
Sep 17, 2007

I stopped by my primary care physician's (PCP) office today before I came into work to see how much I weigh.  Their scales are about 1 to 2 pounds more than my surgeon's office, but I couldn't wait!!!  I weigh 399 pounds and 12 oz!!! Praise God!!!  I haven't been under 400 pounds in over 18 years.  This was one of my little goals on the way to the big goal.  My next goal is....I'll have to think about that.  I should have them lined up by now.  I guess I'm still in denial that this is happening and I'm even going to reach my goal.  I still can't believe it.

Someone asked me if I'm tired of people asking how much weight I have lost....ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!  When has anyone ever asked me how much weight I have LOST before....bring it on.....

Every time I eat, I either eat too fast or too much and I throw up.  I'm down to barely eating one to two meals a day.  I'm tired of getting sick and I'm only eating because I know I have to.  I'm never hungry.  I do get cravings and manage to keep down salt free chips with Underwood chicken spread.

It's 4 wks for me today.  Everything else is going well.  I have tons of energy, I get all my water intake in and can see the weight dropping off.  I exercise 2 to 3 times a week.  I need to work in the weekdays better.

Any suggestions?  Anyone have similar situation?  My Nut told me to eat slower and wait for the full feeling.  I need to do that better, It just takes so long to eat 2 bites!!!  LOL

This is hard work!!!

Sep 12, 2007

I have no desire to eat, no hungry pains and would probably forget if people at work were not using the microwave in my office!  I was having trouble digesting my food.  I have been eating fish and meat high in protein (pâté style) since I hate just about all protein drinks.  I kept having food stick on the way down and it gave me great pain.  At first I thought it was the full pain, but it felt different, more like a HEART ATTACK!!!  lol

I called my Nut and she said to break up the dense meat with some salt free saltines and now I am pain free.  I actually enjoy eating now.  It was not on my list of things to do.  I am still averaging about 200 to 300 calories a day and I'm not sure how much protein since I don't finish eating anything.  I'm not dead and have tons of energy so I guess I'm eating enough to sustain myself.

More will be revealed....  I didn't get weighed yet.  I decided to wait until the end of the month.  I'm so excited about being 300 and something that I would be upset if I weighed in at 402...lol  I want to make sure the next time I get weighed that I am definitely under 400 lbs....lol

I went to visit the old Catherine's store I used to work at (large women's clothes in AZ).  I bought some things on clearance.  I bought one size down for now and some things 2 sizes down for later.  I spent $35, didn't want to go overboard.

My friend/former co-worker Irma has decided to attend my church after seeing all the blessings God has given me through this awesome body of people.  Last Sunday we went to the Connect 1 class-learning about the church and she enjoyed it.  I went for support and now she is going to attend Connect 2 which is 6 Sundays in a row to learn about the doctrine of the church and what is expected of members.  I actually decided to take the class since it is designed to help you become familiar with people in your neighborhood that also attend the church.  My friend, Irma, and I will be attending 2 different classes since we live in 2 different areas.  She is actually helping get more familiar with those in my church.

Irma and I met with Caleb and he taped her discussing her interest in attending the church.  I'm so excited about this documentary, I can't wait to see it.

I am just amazed at how my body is changing.  I'm watching my fingers get small and my rings are too big.  They fall off when I'm typing at work.  My feet aren't as wide and my shoes are getting big.  My bras are getting loose and my face is sinking in.  I have less of a neck...all this at just 3 weeks and 3 days since surgery.  It's actually freaking me out!!!

Appt with surgeon today

Sep 05, 2007

I actually lost another pound overnight!!!  I'm at 407.  Just 8 more pounds and I'll be 399!!!  I can't wait.   It is so cool to see all the people in my class that had surgery around the same time.  All of our appts. have been the same day.  Our 2 month appt is on different days....how will I make it?  LOL

I'm going to go home and try on some 4X clothes that were too tight and see if they fit.  I'll be digging back deep in the closet for those...lol

Two week post op class

Sep 04, 2007

Today was my first day back to work.  I only worked 7 to 12:30 since I had to attend my post op class with the Nut and Exercise RNs.  I see my surgeon tomorrow morning.  We are now on phase 2, mushy food.  I just had meatloaf and mash potatoes with gravy.  It could have filled a thimble, but man was it good!!!

I was weighed tonight and I lost 5 more lbs., so I'm at 33 total so far.  I went right to Boston Market for food and I'm sure it will last for the next 3 days if I eat meatloaf and mash potatoes for lunch and dinner the rest of the week.  Believe me, I will!!!!

I'm so excited about the world of food that is available now.  I really am getting full on small quantities.  I ate the first time too fast and it came back.  The second time, I ate it slow and everything stayed down.  It just amazes me how little I need and how slow I have to eat.

