Thursday, April 12, 2007 - Yummy foods now

Apr 11, 2007

I am in the last week of my soft solid diet.  So I decided to start using my food "bible" again, "Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery."  I've realized now that because of the small amounts I am eating, I have to adjust my recipes.  I was used to making such large amounts of everything.  Alot of food is being thrown away in my learning process.  

So I made a couple of my favorite recipes from the recipe book.  Teryaki Turkey Burgers and Szechuan Turkey and Eggplant.  OMG!!!  They taste even better now than they did pre-op.  And the calorie count, fat count and carb count are really low.  The protein count is high.  As a result of these two recipes (I had one for lunch and one for dinner), I was so full yesterday and my FitDay counts were really good.  Protein--100 g, Fat 14 g, Carbs 39 g, calories 710 g.  

I started using this book prior to surgery to help me get on track for losing weight pre-op and to help me post op.  As a result, I have my pantry fully stocked with all the items I need for this book and became familiar with all the recipes.  

For those of you reading this post, you can't go wrong with getting this book.  It truly is terrific!

Sunday, April 8, 2007 - hungry all day

Apr 09, 2007

What is going on?  I've been so hungry ALL DAY.  No matter what I eat, I can't get rid of the hunger.  Is it period related?  What happened to my period---why isn't it starting.  Why do I get days when I am so hungry all day?  This is the second time.  The last time I had it I thought it was period related but my period didn't start.  Today I ate  1193 calories, 32 fat, 144 carbs!, 81 protein.  I started the day with oatmeal---could the carb count in oatmeal been the problem?  I ate oatmeal for breakfast, a slimfast low carb bar for a morning snack, Bengali chicken and vegetables (recipe from "Eating Well After Weight Loss surgery) for lunch, 2 oz of gimme lean soy sausage and 1 oz of string cheese for a snack, 1/2 can bean with bacon soup and 1/2 cup homemade chili and 1/2 pear for dinner, and a popsicle for nighttime snack.  Those calories sure add up, don't they.  Individually, it doesn't seem so bad, but it added up. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2006 - bad BAD night

Apr 09, 2007

I had a horrible night last night.  I had so much gas I was up in the bathroom about 10 different times.  Most of the discomfort was from gas, but I also had three bowel movements - two of which were diarrhea. Then I had another big visit to the bathroom this morning, which was not diarrhea.   

I sure would like to know what causes this diarrhea when I don't eat during the day and then eat at night.  I'm sure the Bean with bacon soup I ate first thing last evening didn't help.  I love the taste of that soup, but it caused me so many problems last night, I may not eat it again. 

Monday, April 9, 2007 - Dr. Pleatman

Apr 09, 2007

I met with Dr. Pleatman for my one month followup - 5 weeks out.  I found out that Dr. McCullough at Beaumont was so impressed with my incisions because Beaumont uses a larger stapler and Dr. Pleatman uses a smaller one so his incisions are smaller.  Have my next appointment the first week of July.  I wonder what I will look like then.  It seems like such a long time away with so many positive things that will change for me by then.

Because I ate so much yesterday, I didn't eat anything until 4:00 pm.  I ate 1/2 can of Bean with Bacon soup, a slim fast low carb bar.  Later that night I had two sf popsicles and a fudgsicle and some yogurt.  My total nutrition for the day was 425 calories, 21 protein, 65 carbs and 9 protein. 

Every day my supplements include BariatricAdvantage multi-vitamin, bariatricAdvantage, B-12, BariatricAdvantage iron, Knox Nutrajoint with glucosamine, Biotin 5 mg, Chromium Picolonate, one packet of Coromega Omega 3 fish oil.

