How did I get this busy?

Dec 05, 2007

Work is not so busy, but this is definitely the season for parties and cheer!!  I can't believe how many people have told me that they don't recognize me.  It's really getting freaky!!!  I have had a few people come up to me who weren't sure I was me!!

I need to go get weighed.  I guess I am hesitating because I have been exercising and eating junk food.  I don't think that will promote weight loss!  I have to get my eating under control.  I may actually be staying the same.  I did notice some inches gone and clothes are still getting looser.  We will see.  I have to go get weighed and move forward.  That is the kick I need to stop eating the junk.  Thanks for letting me share.  LOL

When is God sending my husband?

Nov 23, 2007

Where is Hans???  Most of my friends know my ongoing joke about Hans.  I will let you in on the joke....

Since I know God gives us the desires of our heart, I know he will send me a man with the qualities that will help keep me faithful and monogamous in my marriage.  I am attracted to men over 6 ft. tall, with accents and that's about all it takes!!!

I have always had a desire to travel to other countries and to date, I have only lived in Puerto Rico.  Next year I am going to Germany with a friend who used to live there with her ex-husband who was in the military.  I am sure that this where be when I mean Hans or whatever his name will be.

Proof that this is going to happen came a few weeks ago when I went hiking with this friend and others.  We stopped to rest and 3 men came and we were going to move to let them pass.  One told us we didn't have to and we started to talk.  When they introduced themselves one guy said "This is my friend visiting from Germany".  Immediately and simultaneously my friend and I asked, "Is your name Hans?"

He said no and for the life of us, we can't remember another word he said after that because we were laughing so hard!!!!  They proceeded to tell us about how they are Christians and his friend from Germany is also.  I took that as a sign from God.  He was telling me that Hans is just around the corner and he could be here already!!!!  It could also mean, the more I go hiking the more men from Germany I will find!!!  Maybe not, but you get my point, right?

I know of so many women that have surgery and the men are still with them.  I wasn't with anyone before surgery so now I wonder how I will treat a man who seems to be attracted to me when I am thin.  I hope I don't feel he is superficial and blow him off.  I don't want to miss my Hans!

I'm 45 and have never been married.  I mostly contributed it to the fact that I was never thin so men weren't attracted to me.  I was engaged twice, but the men that seemed to be attracted to big women, were always weirdoes to me....LOL

Anyway, I was just sharing my thoughts out loud.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 23, 2007

I did quite well!  I ate small portions all day at every house I visited.  I put tons of gravy on my mash potatoes.  I didn't eat much turkey, I don't like it much. I had tons of other stuff.  I only ate a few bites of desserts.  I haven't had any cravings for sweets lately.

This morning, I had trouble eating Go figure?

People continue to compliment me along my weight loss journey.  It's really getting wierd.  I keep hearing things like, "You are just shrinking"  "You look so good"  "You must feel so much better". They are all such strange comments that I have never heard before and it's beginning to freak me out.

I'm back in AZ

Nov 19, 2007

I can only guess God wanted me to remember why I left PA and came to AZ because that is all I was reminded of while I was there.  I was freezing, it snowed all day the last day, I saw people I would never hang out with again and my ex-fiance is worse off than when I left him 12 years ago.  All in all, it was a good trip.

My niece had her big 30th birthday party.  It was awesome.  I had dinner and hung out with some friends I hadn't seen in several years.

One of my friends had WLS and is a size 8!!!  I was able to see my  Lots of friends and family could see the weight loss already.  I'm going to post more pics from the party.  Some of my clothes I wore there are too big now.  It's really freaking me out.

Some days I look at myself and still see me the same size and don't feel like it shows.  I wonder why that is.  Some days I think I haven't lost enough weight for strangers to not call me fat.  I would like to be past that already!!

I'm freezing

Nov 17, 2007

I left 84 degrees for 46 degrees.  I'm here, but I'm freezing.  There are actual flurries outside. I'm going to take a nice hot shower and try to stay warm.  God help!!!  I wish my niece could have a birthday in the summer or at least live in

Leaving for PA tomorrow

Nov 14, 2007

I'm finally getting a little excited.  My sister and I are going to PA for her daughter's birthday, which is today.  The party is 11/17/07 and I'm going to be freezing!!!  I wish she was born in April or lived in FL where it was

I haven't been feeling excited about going to go  I have been getting up at 5 am and walking my 2 1/2 to 3 miles in the morning before work with my dog!  I'm actually going to walk before we leave for the airport tomorrow.

