One more reason not to get the lap band...

Laurie LOVES her DS
on 8/10/08 11:13 am - Southern, CA

I'm happy with my decison and happy for you that you're happy with your decision.  

But you are dead wrong when you state the risk for complications is greater for the DS SURGERY.  There are many variables, such as surgeon competence that could make even the supposed "safe" lapband even more a surgical risk than the DS procedure. 

The DS is NOT more risky ... it is TECHNICALLY MORE DIFFICULT to perform and requires a HIGHLY SKILLED SURGEON who has trained for months, not at a weekend seminar. You do realize that  "Learn the [insert LapBand or RNY here] procedure at a weekend seminar" is advertised like this to surgeons, dontcha? 

But I'm surprised that YOU of all people didn't have the werewithal to FIGHT your insurance co for the procedure with the highest EWL.  You have been doing a pretty good job of defending the lapband, which published studies have shown (studies already posted in this thread, so I'm not wasting space by re-posting) is pretty worthless when it comes to EWL.

But your reasons, whatever they are, I'm sure justify the fact that STATISTICALLY SPEAKING, you probably have no more chance of making your weight loss goal than a snowstorm in Phoenix. 

So since I'm happy you're happy in your choice, be happy for me that I'm happy in my choice which is DS.  And for the OP who probably would have been miserable with the LapBand.


PRE OPS ...  Want a surgery that has the least chance of long-term re-gain, is BEST at curing your Diabetes (98%+), removes much of the hunger hormone Ghrelin, NO DUMPING, NO MARGINAL ULCERS and NO STOMA / STRICTURES? CURIOUS WHY I CHOSE THE DS?  VISIT MY PROFILE.

on 8/10/08 8:21 am
I am so glad to have found this board.  I am a classic example of a lap band gone bad.  I had the LB in 2003 and the port failed within two months.  It was put in by the lying Scott Cuneen at Cedars Sanai.  I feel that he used me as a guinny pig because I wanted the RNY and he talked me into the LB.  I asked him to promise me that he would do the gastric bypass if the LB failed.  He said yes and then went back on his word and only wanted to replace the port.  I told him to get lost and just lived with the constant weight gain and the diabetes that eventually came on.  I am now seeing
Dr. Crookes at USC University and I find him to be a geat doctor and very caring. 
I would strongly try to dissuade someone from having the LB.  For some it has turned out OK, but overall I feel that it is a failure.
Laurie LOVES her DS
on 8/10/08 10:26 am - Southern, CA
Well Jinks ...  So sorry you have joined the ranks of those failed by the band.  But happy you found Crookes.  Isn't he a real sweetie?? 

Wish you had found us a few days ago, because the SCADS (So Calif area DSers) -mostly a bunch of USC patients (actually any DSer, no matter what surgeon they had are welcome) got together for lunch, just YESTERDAY!! 

We all had a blast, eating yummy  mexican food and celebrating the upcoming surgery of TWO local members who are having surgery next week and next month, respectively.

We'll probably get together for the Walk From Obesity at the end of Sept at Lake Balboa in Van Nuys, and maybe once again before our Holiday bash in December.  Keep an eye out here for posts announcing SCADS (So Cal area DS) get togethers!

Maybe I'll bump into you at Crookes office sometime ... just look for me ... the stick of butter!


PRE OPS ...  Want a surgery that has the least chance of long-term re-gain, is BEST at curing your Diabetes (98%+), removes much of the hunger hormone Ghrelin, NO DUMPING, NO MARGINAL ULCERS and NO STOMA / STRICTURES? CURIOUS WHY I CHOSE THE DS?  VISIT MY PROFILE.

on 8/10/08 10:32 am
Pam... with all due respect, you haven't even had your band for a month, so although you have your opinions about what surgery is right for you, and you made a choice about what you NOW believe is right for you, only the long term results will really determine that for you... I, for one, sincerely hope that you have NONE of the complications that MANY bandsters have... I also hope you have ALL the success you were promised by your doctor, the TV commercials and the like... and if you do, then you will have chosen the right surgery for you.

