If I knew then...............

Jul 07, 2012

 If I knew then what I know now…………….

I would have received therapy (Counseling) Pre-Op to 3 years Post Op. (The many changes your body and life goes through is EXTREME during this time of your life). 4 the first time, I had to deal with my life and my feelings without the help of FOOD and ALCOHOL, and certain friends/boyfriend, This time of my life was enough to send me towards a downwards spiral (((((depression……)))))) It was rough and many of the people that I thought would be the happiest for me to lose weight were the most critical… I’ve lost many friends and acquaintances over just losing weight and being happy…. Not just because I just recently graduated with my Masters in Mental Health Counseling, but because I feel if I made one major mistake it was not seeking the help I needed for all the feelings I had towards myself…



I would have realized that this type of lifestyle ((restricted eating))… months 1 - 5 were Temporary!! This is the most important time to lose ALL the weight….. I wasn’t really aware that I would be eating normal quantities… ((smaller of course)) in just a few months…. I was miserable, and felt isolated and HEAD STARVING all the time…. Notice I said HEAD starving… ß it was all in my head! L I wish I would of known that not being able to consume much would only last 4 ½ months or so… Then I could go eat in a restaurant and no one would even know that I had the surgery….. I just ate smaller quantities…. Oh yea….AND THE THROWING UP STOPPED TOO!!! J

Take – Take –Take your vitamins…… This is something I still struggle with… you need them a lot longer than the 6 months of protein and vitamins to keep your hair… seems like shortly after that 6 month mark… I didn’t take them as seriously!!! I had a Blood Transfusion about 6 months ago and needed 2 units of blood… My diagnosis…. ~Malnutrition Anemia…..~ L Vitamins and Protein ARE NEEDED!!!! A NECESSITY TO LIVE!!! Not just something to help you keep your hair!!!! You need your vitamins forEVEEEEEEEEEER!


Oh Yeah... One more thing...... Realize that after WLS things aren't just magically changed for you.... Its a Struggle and a Huge Mountain to Conqueur but YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :) I remember after WLS I was on my way home and my mother and best friend busted open some Doritos and a Bologna sandwich and there I was... Fat as Ever... Head Hungry... and ROYALLY UPSET!!!! :( BE READY FOR THIS!!!!! LoL! I look back now and I think WOW!!!! The Sacrarice was SO WORTH IT!! but all of this were things I didn't really think about... :) PS. I still can't have those Doritos and my Bologna Sandwich!!! They are HORRIBLE FOR YOU!!! LoL!  

Just a little note for you guys fixing to have the surgery!!! Anyone Else Please Add any information you may feel is important to tell people seeking or pending  WLS J



Aug 27, 2011

THE OLD ME @ 249                THE NEW ME 139 :)))

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The new Me... :/ :) :/ :)

Apr 18, 2011

Umm I used to be a Skinny Girl Stuck in a Fat Girls Body...... Now I'm a FaT GirL stuck In a Skinny Girls Body!! (mentally)..... !!! Guess no matter how much you change... your still just YOU!!! Sometimes it seems like I keep setting new goals because I get bored!! I dieted my whole life... so life without a constant goal or target gets old QUICK!!! now I'm on an exercise kick!!! I'm so lucky to have had an opportunity to be NORMAL (THIN) For the first time in my life... but at the end of the day... your still JUST YOU!!!!  My mind doesn't know its lost weight unless its right in front of the mirror!!!!  Just thought I'd write a lil' something... I'm ready for changes... I think within myself now :)

Night you Guys...


13 days post op Tummy Tuck!

Dec 13, 2010

 Okay so I'm 13 days post op.. my extended tummy tuck.... I am for the first time today able to wear a pair of jeans that were actually a little too big before surgury.... SOOO MUCH SWELLING.. I'm still very tender to the touch! still very bruised! so I'm just taking it day by day... and healing slowly and carefully! I am on less pain killers.. but yes they are still VERY MUCH NEEDED! but I'm finally starting to feel better!! My tummy is FLAT!! and although there is still so much swelling!!! I don't have that horrible hanging belly... it hung about 4 inches on top of my leg... no lie!  I HAVE BAD NEWS THOUGH: My mom took my before pictures on her digital camera... then accidentally pressed DELETE ALL!! I have no before pics.. so I am no in the process of trying to retrieve all her pictures back!!! IF YOU GUYS HAVE ANY INFO FOR ME... PLEASE LET ME KNOW... The pictures were quite disturbing... as I looked at them in the car on my 2 hour drive at 5am on Dec. 1st... I got a little teary eyed... For one.. I'm a single mother of 3 young kids... and its hard for me to buy myself something... when I know sometimes they are in need of something too! SO GETTING THIS TUMMY TUCK! WAS SOMETHING I QUESTIONED MYSELF MANY MANY TIMES... As I looked at those horrible pics! I knew that this procedure wasn't VANITY!! it was sooo very much needed! there was just sooooo much skin...  I new in my heart that I needed this... and although I could hide alot in girdles.... BOY OH BOY! I WAS A DIFFERENT PERSON UNDERNEATH THEM THINGS!!!  This was a blessing.... and I am sooo excited for this new year to start! 2011 will be one to remember!!!  SOON AS I GET THOSE PICS BACK... IM GANNA POST... NO MATTER HOW EMBARRASING THEY ARE... I put it out there for others to see :) maybe motivate someone!! or give them hope!! :)

