval and the nutritionist consult. Very exciting! Wish I could say I was on a fast track to surgery, but I will have to do the 3 month diet first, so the surgery won't be 'til February about. But I'm on the road to saving my life! I was so scared that I would simply die because this weight was out of my control. Things are looking so much better. Thank God for programs such as this one!


My First Appointment with Doc

Aug 15, 2009

  Wednesday next I go to see Dr. Gornichec and his staff. I am so excited I can hardly stand it! Talked to the folks at Intgeris Health and they contacted Aetna to see if I was covered and how much my co-pay will be (about 1200 dollars). I know I am counting my chickens before they hatch, especially since this will be the third time I have sought approval, but I am so much sicker than in the past. I fear death is imminent for the first time in this long struggle with obesity. So, I ask for God's mercy. He has blessed me abundantly already.

Dr. Gornichec's seminar

Aug 12, 2009

Last night I took the first step in what I pray will be a successful pursuit of weight loss surgery.  My husband drove me to OKC to attend the seminar with Dr. Gornichec. We stayed the entire three hours and I learned so much. Parts of the presentation were scary to be sure, but not enough to frighten me away. Joining Pacer fitness makes me nervous, but I wasn't the only handicapped person in the crowd, so if she can find a way to exercise, so can I!  And the fact that I've had so many abdominal surgeries might put some surgeons off, but I think Dr. Gornichec will find a way around all that. I pray he can, anyway. So, now on the next step and, with God's mercy, get this thing accomplished!

A Day In The Life

Jul 24, 2009

We went to the zoo today, me and my family. I love the zoo, have always loved animals. Last year I played it safe and rented a scooter to haul myself around in. This year, I wanted to prove that even though I weigh 316 pounds, I can still walk around like a normal person. But my family wouldnt let me. I think there were several reasons. Firstly, for my own health. The last time I tried to walk around the zoo like a normal person, someone called the medical staff and reported that there was this super big lady sweating profusely and gasping for air. The medic advised me to go and sit down in the shade and drink something cold and stop at every misting station from there on to cool off. I think my family was totally embarrassed and didn't want this to happen again. Another reason is that I am so slow when I am walking. The scooter is much faster. But I wish I could be like a normal person and walk around like everyone else. Maybe next year...if I can have this surgery I'm desperately wanting. But all in all, I enjoyed the day and our Oklahoma City Zoo.

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Jul 23, 2009
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