Friday, April 6, 2007 - Beaumont / Diet

Apr 06, 2007


Well, I officially can now use Beaumont hospital in case I have any WLS complications!  I feel so relieved!   Their Weight Loss Management Center is very impressive.  They have a gym, a dietician, psychiatrist and a exercise physiologist.  They have different support options that vary in cost from a la carte to $750.  Their premium support also includes support in case of weight gain later on down the road.  Dr. Pleatman, my surgeon, also has monthly support group meetings that feature a speaker.  I will still be using Dr. Pleatman, as well as Dr. McCullough.  My nutritionist will still be through Dr. Pleatman's office.  Beaumont separates their medical support between surgical support and medical support.  The surgeon does the surgery and the medical support doctor does the follow up support.  

Dr. McCullough looked at my incisions and commented on what a good job Dr. Pleatman did!  He told me that when they heal completely, it will look like I never even had surgery!

Beaumont also has a body composition thing where it looks like a total body x-ray.  I want to do that.  It costs $90 for two sessions.  I would like to have that done each month.  It seems like it would be more precise than my body composition scale.  

I was disappointed.  Dang I hate scales.  The scale at Beaumont is just a regular digital scale---not a body comp like Dr. Pleatman's office has.  It showed 202.6!  Which would indicate I have only lost 2 pounds in the last two weeks.  I hate scales!  I know I've lost alot of inches, so I'm okay with my progress.  The only measurement they take is waist.  I lost 1.5 inches in my waist since surgery.   UPDATE:  I got on my Tanita body comp scale and was 199.2.  Could the 3 pounds have been the significant bathroom visit?  Other compositions show:  Body fat, 47.8, Body water, 37.5, muscle mass 98.8, BMR 1485, bone mass 5.2.

he lack of progress on the scale must have something to do with my period.  I wish it would start.  It started a week prematurely last month.  It started the first day home from surgery.  So now, its a week late.  Maybe it went back to its regular schedule.  Not sure what to expect.  But the lack of weight loss HAS to be because of that. 

I found out that the blood draw I had done from my PCP last week when I was feeling so tired and weak did not include B12 or iron.  It was just a basic blood draw!  That angers me alot!  So Beaumont did a blood draw specific to my WLS needs.  Aaargh!  Everyone has such a difficult time finding my veins.  This one girl was doing to me the same thing that happened the first time I had to have a blood draw in my life that caused my fear of having my blood drawn!  Sticking the needle in me and feeling around.  Sure enough---I started getting sick to my stomach.  She had to get the other girl to do the draw!  I told her in the beginning that I have trouble.  I just knew she wasn't going to be able to help me.  I found out that if I try to relax and take deep breaths it gets my blood running quicker to the tube.  Speaking of tubes, they had to do 7 of them!  I've had my blood drawn 6 times since surgery.  I just finished my 5th week post op!  And that doesn't include the blood draws I had prior to surgery.  I've had just about enough of that!


Well, I tried to get some more calories and carbs in yesterday.  I did a weekly review of my diet from the FitDay software, and I am not sure my nutrition is optimized.  Of course, I will have to review that with my dietician, but I can't get an appointment with her until 4/16.  My Fitday  nutrition facts are as follows:

Average daily amount:

Calories:  576
Fat:  12g, 19%
Carbs:  45g, 26%
Protein:  72g, 50%

I'm averaging about 2700+ calories per day burned.  So, if I am only getting 576 calories per day in, I am burning 2200 calories more than I am taking in.  I suppose my body is really good at adjusting its metabolism to match the intake.  

I can't wait until my personal trainer gets back from vacation so I can start working out again.  The physical therapy I started this week for my shoulder is something, but certainly not good enough.  Of course, I could just work out on my own.  I just can't seem to force myself to do it.  I've been taping some pilates on the DVR.  I should use those to work out for now.  At least I should be doing my stretching and crunches.  I will follow up tomorrow with what I accomplished today with regard to exercise.  Hehehehe....just a way to keep myself accountable. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - Closet / More PT - WOW moment

Apr 04, 2007


Finally got some energy to clean out my closet and dresser.  Threw away alot of stuff.  For the things I am going to donate, I listed them all.  Washed some and took the rest to the cleaners.  Lots of good clothing!
The owner of the cleaners asked me why I was donating such good clothes.  I told her that I had recently lost some weight and was donating it to others who are also losing weight and are at the point I was at before I lost the weight.


