12 week update!!

Dec 04, 2008

Ok I was pretty excited about going to exercise class yesterday because I haven't weighed myself for 2 weeks.  That is like the longest.  Well the final number was 181 lbs.  I lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks.  I will take that.  I was hoping for 179 but at least I have something to shoot for next week.  As of today I have lost 59 lbs.  That is just amazing.  I am getting compliments everyday.  I am purposely running in public so everyone sees that I am trying really hard to lose the weight.  Some people are already talking behind my back wondering if I am doing drugs. 

I am coaching my daughters soccer team. We started on Tuesday.  The team looks really good.  I go running around this local college before practice and the girls love it.  I love it because in a way they are pushing me not the other way around. 

I am a true 16 now in jeans as well as slacks.  I am wearing size large shirts and the best thing is that I no longer have to purchase clothes in the plus size section.  This is the first time since I was 21.  My clothes sizes are going down but the self-esteem is shooting through the roof.  I have never felt better about myself.

Me and my husband are getting along better than ever before.  I really feels that we are dating all over again.  When we are together we are right next to each other.  Our friends thinks it is gross.  They are telling him that he is getting whipped.  Of course I am making that whipping sound when they do...hehe.

I am not going to preach to people about the surgery because it is your last resort.  I tried everything and nothing worked.  This tool is the best purchase I have ever made.  Well this and getting my lasik surgery.  That was great too.

Thanks everyone for all your support.  I don't know what I would do without this OH board.  You guys have so much information for me as well as encouragement. 


14 years together and getting stronger.

Dec 01, 2008

Well we went to a BBQ this weekend and my husand was with me 24-7 and that is not like him.  He never use to sit next to me but now he will not leave my side.  He tells me it is like dating all over again.

When this was taken I was actually telling him something and he decides he wants to bite me.  14 years together, 5 children and still in love.


New Haircut!!!

Dec 01, 2008

Well I haven't had a haircut in 8 months so I decided to chop it off like I always do and then start all over and grow it long again.  Here are some of my pictures I took with my boys.  I am totally amazed that my oldest took a picture with me.  He hates taking pictures.

DSC01283.jpg picture by Nahealani

DSC01287.jpg picture by Nahealani

DSC01276.jpg picture by Nahealani


11 week update

Nov 24, 2008

Well everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving.  There is no weigh in this week because excercise class has been canceled so I decided to post 2 days early.  I decided to put my day before picture up and yesterdays pictures.  I can see a difference.

These are my bosses and I

Again the bosses.  Took me out for my last meal.


Side view 11 weeks out. Around 188

Front view around 188.

I don't know why I ain't smiling.  I think the sun was in my eyes. 

I am still down 52 lbs and feeling great.  I am wearing size 16 jeans now.  I no longer shop in the plus sizes.  Shapewear is becoming my best friend.


Wow 10 Weeks already!!!!

Nov 20, 2008

Well this has been the fastest 10 weeks in my whole life.  Who would have thought that I would lose 52 lbs in 10 short weeks.  I am 5"4" and in the begining I was 240 lbs.  Now I am at 188 lbs.  I haven't been in the 80's since 2000. 

I am still in a size 18 jeans however they are getting big.  I have so many 18's that I am just going to wear a belt soon.  I am so happy to be out of them 22's.  3 months ago I was suppose to buy some 24's but I refused so I just wore tight pants.  Now those 22's are so loose.  I donated much of my old clothes to local charities.  I think I had 3 large garbage bags full of clothes.  My husband told me to hold on to them just in case.  I told him hell no.  I will never be that big again. 

People on the Lightweight board call me the Shrimp lady because that is all I seem to eat everyday.  I make dinner for my family however since I don't eat the samething and want something fast shrimp is the way to go.  It is done in 3 minutes and I just love them. 

