Weight Loss Journey So Far.......

Mar 10, 2009

I actually started to work on losing weight thru this weight loss program.I had to wait a year to have surgery, and most people told me since I am tall I can do it on my own.I started this weightloss program on Feb 9th, 2009.I go weigh in "EVERY" week on Monday's. I am doing this along with another family member.I am so happy with my progress so far.As of today ......"DRUM ROLL PLEASE".......I weigh "258lbs yesssssssssssssss sir, I am doing the damn thang very well.I am days away from a size sixteen (16 yes I said it a 16).I use to wear a size 22 and could almost get in a 24.When I say I am happy  baby I feel like I can and just all over the place.I always wanted to see how I look at 250lbs.I am going to go ahead and push for 230 and for my height that is "PERFECT SIZE".When I tell I never knew I could do it.The program that I am on "REALLY" works wonders.Baby  I only dreamed of sixteens not ever thinking of wearing one but in about a week I think I will be in them.When I go weigh in next Monday I will make sure to  take pics and post them.I am so proud of myself.If I get to a size 14 baby they gone have to call the law cause baby I aint stopping.I know if I lost this much I can keep going.I will keep all of you all posted on my weightloss program.

3rd Appt with PCP

Dec 03, 2008

Long wayyyyyy to go but moving along slowly. All I can do is wait and wait and wait.I got on the scale and it said 292lbs yeah I only lost 2-lbs.I am suppose to lose 2-3lbs a month to meet my 10% required by the insurance company.I have nine more appts to go.I guess this will take forever..I wish everyone else the "BEST"!!!!

2nd Appt with my PCP

Nov 07, 2008

I am so happy about doing this 1 year program.It's really giving me time to research and learn as I go. I gained weight at my appt when I got on the scale I was  294...."YEAH"... I know I was damn I was suppose to be losing I am gaining.But we talked about a weight lose plan that was right for me.I have 10 more appts to go another 10 months of management...."YES I CAN"..."YES I CAN" is all I keep telling myself. Then they will submit my paperwork to my insurance company. I also had to switch my "MEDS" they went up on my HBP meds.I aint doing to good I must lose this weight its killing me.I have a long way to go but must keep on trucking to the loser bench.

Pschy Appt the 1st one!!!!!

Oct 16, 2008

 I am just beginning and it seems like it will take "FOREVER". I am doing everything one step at a time.I have my first Appt schedule for 10/31/08 to see the BEHAVIORAL DOCTOR. I am still praying and researching during my 1 year wait during this program.Somtimes I want to just  but I know this to shall come to pass.I guess I will WAIT and WAIT and WAIT  until time passes by. Wish me "LUCK" I have a lonnnnnngggggggggg journey but will not give up.

My Journey Starts Oct 1 2008

Oct 01, 2008

Well well well....Today I went in to my PCP  to start my year long program(I know my old date dont exist anymore).I started fresh today weighing in at 287lbs....I have a long way to go but will give it 110% effort.I am ready and willing to come over to the losing side.My goal weight for me is 175lb size 10-12.I am now wearing a 22.Well until next time take care be safe and keep the FAITH!!!!!


Jan 10, 2008

I am not giving up on my life.I went to the seminar and learned alot of things I never knew.I feel even more educated on my decision.I am pushing my way towards what I  want in order to feel happy about myself.I just have to attend the 1yr program so my Insurance Company can approve me.I am on my way.And I trust and believe that GOD as brought me this far and he WILL NOT leave me.Well until I move more towards the losing side.To my OH family you all are the BEST.

December 10, 2007 WELL WELL WELL......BAD NEWS

Dec 10, 2007

I went my CHP orientation on 12/06/07.When I first got there they put you on a scale.I only weighed in at 272...YESSS!!!!!!!! I was like OMGGGGG...thats because I been starving myself on that crazy diet and b-6 injections.So when I sat down she told me after the year of attending the program and losing the 10% that is required I would barely QUALIFY for surgery.I wanted to slap her but......I was like I am not giving up.I told her I weigh that much because I been starving myself...but she looked as if she didnt even care.But I am so confussed as to should I give up and start back gaining weight or try to diet and take about 5 years..lol...lol....to lose 100lbs.

Today is November 21,2007...I Got My REFERRAL from my PCP

Nov 21, 2007

I am so HAPPY!!!!!! I went to my PCP today and got my referral.She was very understanding and say she will support me 100% with my choice.I am ready to get the ball rolling.I must attend a SEMINAR with my surgeon before I can get an appointment.I must also attend a year long program before my Insurance company will approve me so here I go.I know and have FAITH that things will work out for the BEST.God be with me!!!!!

Tommorw Starts My Journey!!!!!

Nov 19, 2007

I have an appt to see my primary doctor on 11/21/07 at 10am. I am trying to see if I can get a referral to start my journey. I am ready to begin and become a new person.I have faith that everything will go well and she gives me a referral.I will keep you all posted on my progress and status.GOD BE WITH ME !!!!!!!