Love all my OH friends! Thanks for all your support! love ya!
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Dec 08, 2010

 Hey Everyone! I finally had my first round of plastics done!!! SuPeR DuPeR ExCitEd for what the future holds! It has been the HARDEST 7 DAYS OF MY ENTIRE LIFE!  My surgury was December 1st at 9:30 am! My surgury was over 4 hours long and the Dr. Removed 10 lbs. of skin from around my abdomen and lower back area... My procedure was called an Extended Abdominoplasty.. The Dr. was initially only going around the front of the abdomen and around the very corners of my sides... but in the end... I'm cut ALL THE WAY AROUND! The Dr. told me that he hadn't seen a case as severe as mine in 10 years... I had A TON OF SKIN TO REMOVE!!! It was Horrible! and I was released from the Hospital only 2 1/2 hours after surgury! WHICH I DON'T AGREE WITH ... If you guys ever have this procedure done! make sure you stay overnight!!!! IT IS HORRIBLE!!! I stayed in a motel room and soaked up all the Motel Towels and bedding in Blood mixed with fluid the Dr. had placed inside me  I was in soo much pain I felt several times a cold sweat and the room would spin and I almost passed out!!!! I feel good AS OF TODAY! still on pain meds and in pain too... but NOTHING like I was the first several days!!! I'm still very very swollen!!! but I'm soo happy that the worst is over with.... I call the Dr. today to find out if I can have my staples removed and my last drain removed too!!  I think I will feel alot better after this!!!
Well soon I'll put pictures up!!! they are aweful though!!! Just happy to have that skin removed and soon I'll feel WONDERFUL!!!!


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Update: Extended Abdominoplasty!!

Nov 03, 2010

Well PeePs!! I already got the money!! YaaaaY and we went through a BanK instead of those credit cards for surguries!! (surguryloans.com, and carecredit)... My finance charge is at 3.9 percent which is WONDERFUL!!  I called the Dr's office and they let me know my Surgury Date is December 1, 2010!! They are sending me all of the consents, lab work, and documents needed before surgury!! All I have to do is submit all paperwork as well as payment in full to the Surgeon and WhalaH!! Its done!!  The only reason I'm putting all my info on here, is for others to see that THIS CAN HAPPEN!! and to keep up thier spirits and faith when they battle the "BATTLE OF THE SKIN" LoL!  I almost feel like this is too good to be true, but I'LL TAKE THIS BLESSING with StridE!! If its meant to be!! I'll be under the knife on December 1 which is less than a month away!!

New Goals before Surgury:
Vitamin and Calcium daily
workout 4-5 times a week
60 oz (3 bottled waters) per day!
Prilosec daily to heal tummy (think I'm getting ulcers)

FINISH ALL HOMEWORK NEEDED FOR MY CLASS!! I HAVE 2 HUGE PAPERS DUE... A COMPREHENSIVE BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT ON A CHILD, AND A PERSONAL THEORY PAPER!! lots and lots of Duscussion and Videos are due too!! I'm going to get it all done this month and finish this class early! (Its an online course)!!

I'm also not going out or drinking alcohol (unless its a glass of wine with the girls)... But NOTHING ELSE!!
Thats it!! and Thats all!!

Pray for me Guys!!



News, News, News....

Nov 01, 2010

Hey Everyone!! Here to let ya know I finally got to my ititial goal of 149 lbs. !!! whoo whoo! I am so very blessed and happy!! I have some wonderful news!! I finally got the courage to ask my grandparents if they would co-sign for my surgury! I wasn't able to get it on my own at this time, and I went tonight and the answer was YES!!!  I left that house tonight wondering what I ever did in life to deserve this!! The surgury is ganna cost 10,500.00 but I believe that its ganna be worth every penny!! I am soooo happy!! This is the moment I've waited for all my life!!  I want to shout it to the roof tops! LoL! I am Blessed with 3 wonderful children now ages 13, 9, and 2!! they have a mommy now that is outgoing and takes them EVERYWHERE!! not bound by the chains of being overweight!! I did this for my health and to be able to be the mother I'd always wanted to be!! I get so much attention from guys now its CRAZY!! but I'm not too worried about finding that certain somebody that I'm ganna spend the rest of my life with!! I'm taking care of ME ME ME and of course my Children!! Its Me time for the first time in my life!!
My goal now is to work out 4-5 times a week, get as much muscle built up as possible before surgury!! Take all vitamins daily!! and drink plenty of water!! I called the Dr.'s office and they said if everything went through, the next surgury date is the first week of December!! WoW!!! I'm still in shock!! LoLI'll def. keep you guys posted on how its all going!! I am just ganna DO IT WITH MY EYES CLOSED... because deep down I'm pretty scared!! Its a pretty big procedure, it will take 3.5 hours!! and the Dr. informed me I had 15-20 pounds of skin to be removed!! yIIIIIIIkeSSSSS!  LoL! But Lord Willing everything will be for the Best!!!
I am blessed and Gastric Bypass has changed my entire life for the better!! I still don't eat Bread, pasta, suger, starch!! I basically do a low carb diet yet eat almost all fruits and veggies :) Its def. kept the weight off!!
Well Love You Guys!!


