Eula "Evie" R.
on 4/17/11 1:32 pm - Mount Nebo, WV
Hi all,

My surgery is this wed. the 20th. One min I am so excited and the next min am I doing the right thing. Will I mess my body for life. It is back and forth. I want to live longer be heathy. I just have not been able to do this on my own. yo yo. I use to when I was younger, but put it back on. My daughter in Ga sounds like she is getting excited a little bit for me. She said Mom next time I see you you will be under 200, which hopefully will be in about 3 weeks. I just told her I didn't care if I lose weight fast, just wanted to be healthy. I got my hair high lighted, feet and hands done, which I know I will have to take my polish off my nails. I just wanted to be perfect for the surgery, well not perfect but little things I enjoy doing for myself.I still have not told my  whole family or friends.

I need to  have more faith in the Lord. I feel weak about

God Bi3ee
on 4/17/11 1:38 pm - Granada Hills, CA
You need to have a little more faith in yourself. This is not going to be the miracle "fix" to yo-yo dieting, as you will still have to make very conscious decisions about what you put in your mouth. The way I think about it is a tool that kicks in when your will power breaks down - but it's going to be a lot of hard work. I've seen that you've been struggling along, so I hope that you will be able to maybe see a counselor/therapist to help you. That being said, you absolutely have the knowledge behind you to make this successful. You CAN do this, and you have tobelieve that.

www.sexyskinnybitch.wordpress.com - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 4/17/11 1:39 pm
I think it's really normal to go back and forth.  Heck, I STILL do and I had surgery a month ago! :)  You will do great.
on 4/17/11 1:39 pm - WI

I think that doing things for yourself is a great way to cope with the anxiety of your surgery.  I have been doing the same thing!    My friend texted me to ask if I was going to work out at the gym tomarrow and I texted back.  (how about a pedicure instead)  LOL    Today I went to the casino with my hubby (who is being extra sweet this week) and tomarrow haircut, pedicure and going to see the movie RIO with my hubby while kids are in school.  My surgery is Tues and Im just keeping busy as not to panic.  LOL   Good luck and enjoy pampering yourself!  

on 4/17/11 1:49 pm - TX
There is NOTHING wrong with you! Your path to this point has been difficult and stressful. But you are THERE now - and it's time to embrace and enjoy... Buckle up, sit back, and enjoy the ride!!!
on 4/17/11 2:02 pm - Amboy, WA
Your feelings are perfectly normal. It is exciting but can be a bit scary. Just keep your eye on the prize. You will do great! And I will be sending prayers your way on Wednesday.
Starting Weight-228.6, SW-221.4, CW-173 GW-125
(deactivated member)
on 4/17/11 2:07 pm - Germantown, MD
 What you're going through is fairly normal. I didn't have any doubts about the surgery myself but I had moments of nervousness and butterflies. Other people have more fears and doubts, even when they know in their heart of hearts they're doing the right thing.

Let yourself feel the feelings, then let them go. You've been fighting to get this done. Don't be afraid. You'll be fine, you just have to have faith.
on 4/17/11 2:29 pm - Kensington, CT
Evie, You have spent weeks fighting your families adversity to this surgery and they have finally come on board with you! You knew in your heart this is what you need and with your faith you should know that God is going to watch over you and put you on the road to a healthy new you. Try to relax and know that all will be well and you will be happy you made this step. I wasted a lot of energy being nervous also so don't feel like what your feeling is wrong or not normal. I'm glad you treated yourself to some pampering!!Your going to be fine and be successful!!!
Didi ..... Sleeved and living my NEW LIFE!!!!
Highest WT 381   Surgery WT (367.8)    Current WT 236
Mr Mom
on 4/17/11 4:12 pm
Congratulations.. Your normal!

Everyone has last minute butterflies about surgery. Hey it's not natural to voluntarily have surgery. The thought of having a perfectly good working organ (your stomach & possibly intestines) modified irreversibly can make anyone take a pause and say "what am I doing"? But guess what, we all have been there and we all have reminded ourselves of the reasons we are here. Our health is failing and we need this surgical intervention in order to make a big and permanent change in our lives. Since you are a member here I'm sure you have read just how happy people are with this very important step we all have taken.

So take a deep breath, remember how hard you worked to get to this point, and start looking forward to the days beyond the surgery when you can see those pounds and all the medical ailments that go along with them disappear forever!

Remember... We're here whenever you need us!... Craig

Heaviest:406 | Surgical Weight:366 | Current Weight:290 | Goal Weight:250

on 4/17/11 11:05 pm
Hang in there,  the brass ring is right at the tip of your fingers all you have to do is reach a little more and you'll have a great  grip on it. 

You are feeling what we all feel.  Your daughter seems to be coming around so keep focused,  breathe and relax...........you are going to do great.

Good thoughts and prayers are coming your way.  I can't wait to see you on this side of the fence,  so move forward and jump that fence and get over here.

             I have missed too many dances in my life now it is time to start living
5' 1"

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