Diminishing Dawn’s Posts

Diminishing Dawn
on 11/9/05 5:31 am
Topic: RE: Update (You Really Won't Believe This!)
Yesterday, I wrote about what has been going on with my doctor. Today I managed to put away the tears and call my doctor. She basically said that the Endocrinologist will only sign for BMI's 50 and over as being "medically necessary" (or 40 + major comorbidities) . I don't understand this since I thought 40 was the number for morbid obesity and OHIP??? but I digress. So basically, in order to qualify under his number, I will have to gain about 12 pounds and then I will qualify for surgery. Isn't that just insane? So anyway, she said that she would still refer me to this endocrinologist if I wanted it. I said without a doubt yes because I would like to discuss this matter with him, plead my case and really, DOES 12 LBS REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE? I should've made a comment to my doctor and said "So then are you recommending that I work on gaining 12 lbs?" but I didn't. I held my tongue. If I don't hear about an appointment in the next few days, I'm considering switching to my husband's doctor. This 12 lb thing absolutely blows my mind...but at the same time, it gives me hope as weird as that might sound. Stef
Diminishing Dawn
on 11/9/05 5:25 am
Topic: RE: VENT: This Process is SOOOO Unfair
Hi Joyce, I am 35. I have been overweight my entire life. I've done Richard Simmons, Deal a Meal, Weigh****chers (3 times), TOPS (3 years), Scarsdale diet, Sommercize, Slimfast, Xenical, Exchange Program, South Beach etc, etc. I am an expert at all things diet. I have even impressed dieticians with what I know. Thanks for your kind words Stef
Diminishing Dawn
on 11/8/05 11:25 am
Topic: RE: VENT: This Process is SOOOO Unfair
Hi Paula, Thanks for the info. I don't think talking to Dr. Chueng's office will do anything for me without a referral from my doctor. If I can get past the tears tomorrow, I will call my doctor and find out exactly why I didn't qualify. I'm just so emotional right now, that I couldn't do it today. I really feel let down by my doctor and I feel like she isn't an advocate for my health at all. I might have to seek another doctor, but I don't know if the next doctor will be any better than her, so I'm nervous about that too. Thanks for listening, Stef
Diminishing Dawn
on 11/8/05 11:20 am
Topic: RE: VENT: This Process is SOOOO Unfair
Thank you for the kind words. The thing that bothers me about my doctor is that she didn't even ask why I want the surgery. Like she didn't care. Up until today, I really, really liked her. She's young and hip and I thought she would be more in the "know" about these issues. From Dr. Starr's website, you need a referral from your family physician and so I won't get that. She won't refer me because it's not medically necessary. Grrr... Otherwise, I would love to go with that as the second option. I am seriously considering changing family doctors. My hubby's doctor would take me. But how would I know that he would do anymore for me. I know that he's recommended hubby for surgery but hubby also has big time problems with diabetes/blood pressure. The ironic thing is that he doesn't want it (at least for now). And I do, and I can't get it. It seems like I'll have to wait til I have a heart attack like my mother before I'll even qualify for this darn surgery. I just think that if there are qualifications, then there should clearly be the same process for everyone. Some doctors are great, others suck at taking it seriously. I just find that very inequitable. Thanks for listening to my vent, Stef
Diminishing Dawn
on 11/8/05 6:07 am
Topic: RE: VENT: This Process is SOOOO Unfair
I'm really, really disgusted right now. I spent the last half an hour crying. Yesterday, I went to my doctor in regards to the gastric bypass. She then said "Well I don't think you qualify". She checked the BMI chart and was surprised at how much I weighed. BMI 48. She then said I'd have to get some new blood work done and I'd have to see an Endocrinologist to see if it was "medically necessary". Today she called and said that she talked to the Endocrinologist today and that I don't qualify because gastric bypass is not "medically necessary for me". I'm really really disgusted by this. I know someone whose doctor "fudged" on the forms to get the surgery and was approved and she has less problems than I do related to her weight. My doctor won't even look at the forms or make a referral unless surgery is "medically necessary" for me. I'm just disgusted at everything right now. Sorry, just had to vent. I'm just soooo disappointed. stef
Diminishing Dawn
on 11/6/05 1:14 am
Topic: RE: Who's The Jerk.....