Having said that, I believed exactly as you do a month after I got my band placed.  Then when I got the stomach flu 4 months out, the band slipped and my stomach actually came up through the band from the heaving and had to have emergency surgery to reposition it.  Did pretty well in the first year... then the intense reflux set in... then the band had to be unfilled to see if it fixed the insane reflux (btw, I was TEXTBOOK in my eating and never pushed the limits of my band, never tried to eat around it, and was super diligent with every aspect cause I was self pay)... after 18 months of suffering with an unfilled, and therefore useless band, some weight regain and major reflux, my doctors finally conceded that the band had to come out. The thing is... my experience is NOT all that unique, not all that uncommon.  And there are lots of posters on these boards who will say that when they got their bands they thought it was the right surgery for them... many are now saying something completely the opposite.  Time will tell you down the road, what you can't possibly know now.

Pam M.
on 8/10/08 10:38 am - WA

Thank you Kyle, for being the only person on here who has spoken to me in a respectful tone. I have high hopes for the band. I was terrified of anything more invasive. And yes, I have done my research, I know that the risks. I hope that I made the right decision. I have never insulted another person for their choice of surgery. I truly don't understand the need for some on this board to actually attack people personally, it makes no sense to me.

Best of luck to you.


~My story on my revision to RNY from the lap-band is in my profile~



on 8/10/08 10:39 am - Huntsville, AL
(R)Amen, Kyle!
Vanessa B.
on 8/10/08 10:44 am - Jonesborough, TN
To all of these wonderful Laffbanders:

You have been sold a line of **** to get this medical waste installed. The profit margin is enormous for the surgeon who is in surgery for 27 minutes. Your statistics are FLAWED.

Furthermore, please do not whine to me about "my insurance does not cover the DS". Bull****!!! You can get your insurance to cover it if you have the balls to fight it.

When the class action lawsuit if successfully filed against Inamed, are you going to pass upon the receipt of monetary damages? I doubt it. Each of you will be right there holding your hand out waiting for the payoff. You who are reading this who have complications with these defective pieces of crap know that I am right. I got to endure mine for 4 1/2 years. I had to postpone my new life for 4 1/2 years.

Just wait, the FDA will retract their authorization for these useless, ineffective pieces of medical propaganda.

Formerly Banded, Forever DS
on 8/10/08 12:14 pm - Bakersfield, CA
Can't wait to see how you are doing in 5-10 years from the malabsorbtion issues.  Truth is No one knows the effects of all this malabsorbition in years to come.  Never mind the fact that I see people with the DS talking about dieting all the time with LO CARBing it as they call it.  Mind the fact also that I look at several posters and see some the main posters (uh namely Leaann and Diana) who look heavy in all their pictures.  If the DS works so well, why are they still heavy?
Laurie LOVES her DS
on 8/10/08 12:31 pm - Southern, CA
On August 10, 2008 at 7:14 PM Pacific Time, thinkingthin2809 wrote:
Can't wait to see how you are doing in 5-10 years from the malabsorbtion issues.  Truth is No one knows the effects of all this malabsorbition in years to come.  Never mind the fact that I see people with the DS talking about dieting all the time with LO CARBing it as they call it.  Mind the fact also that I look at several posters and see some the main posters (uh namely Leaann and Diana) who look heavy in all their pictures.  If the DS works so well, why are they still heavy?
You say malabsorption ... like its a bad thing. 

LO CARBing?  Huh?  If you are gonna post trash, then back it up with a link, please!

Oh yes, and the oldest DS is 20+ years out and doing fab-u-lous  So um, yeah ... the effects of malabsorption ARE already known. 

And what IS your beef with Diana and LeaAnn? 

Seriously, you need to have your Psych adjust your meds.

PRE OPS ...  Want a surgery that has the least chance of long-term re-gain, is BEST at curing your Diabetes (98%+), removes much of the hunger hormone Ghrelin, NO DUMPING, NO MARGINAL ULCERS and NO STOMA / STRICTURES? CURIOUS WHY I CHOSE THE DS?  VISIT MY PROFILE.

on 8/10/08 12:36 pm - Bakersfield, CA
I don't have a beef with them, but I see Leeann talk about all this "great" food she eats and yet she's still a big gal.  So, I guess if she wants to be thin, she'd have to get back to LO CARBING it, this is common knowledge that the DS diet consists of high protein and lo carbs.  I just see two of the biggest advocates of the surgery still very much overweight and they've been living the DS life for ALONG time.  If this surgery is so amazing and a miracle cure why the obesity still in their life?
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