Hair loss.  Everyone always ask about hairloss on these boards.  Well I have been losing handfuls however I have so much hair already that I actually love my hair now more than before.  I always told my nut that I don't care if I lose hair.  I don't have to go to get my haircut now because before they would just thin it out.  Before I had to wash it everyday however now about every 3 days and it is still soft and smooth.  I love it.

Excercise.  O hell I hate to excercise.  I hurt my knee last week so I stopped excercising for a week.  It is fine now so I need to get my butt into gear and start again.  I went to class last night and we did yoga.  I hate yoga.  I rather do arobics.  It makes the heart pump.  I should do my Hip Hop Abs today when I go home.

Ok folk talk to you later.


9th Week Update.

Nov 13, 2008

Well lets see my weightloss is excellent.  I went to excercise class to weigh in and guess what I am down to 190.  This is 50 lbs lost.  I am already lost 50% of my excess weight.  OMG last week I was excited to break 200 and now I am totally excited to get to 180.  My New Years goal is to be 179.  I really think I can do it. 

I am still eating about the same.  I eat shrimp every day.  I am really lazy so I just make shrimp cocktail.  I normally eat just 6 medium size shrimps.  I love my dry roasted almonds and beef jerky.  That reminds me I need to go to Costcos and by me a bag.  Their beef jerky is so tender.  I can't eat the hard stuff.  When I am working at Taco Bell I make myself a mini Taco Salad.  When I say mini I mean a small bowl, the ones they make the pinto and cheese in.  This is sooo good.  I love it.  I only eat about half. 

Excercising - Well it is doing better than before.  I am starting to run now.  My knee was starting to hurt yesterday.  Cindy, my physical trainer told me that I am using the wrong shoes and that I need to get jogging shoes.  Ok however I don't have money so I will buy them very soon.  Until then I will just take it easy on the running and walk most of the way.  I can now run 1.5 miles non stop.  OMG what a feeling.  Let me tell you it feels good to do it however my body don't like it.  I am so exhausted.  I am still trying to go walking and running on my lunch hour so that is working out good.  Taco Bell is another place that I excercise.  I love to volunteer to sweep and mop the dinning room floor.  This is 45 minutes of excercise and I actually like doing it.  Don't tell my husband I hate cleaning the house.

I really have to get my two months pictures up however my son took some last night and the lighting was all wrong so I have to take more today.  I promise to get them up soon.


8 Weeks Down!! 43lb gone!!!

Nov 06, 2008

Well here is my weekly posting about my journey.  I am 8 weeks down and feeling FAB-U-LUS!!! My starting weight was 240 at 5'4".  Today I am 197 lbs.  I can't wait to type in 189 I will try harder to excercise.  I am a very busy person and trying to get it in is really difficult.  I know excuses but I do need to sleep.

I started my PT job at Taco Bell.  My parents and SIL was like why are you working there you have a great job.  Well I told them that I am working there so I can give my children something.  I hate feeling like I can't take them to the movies, buy them things just to reward them for being great children.  They are starting to do chores and I want to pay them so they know the value of a dollar.  This job is totally cool.  I am really enjoying myself however I am so tired when you only get 4 hours of sleep before your next job.  Thank god I only work 3 days a week.

I am still going to excercise class at the Wellness Center and I just love it.  I do complain a little but who don't when you are excercising.  Cindy is a blast she really keeps me motivated.

As for the food.  I think I am living on shrimp cocktail, LF beef jerky, almonds and poke.  That is all I seem to be eating now days.  When I don't know what to eat I head straight to the freezer pull out 6 to 8 shrimp, defrost and then get my cocktail sauce.  So far one bag that cost $10 last me 4 weeks already and I still have the other half.  When my husband tells me that I have an expensive diet I told him $10 for 1 month is nothing and I still have some left. 

I am fitting into 16 slacks however I am still wearing my 18 jeans because I don't want to buy.  The 18s are still up however halfway through the day they are starting to fall.  I am so loving life right now. 