"Morbid" is an ugly word when it is applied to a problem you have. But in medical terms, morbid means that it is bad for your health, causing injury or shortening life expectancy. Morbid obesity is not a choice or lifestyle, but is a chronic disease which causes other life threatening diseases which are called co-morbidities. To be honest, if I am "morbidly obese" and can die, at least gives OHIP the understanding that we need for our surgery to be paid for Stef
Diminishing Dawn
on 11/5/05 5:20 am
Topic: RE: Help me please with the form
Hi Marlene Dr. Starr will be my 2nd option. Since I'm in Windsor though, my Doctor would be 45 mins from me rather than 3-4 hours. It will make it easier on me if we could get approval. Thanks Stef
Diminishing Dawn
on 11/5/05 12:35 am
Topic: RE: Help me please with the form
I am getting my package ready to send away to OHIP for out of country but I'm stuck on the darn form. It says to pick a date. Well, gosh I don't know when it will happen! How can I know that? I am hoping for June/July 2006 (when I'm off of work for summer). Do I just guess and put a date without knowing? I'm really confused about this. I'm also unsure of what to put for the "number of days anticipated for admission". Any info would be GREATLY appreciated!! Thanks so much! Stef
Diminishing Dawn
on 10/25/05 9:32 pm
Topic: RE: OHIP appeal approved!
What did you do to change their minds? Did you have alot of comorbidities. Congratulations! Stef
Diminishing Dawn
on 10/19/05 9:29 pm
Topic: RE: Strange Question Probably
Hi there. I'm in the stage of researching for OOCC. I'm going to a seminar put on by Cori. While I hear some good things about them, I'm hearing some not so nice thing about their lack of aftercare and having to jump through hurdles (psych assess, lose weight beforehand). A friend of mine had surgery through another doctor (through Livlite) and did not have to go through such hurdles and the after care was supposed to be excellent. If I were to go through Cori, I was just wondering if anyone has any information on how much weight you have to lose beforehand and about the psych assessment? If I were to choose the second doctor, can I put his name on the OOCC application before meeting him or do I have to get approval from the doctor's office? I'm not sure what to do. I'm totally okay to go with the recommendation as I've heard other good things about this doctor. When I met the doctor and talk to the Cori centre I will make up my mind if I want Cori over the other doctor or what I want Thanks in advance, Stef
Diminishing Dawn
on 10/17/05 8:26 am
Topic: RE: How Did You Pick Your Doctor?
I am hoping for OOCC for roux en y. There are so many doctors in Ontario and Michigan, that I was wondering how you all picked the doctors that you did? Did you meet them and then decide or pick by stats? Thanks Stef
Diminishing Dawn
on 10/14/05 11:18 pm
Topic: RE: Newbie - Any Help Appreciated
Hello there! I'm a newbie who is a little confused over the whole OHIP process. I would like to get roux en y surgery (lap hopefully). I know the waiting times are horrendous and I have a few acquaintances who went through OOCC in the Detroit area and was kind of hoping to do the same if I'm that lucky. Are the waiting lists still 5-7 years in Ontario as I've heard said before? I'm a little confused. I have a seminar that I'm going to for information in a few weeks but I have a doctor's appointment this week. I have not yet brought up the topic with my doctor. Do I delay my appointment until AFTER I've gone to the seminar when maybe I'll have more information and possibly a doctor that I want to go through. Or should I keep my appointment and bring up the topic with my doctor? I'm worried that she won't mark tissue damage because I don't have alot of comorbidities. At the same time, I know someone that doesn't have any big comorbidities (like diabetes etc) and she got coverage, so it is my understanding that it all depends on your level of doctor support and how adamant your doctor is with fighting for you. I'm 35, around 5'4 and around 270 ? lbs. Don't have a scale that's working right now so I could be more. My comorbities aren't huge - very out of breath and tired all the time, lower back pain, I have high 'bad' cholesterol (but also high 'good' cholesterol so I'm not yet on any medications for that), stress incontinence, migraines, a family of heart attacks (My mom had a massive heart attack last year at age 59.). My occupation requires me to be fairly active but I don't have the energy and feel like I'm too tired to do the best at my job. And lastly, my question is, if I apply for OOCC do I also apply for in country coverage at the same time as a second option? I want to get it done. While I'd absolutely would hate to wait, I want it done however I get it done - here or there. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance, Stef
Diminishing Dawn
on 10/10/05 1:02 am
Topic: RE: Question For Those Approved by Ohip ooCC
I would like to approach my doctor in regards to WLS. However, I have a not so good feeling about the box the doctor has to complete in regards to getting out of country coverage. What did your doctor write in the box in regards to tissue damage? Do you remember basically what enabled you to get the surgery? I don't know if I have enough serious comorbidities for my doctor to sign the box. Was wondering how I can be my own advocate? Thanks so much, Steph Blackburn
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