GO TO THE GYM: 274.6LBS 4/5/2009

Apr 05, 2009

I answered my own question. yes. you can lose all the weight you want without ever stepping foot in a gym....but how do your legs look in that mini skirt you've been waiting to wear? how does you kneck and shoulders look in that new sundress/halter top or tank top? We have to look into and at ourselves and ask: is it all about losing the weight and being cute in our winter clothes, but dread the summer? On days when I feel like the 91lbs i've lost is slow and not enough and I feel i could be losing more, I feel liberated knowing i am doing it a different way. Maybe not the right way--but the most improved way if you ask me or anyone that does it. I strongly believe that exercise and surgery are the best route when used together. It makes things fall back into place easier.

I went to a sorority function last night, and my friend all ask me what diet am i on, what am i doing to tone up and i tell them that I had gastric bypass, then I tell them that i also workout and they are suprised. One friend said to me, " you dont look like you had gastric bypass...all the people i know have that sickly looking neck, or are all sunken in and scary looking." I didnt know how to take that, but in retrospect, I guess I take it as a compliment. I guess. But i also take that as society's response to people who've had surgery. I asked her if they worked out, she said no, but they lost the weight so soon. Then I get the next statement: "please dont lose anymore weight." When people find out i've still got about 90lbs more to go, they think of it as a death sentence. I swear that the worse thing you can tell to a wls patient: dont lose anymore weight. Like we got enough shit going on in our lives trying to be accepted and literally "fit in" everywhere. Whatever, I'll lose as much weight as i have to while the gate is still open. Same with the gym. I will go as much as I can and twice as often b/c I know that one day, I might stop going to the gym. I will stop losing weight, but I do know this: I won't get back to 366lbs, let alone, 300 anything. And if i can help it, I'll let the 200's go all together!!! Praise the Lord!!!!! So enough of my ramble......

How was your wls journey this past month!?



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