I almost had a cold, but I fought it off with OJ and V8.  I just about hate them both, but they worked.  I need to call my RN at my surgeon's office to find out if I can have Echinachea with Golden Seal.  I used to take that all the time but had to stop due to the diabetes.  I remember the doctor stating it couldn't be taken with the diabetes meds or anyone who has diabetes.  I'll get clarification later.  Anyway,  I'll be cold, think of me...

Third time hiking

Nov 12, 2007

God sure does have a sense of humor .  I went on the easy trail, back to South Mountain on Saturday and fell!  LOL  I skinned my left knee, left elbow and left hand.  Thank God a jogger was behind me and put his backpack under my head.  Two other joggers came from the opposite direction and the three of them helped me up.  I was so sad, I still needed 3 people to pick me up.  I had the shakes (like after a car accident) and the adrenaline was kicking.  I was only about half a mile into my hike.  I went on and did the whole 3 miles.  The hikers I met there were on another more difficult trail.  I waited for them at a rest point (1.5 miles) and then used their Neosporin.

I don't know why I keep falling, except God wants to keep me humble .  I did hear some of the others fell and one girl is young and falls all the time.  They say she is clumpsy.  So, I don't feel so bad.  I'm gonna just keep on trucking (hiking).  Pray I learn to bounce back up after I fall or better yet, I don't fall!!!  LOL

5.4 more pounds down!!

Nov 09, 2007

I'm actually excited and have been looking forward to hiking all week!  It's seems crazy that I enjoy the sore thighs and I can't wait to do it again.  I always was one for torture, only this time, it's a good torture!!! 

I was weighed last night before choir practice and I lost another 5.4 pounds and that is with exercising 3 to 4 days a week.  I can't wait to see how much I will lose when I'm up to my goal of 6 days a week.  I have been participating in the choir's "Biggest Loser" contest and I'm not even winning!!!  One lady lost 10 pounds in a week!  She must be cheating somehow.  I'm telling God on her...!!!  LOL

So far I am hiking on Saturday mornings and doing aqua aerobics on Mondays and Wednesdays.  I am going to try and make it to the body tone and conditoning class after hiking on Saturday.  I still need to get up early on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and exercise.  I will try it this Tuesday and just start from there.

Thanks again to everyone who continues to encourage me.  I have received so many emails and phone calls from people who have been reading my blog on OH and that is awesome!!!

Hiking and lived!

Nov 04, 2007

Needless to say, I did not do the entire 4 miles climbing up to the plataeu to see the view.  I did about 1/2 mile (climbing up rocks) and then back down.  I then walked on the flat trail 1/2 mile and then back.  So, I did 2 miles and lived!!  I'm actually looking forward to hiking on Saturday again.  I want to go back to South Mountain this time.  Superstition Mountain was hard, I may have to come back to that in a few months.

After hiking, I did water aerobics in my pool and was feeling good.  Thank God for Tylenol!!!  I had to sing at church most of the day and felt the Tylenol wearing off.  My thighs were hurting, I just popped 2 more and pain is gone!!!  I should be able to get up for work

I'm still struggling to get up in the morning before work, but I will work on that. I have been in the pool at least twice a week in the evenings.  I need to increase that more.  Everyone has been so supportive and encouraging.  I really need that now since I'm just starting out.  I do love the variety of the exercise.

I posted my pic with me wearing the same shirt post surgery.  I can see a difference.

It sounds so strange, I have a few people at work and church that keep referring to me as "skinny".  I keep thinking, if they think 377 pounds is skinning, what will they call me when I reach my goal of 179?  Invisible?

Second time hiking

Nov 04, 2007

I just found out from my friends that we are hiking a different trail/mountain than last Saturday.  I don't like  I have to admit, the trail was easy for me and it needed to be since I was nervous for my first time.  I was planning on walking faster, not taking a harder and new trail.  I'm scared!!! 

My weight loss has slowed down, I hope it's because I'm just starting to workout more.  I guess I can't complain, I have lost something every week.  One of my new co-workers saw my pics on this site and said I don't even look the same yesterday.  I decided to wear the same shirt and have him take a picture of me.  I CAN SEE THE DIFFERENCE!!!    I may keep this shirt and take a picture each month or so.  I will post it later this weekend.  That was a great motivation for me to go hiking as scared as I am.  Pray I don't break a

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 07, 2007
Member Since

Friends 39

Latest Blog 63
My dad
God sends me signs....He calls....NO REALLY!!
One year Dr. appt today...bummer
Confession time
Almost a year ago....
Almost a year????
Exercise, exercise, exercise....
I did it!!