A WOW moment today at my physical therapy appointment for my shoulder---I was explaining to my trainer what my last weight was--204.  (The last time I weighed myself was a couple of weeks ago.  I'm afraid of the scale because I am the kind of person that obsesses over it).  He had a really surprised look on his face and said, "you mean you are carrying 204 pounds on you right now.  No way!".  I had to explain that I had lost more since then.  But its still nice to know that I don't look like I weigh that.  Now I am curious as to what I weigh.  I am just so scared to get on that scale!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - Clothes Exchange / DIET / Physical T

Apr 04, 2007


Well, in the last couple of days, I send out three packages of my clothes using the clothing exchange.  I'm surprised how fast those things go!  I sent out two really nice suits (my best business suits), a nice cream color pair of pants (Loved those pants and they were practically brand new.  Bought them in December for a trip to Vegas).  And a two piece "jogging" suit that was a 1X, but I think it was mismarked because I have another one that is a 1x but it fits better.  

My project for today is to weed out my closet and dresser of all the clothes I either don't want or I can put on clothing exchange.  I know I have several pair of shorts and some dress pants and matching blouses.  

I've already ordered some new clothes.  I have three more jogging suits coming.  Two of them are size Large and one is a medium.  I love these suits.  They are perfect for everyday casual wear and also for working out in.  

In the last couple of days, I have been starting to get my strength back.  I don't know what was going on last week.  I thought it was my period starting, but it didn't.  It should have because it started on 3/5 last month.  But that was a week early and due to surgery.  Maybe all the blood loss from a couple of weeks ago caused a problem with my period.

The past couple of days, I have been only getting in about 500-600 calories.  Very low carbs and fat.  I've been getting in between 60 to 80 grams of protein, but mostly nearer to 60.  I try ALWAYS to limit my carbs.  Atkins worked wonders for me.  Plus, my body type is the type that carbs don't do well with.  My water intake has also improved because I find I don't have to sip sip sip sip.  I can take more regular sips of water. 

I'm feeling thinner and thinner every day.  I stay off the scale.  I know myself.  If that scale doesn't move, I get really upset.  I figure as long as I am following the program, the weight and my health will improve.  I believe that wholeheartedly.  

I want to take a one month picture and keep forgetting to do it.  I need that on my To Do list for today.  


I started Physical therapy for my left shoulder yesterday.  I hurt it back in November and its been getting worse and worse.  I am not able to sleep on my left side, which is my favorite.  That has been very aggravating for me.  I have a hard time sleeping as a result.

So I went to the Knee and Shoulder institute as referred by my PCP.  They took me through the motions with my arm.  Then they wanted to give me a shot.  I was really worried about the shot because they first give you a shot to numb the area.  That alone tells me that the steroid shot is going to hurt.  Well, it didn't at all.  Whew!  

Then they referred me to physical therapy.  I am going to Novacare.  I was able to get my first appointment last night.  She put me through a couple of exercises---two really simple ones. I also have to ice my shoulder three times per day.  In fact, I better do the exercises now, and then ice it up. 

Saturday, March 31, 2007 - Taxes done. Blood tests

Mar 31, 2007

Well, today I decided to go with my husband to get our taxes done.  I thought maybe if I get out of the house and start moving, I would feel better.  Still tired, but not exhausted.  

I got my blood test results in the mail.  This is from the blood draw I had done last week.  Everything was in normal range, even though I don't know what some of the abbreviations are.  Not sure if B12 was tested or if thyroid was tested.  Will have to ask.