I can handle the mushy stage for awhile.  I can have more patience waiting for solid food since there is so much more I can eat.  I'm going to try tuna salad later this week!!!

I'm at 408.  I am just 9 pounds away from being under 400.  I have been over 400 pounds for at least 18 years.  I can't remember the last time my weight began with 3.  Praise God, I'm so excited for this minor milestone......More will be revealed.


Sep 03, 2007

Here's my confession.  I keep eating chicken wings and they keep coming back.  I am able to eat the string cheese, SF jello and SF whip cream.  I'm off the ice kick, but still enjoy all my SF Crystal light flavors...grape and rasberry lemonade are my favorites.

I have had instant grits.  One packet lasts me 3 days for breakfast.  I add butter, 2 Splenda packets and skim milk.  It comes out to about 4 soupy like spoons and I'm stuffed.  That is my new breakfast.  I return to work Tuesday and I'll have b/f here at home.  I've packed the lunch (soup) and some snacks (jello and cheese).  I tried instant mash potatoes with butter.  One pack will probably last me for weeks since I boil 2/3 cup of water and just add some butter and skim milk.  I may try soup broth on them next time.

I had to confess that fried chicken skin is my only craving that I won't stop eating.  It keeps coming back, but I need to stop.  Well, actually, in a few weeks I can have chicken.  I love that I can't overeat.  This is how this tool is helping me the most right now.  Thank God!!!

I am back to swimming and doing my aerobics in the pool.  I had a mini-pool party today and worked out for 30 minutes in the water before anyone came.  A friend bought KFC and there I was peeling, chewing and chucking.....lol

I am excited to get weighed tomorrow at my post op class from 1 to 3.  I will be back to work tomorrow for only a half day.  I cleaned some dresses out of the closet today that were a little big on me before surgery.  I have my eye on a few outfits in the closet that are too tight.  In a few weeks I should be able to fit them.  It is so weird not to be waiting a few month or a year to fit in an outfit!!!

Next post op appt

Aug 30, 2007

I have a class scheduled on 9/4/07 from 1 to 3.  I'll only be working a half day due to that.  The following day, I meet with my surgeon for follow up at 9:45 am.  I'm excited to get weighed and see where I am!!  At my class I will schedule my 60 day post op appt.  These are all mandatory and they should be. 

So far things are going well.  I learning to pace my water intake better.  I have to start real early so I don't get so dehydrated.  I still don't have much of an appetite.  I'm eating lots of cream of soups and drinking my skim milk.  I still have no taste or desire for those protein shakes.  I have had so many brands and still nothing tastes appealing. I'm not going to try any more.  What a waste of time and money for me!!!

I can't wait until I can have watermelon.  I really do miss fruit.  And before you say it, no, I'm not sucking the juice....lol 

One week post op

Aug 28, 2007

I went to my regular Dr. and was weighed yesterday.  I ONLY lost 5 lbs.  I want double digits every week....lol  I see the surgeon on 9/4/07 and I better have my double digits by then....lol  I did my aqua aerobics last night since most holes on my belly are healed.  Liquid band aid is a beautiful thing!!!!

I have my new laptop all set up.  I'm trying to get this wireless to work and then I will be complete. I will keep you all posted.  Did anyone see the eclipse last night.  I was up around 2 am and saw the start.  I hate not working.  I'm bored, but I need to read more.

Today I go into work to give urine.  They are running low....lol  j/k, I have to take a urine test since my company is changing owners.  All staff did it last week and I was in the hospital so I get to go today.  My friends say they can notice the weight loss in my face.  I guess the staff will too!

Today's bold move....I'm going for sugar free jello and sugar free Cool Whip.  More to come....

