Too Fat for Healthcare

May 23, 2010

I had my annual physical in April with my PCP. She ordered blood work and since my last bone density scan was in 2007 she wanted me to have another. Bone density is an important test for post-bariatric surgery patients, since our bodies don’t absorb nutrients properly. We are told to take calcium daily, but even then it’s possible that our bodies won’t get enough, especially for female patients. Well, it turns out my Vitamin D was very low. Our bodies need Vitamin D for many reasons, one of which is to help absorb Calcium. So I’m on a high dose Vitamin D supplement and I scheduled my bone density test.

On Friday I went for the test. It was the same hospital where I had the last one done, it’s also the same hospital that has those nice oversized chairs in the waiting room. Well that seems to be where the obese patient friendly environment ends. The woman calls my name for the test, sees me, and then immediately looks at my paperwork. When I get to the hallway she politely asked if I’ve had the test before. I replied “yes, I had it here 3 years ago”. She then tells me that she can’t do the test because the equipment only holds up to 300lbs. I’m currently 380ish. She said they had moved the previous piece of equipment which I was probably scanned with last time; it had a higher weight capacity. I told her I’d be willing to go where ever the other equipment was, but that I did weigh less the last time the test was done. She went to contact the other facility while I waited. She came back with bad news, the other equipment only held up to 350lbs, so I was still too fat.

She then asked me if I had been told I had osteoporosis. I replied, “no, but my PCP wants to monitor me since I’ve bariatric surgery, in addition I’m taking Depo Provera which can cause osteoporosis”. She then told me “don’t worry; you’ll be fine…the fat actually protects your bone, you don’t need this test.” However, she was nice enough to give the name of the machine and told me I could call GE and ask where a higher weight capacity machine was located in my area. I told her I was very involved with an online obesity support website and that I would definitely get the information, if not for me, but for others. 

If obesity is one of leading health issues in the United States why isn’t more being done to help obese patients? How can we try to improve our health when not only medical devices, but workout machines can’t even hold us?

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About Me
Portsmouth, OH
Surgery Date
Jan 28, 2003
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Before & After
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September 2000 - My 23rd Birthday...on my way to being one of my last. Highest weight ever, way over 500lbs, but 502 was the highest I ever saw on a scale.
February 2007-Post-op Panniculectomy...I've lost half myself!!!

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