I tried eating some regular food.  Yesterday, I made some turkey breast that was marinated in the package.  I was able to eat about 1 oz of teenie tiny pieces.  Today, I warmed it in the microwave in the juice and covered to keep the steam in.  I ate about an ounce of string cheese and then started on the turkey.  I got to about 1 oz and whoa!  The pressure in my chest feels like I have a huge burp ready.  When I burp, its liquid that comes up.  I had to vomit 3 times before I felt better.  One brief pang of pain was OUCH!!  Glad that didn't last long.  Just like the last time I vomited, I think I ate too fast rather than the food not agreeing with me.  And just like the last time, I waited too long to eat and was really hungry.  I will learn really quick that I need to slow down when I eat.  

I think this is really going to be a learning experience for me.  I am already learning that I eat too fast.  No wonder I didn't get full before I consumed more food than I should have pre-op.  I often waited until I was starving hungry before I ate.  I believe now that I was eating too fast.

Friday, March 30 - Exhausted

Mar 30, 2007 its been 2 whole weeks since I've been to see my trainer.  I have been so tired all week.  And its getting worse.  Yesterday was the worst.  I had an appointment every day this week (except for Wednesday) to see my trainer and had to cancel them.  Not sure what is wrong.  So I called my PCP yesterday to get the results of my blood draw and the nurse said all my tests came out normal.  My hemoglobins are at 12.4 thank goodness.  Then, yesterday, I was so hungry all day.  Ah ha!  Its my period going to start.  Same 'ol same 'ol there.  No change in that department since surgery.  Yesterday, I actually had 1100 calories.  135 carbs.  Yikes.  I succumbed to my body's needs.  

So next week I have to start eating soft foods.  I tried a couple of protein bars yesterday and was able to eat them with  no problem.  And I ate both of them in full.  Granted, at one point I felt nauseous.  Its weird how overeating makes me almost feel like I have a hangover.  That is something different since the surgery.  

I also went to bed at 7:00 pm and slept until 3:30 am.  Went back to bed at 6:30 am and slept--SLEPT-- until 8:30.  I fell asleep almost immediately when I went to bed at 7:00. 

Not feeling as tired this morning.  But still am hungry all the time.  Gawd I hope that goes away as my journey continues.  Its the only thing I really want from this surgery---to stop the dang hunger pains. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 - Got my pantry

Mar 28, 2007

I got my custom pantry today!  I LOVE IT!  It is so organized now!  There were two larger items I wasn't able to fit in.  But this is really a nice piece of work.  I got it designed and installed from Closet Factory.  It wasn't difficult putting things back in, but taking them all out yesterday was draining.  I'm in my fourth week post op and any type of vigorous activity is really tiring.  

Last night, my husband put his arm around me in bed and called me "skinny bones".  I asked him if he can really tell and he said he can.  Kewl!  I feel like I am getting smaller.  

Have been trying to get in more than 64 oz of liquid.  I am drinking decaf tea.  I figure if I shoot for 64 oz then I will get to 64 oz.  Didn't do to well so far today with food.  Been busy with the pantry stuff, so as of 5:30 pm, I've only had one shake that only had 15 g of protein.  This is the first time, though, that I haven't been good with my nutrition.  I did take my vitamins, however.

I've also been working on trying to find out if my high school is planning a reunion for this year.  Couldn't find anything about a reunion doing a Google search.  Tried to call the high school for info, but no one called me back.  One thing I did find is a forum talking about my high school.  One of the posters is one of the class officers.  We've been posting back and forth.  He said he heard that a reunion is planned, so I asked him to get me some info if he could.  We went to high school in Michigan, and he lives in Oklahoma now.  He owns a rehab facility.  So many of the people I went to high school with are successful now.   I am happy I am going to be able to lose all this weight.  I would never show up at a reunion weighing what I weigh now.  I wasn't heavy in high school (although I thought I was--looking through teenage eyes).  I was a cheerleader and I would be mortified for people to see how I look now. 

About Me
Clarkston, MI
Surgery Date
Feb 07, 2006
Member Since

Friends 54

Latest Blog 70
Wednesday, October 22--What a life-changing year its been
Body composition
Monday, February 25, 2008 - New Measurements
Thursday, February 7, 2008 - I'm on the cover!!!
Friday, January 11, 2008 - Photo Shoot