I'm home and doing well

Aug 26, 2007

God is good!! I only had a few moments when I thought, "God did we screw up?" LOL I lost 23 pounds during the one week liquid diet pre-op!! I will see my regular Dr. tomorrow for a blood sugar level and see how much I have lost just 7 days after surgery. I'm excited. Here are my fun experiences at the hospital... I always have the urge to make engine noises when riding in the bed. They wheel me in elevators, down the halls, to take tests, it's an adventure to me since I have never been in the hospital before. I found myself going, "brrrrruuuummmm" as we go down the halls and "beep, beep" to anyone in our way. Everyone (the entire hospital staff) was so awesome, they indulged my idosincrises and I'm sure thought I was escentric. I cared not!!! I wanted to have fun and that I did. I remember someone talking about being in the moment since this isn't going to happen again. I remember it all and couldn't wait to get here to post. My new computer will be ready for pick up tomorrow so I'm posting from the ecafe at church. I was wheeled into the OR awake and saw this skinny long table and asked where would they put me if I weighed 800 lbs.? The anestegiologist said there is a smaller table they would have used! LOL I actually walked over and got on the table. It was like a seesaw! I'm rocking my legs back and forth swinging and finally they told me they were ready for me to lay down. They kept telling me "no one walks in the OR, this is so strange!" I'm thinking, yeah, that's me! They told me my arm would sting and tingle where the IV goes. I remember saying, "I feel the sting" and I guess I was out cold from that second on.... When I woke up the pain from the gas was so strong that it felt like a heart attack. Thank God for this website and you all posting about your experiences. I told the RN when the pain was immediately and she changed the meds so I could be relieved. I was off to my room to rest, but not for long. I was up and walking. The morphine was not helping so they switched me and then I was fine. I didn't eat except for ice cubes. I couldn't seem to get enough!!! I had visitors with my sister that kept me up walking and arranged everything so it was at my fingertips by the bed. Thank God!!! That silly IV was hitting everything...lol I did get to watch my AZ Diamondbacks play and that was it for TV. Not much of a watcher. The Dr. that gave me my post op upper GI wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. He never heard of the VSG surgery and therefore kept demanding that I take a larger gulp of liquid. I was frustrated, but I did as he requested and you guessed it, we had a clean up on isle 3!!! My surgeon wasn't pleased when I told him what happen. I guess he had to go educate the man. LOL Dr. V was so great, he spoke to one of the Pastor's at my church with his wife, my sister, my friend (Dr. Lisa who came to observe the surgery) and Caleb who was taping the documentary of everything. He was patient and since my surgery should have been 30 minutes, he took 90 to explain everything to Lisa. She said I couldn't have prayed for a better surgeon. I did and God sent him!!! I came home and took the liquid meds that just made me drowsy all day. I stopped them the next morning and took Tylenol 500 mg and I was fine. I only took the Tylenol gel caps one day. I just feel like someone punched me in the stomach about a week ago and it only hurts if I lay on my stomach or rollover in bed. I have to say the desire to eat was not there until 4 days after surgery. I'm not carving anything, but I am still going out with others. That maybe where the desire to eat came back. I went out to a sports bar to watch 2 games and do karoke so I sucked the honey barbeque sauce off the drumstick of a wing....lol I got brave (and stupid) and chewed the meat. I practically purreed it in my mouth!!! Came home and politely threw it up....lol It was just as purreed as when it went down...lol So much for solids.... I can't take my meds, the pills are too big. I'm sipping like crazy and love all my sugar free Crystal light flavors!!! I love sugar free popsicles and bought a huge bag of crushed ice. I can't have enough. I know it's AZ and I'm just trying to stay hydrated. I can't wait to see how much I have lost tomorrow. If my computer purchase goes well, I'll be online from home tomorrow afternoon. I missed you all. Daisy, thanks so much for being my angel and keeping everyone posted. Thank you all for your prayers, care, concern and information. I'm heading home and will post more, God willing. God bless!

The day before surgery

Aug 19, 2007

I just finished attending the 8:30 service at church and so many people have come up to me to say they will be praying and they are excited for me.  I'm actually using one of the computers at church to post.  I stayed around talking until the 10:30 service began and more people came up to me with hugs and well wishes.  Praise God!!!  I feel so loved and supported!!

I still am not nervous and I know that God will take care of everything.  I'm off to drop off my animals.  Take care and God bless.

Last post until surgery!!!

Aug 17, 2007

Caleb came to the church last night and filmed my singing without music and then we went to the gym so he could film me doing my water exercises.  It actually went well.

He'll be over my place Sunday night before the surgery to get my feelings on the final evening.  This has been crazy trying so hard not to leave anything undone at work so people won't criticize me.  I also don't want to leave things for others because they are so overwhelmed.  I told most of my clients and they are aware I won't be able to be reached.  The rest is in God's hands.  I just hope I didn't forget anything major!!!

Everyone keeps asking me if I scared or nervous.  At first I kept replying with, "Not yet, but I guess it will come in time".  Actually, I don't think fear is going to come because I love the Lord and if for some strange reason things go wrong in surgery and He takes me, all the better for me.  You all might be sad, but know I'm having a blast.  As for my family, don't sue, it was God's will!!!!

I can't believe that 3 years or so ago I thought this would never happen since the insurance company denied me.  My thoughts were to get out of debt and pay for it myself in about 10 years!!!!  Now all I have to do is get out of debt and keep serving God.

Well, back to work.  Lord knows I don't want to forget to hand in my timesheets for my time off!!!!  See you all lighter....God willing.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 07, 2007
Member Since

Friends 39

Latest Blog 63
My dad
God sends me signs....He calls....NO REALLY!!
One year Dr. appt today...bummer
Confession time
Almost a year ago....
Almost a year????
Exercise, exercise, exercise....
I did it!!