If anyone wants to know if they should do it I say put your seat belt on because it is a ride!!! I do miss eating many of the different foods.  I would like to try everything at a potluck however I just can't.  I find 2 things that I want to eat and that is it.  Nothing more.  I wish I could have desert but I don't, I want noodles but I don't, and I really want a soda but I don't.  I hear people saying can I have this or can I drink this?  Are you serious?  I waited a long time to do this and you can only think about a soda?  You are not ready to make a life changing surgery if you think you can cheat.  This surgery is not for cheaters it is for people that want it so bad that they would do anything to do it.  And we did we got the surgery to help us get our lives back.  Ok enough with the rant.


Went to the bar and did really well.

Nov 03, 2008

Well Saturday me and about 20 people went to the bar.  We had so much fun.  These two people I took pictures with were my closest friends that I work with at the bank.  I haven't worked with them for the last 6 years however we are as close as sisters.  I did really well I got my crystal lite and my raw fish and I was all good.  Here are a few pictures.

Me and my husband

This is the table of all the food available.  I only ate the raw fish and edamame. 

7 week update

Oct 30, 2008

It has been 7 weeks already and the scale is starting to move again.  Yesterday when I went to way in it was at 201.  This is 2 lbs from my Halloween goal of 199.  Well guess what I jumped on the scale this morning at it said 199.  I am in onderland!!!!!  With one day to spare.  Well I know I usually go with Wednesday total but for today I am going with Thursdays.  I can use every 2 pounds.

Well exercise class yesterday was fun.  It was just aerobics not steps.  I can do this all day long.  Those steps are the one that kick my butt.  I still need to up my exercise during the week.  There is no excuse but pure laziness.  I do go for a walk at lunch or go to the gym but I should put in a little bit more in the evening.  The morning walks are history I am too tired and it is also to dark now.  (Again another excuse).

Eating is doing OK.  I am actually eating a little bit more now.  I have the weirdest diet ever.  Lets look at what I ate yesterday for example:
B: 1 slice of provolone cheese w/ 5 slices of salami, 7 almonds
L: 5 Triscuits w/ 1T of 7 layer dip, 2 pieces of shrimp
D: 6 pieces of shrimp cocktail
I will probably have the same thing for today.  I should be drinking my protein shakes but I just want to drink my water.  I was going to start having my protein bars for breakfast but the salami and cheese was calling my name.  I am still eating less than 2 oz of food at a time or less than 1/2 cup if it is a soup substance.  I am not eyeballing because I know me my eyes are way bigger than my stomach and now it is like 10 times bigger.

Thanks everybody here at OH for being a great support for me.  I really appreciate it.  My girlfriend Shelly is the best-est friend ever.  I try not to talk about my weight loss with her but she always brings it up.  She lives in Vegas and without her I would be lost. 

OK this is my blog and I can write what I want to with out being blasted right.  Well let me tell you the sex life is awesome.  My husband is loving the lighter me.  I am not making him do all the work now if you know what I mean. 

OK that is it for me.


OMG...WOW...But OMG!!!

Oct 28, 2008

Ok you guys know that I work at a construction site with a bunch of guys.  (Yes some are very hunky but that is not the OMG)  Well one of our inspector went on his rounds to check out the grounds and 5 construction workers was asking him.  "So whats up with Asia?  She is losing a lot of weight"  Now they see me going on a walk at lunch almost everyday so they know I am excercising and one of the guys live close to me so he sees me walking at home too.  They asked if I was doing DRUGS..... OMG! are you serious?  I mean Wow they are noticing the weight loss but OMG to drugs.  Just wait for another 3 months. 

My co-worker told them that I am not doing drugs and that I had surgery.  I was kind of upset with him and told him that I don't tell anyone about my surgery except my co-workers and family.  But what is done is done and he promised not to tell anybody else. 

Ok that was a WOW moment.  I think?????

About Me
vancouver, WA
May 13, 2008
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