PS. U guys are the 2nd to find out besides my really good friend Heather!! I'm keeping it a secret... :) I guess I'm scared to JinX something!! LoL! it seems to good to be true!!
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Okay here's the update on my Plastics appointment....

Aug 28, 2010

 Well here I am at 103 lb. weight loss in 11.5 months! I am soooo Excited... It was so so so hard to get to that goal.... the last 15-20 lbs. didn't wanna budge :) I went to talk to a Plastic Surgeon as scheduled last Thursday the 26th and I got some pretty exciting news..... The Dr. determined I needed an Extended Abdominalplasty procedure and not the lower body lift... He told me I did not need to lose another pound... and advised me to not lose another pound several times throughout the appointment. I have between 15 and 20 lbs of skin the Dr. will remove!! WOW.. MY HEAVIEST WEIGHT WAS 311 POUNDS.... BUT FROM SURGURY DATE I WEIGHED 256 and now I weigh 153 :) WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW... yesterday when I was getting ready and got all dolled up to hang with my friends at the Casino for a lil bit... I just couldn't believe that this was really me.... I am a beautiful, young, NORMAL woman.... :) I'm not Fat anymore...and as much as I still feel like I am a whale... I know its mostly in my head...  .. I still feel on the inside that I am a huge woman.... but in all actuality... Im small  .. I feel like my dreams have come true..... FINALLY!!!!!! and I thanked God Yesterday for all the blessings in my life.... IM REALLY REALLY HAPPY..... and I don't know what to do with so much Joy! I have found out that I am a woman of so much worth!!! That weight isn't there to hide the REAL ME!!
The Cost of the Surgury is 10,500 SmackarooS.. but they have financing...and I COULD POSSIBLY BE IN SURGURY BY SEPTEMBER 29TH~~~ wow... is this FOR REAL... for a real Doctor to tell me NOT to lose another pound... ??????? I just almost couldn't believe it!!!  But I am finally going to have my dream come true and get this belly off of me  Well I will def. keep you guys posted if I get approved for the Loan.... Keep your fingers Crossed !!


My Plastics Appointment :)

Aug 25, 2010

I have an appointment tomorrow at 10:30 am to have a consultation for plastic surgury in Roswell NM.... I want a lower body lift and a BooB JoB!! My whole middle portion of my body is a mess!! and I'm looking forward to hearing the Dr's recommendations regarding what procedures would benefit my body best... I want to hurry up nad get it done!! but I know I must be patient.... :( I'm planning on having the surgury early next year sometime in Feb.??? I NEED THIS SOOOO BADD!!!!  and with the magical touch of the Plastic Surgeon  WhalaH I could have fullfilled my LIFE LONG goal to have the body I always wanted..... I am sooo happy I had my surgury done.. and for anybody who thinks the Gastric Bypass is the EASY way out.... Oh Honey Let ME TELL YA.... you are sooooo Mother Fricken Wrong... LoL! The first 4 months were hell... and I still know that when I eat something too fatty or fried.. I'm ganna dump ... its JUST GANNA HAPPEN... but I absolutely love the NEW ME!! God Blessed me with the opportunity to be NORMAL... and in the end that is ALL I ever wanted....  I wanted to walk in a store and not be the hugest person walking through the door... I wanted to go to a restaraunt and not be looked at as the girl who was ganna eat the entire buffet up.... (even though I admit... I probobly did) LoL! I just wanted to be like EVERYONE ELSE! and I'm already there... I still want to lose about 10 more pounds before I actually have surgury..... but my goal is so close I can almost TASTE IT... (hmmmm great choice of words, huh)... I don't view food as something I'm Prohibited to have anymore.... I view it as my fill up for energy and nutrition to keep me going..... I have been on the SouthBeach/Adkins Diet.... I just dont eat Bread, Pasta, Sugers, or Starches of any kind... and I love it!! I don't get all bloated and sick feeling like I have in the past when I fill up on Breads and so forth! I'm ready for this next chapter of my life! ! I will def. Blog on what the Dr. Tells me tomorrow... How will I know if this Dr. is GOOD ENOUGH to handle a case like me...???????? we'll see and I'll def. do a whole hell of alot of RESEARCH ON him.. before I EVER GO UNDER THE KNIFE!! whoooooo!  


10 Months Post Op :) Low Carb Diet ???

Jul 16, 2010

Well Here I am 10 Months out and weigh about 165.. I haven't lost weight in a couple of months and feel like I need to do something to get me to my goal by my 1 year Milestone Mark... I want to be 140 lbs. so Today I'm taking a stand and Started a Low Carb Diet... The only reason I'm doing this particular diet is because it focuses on sooo much protein and I feel like my body could use some of that for sure... NO MORE SUGER, SWEETS, BREADS, PASTAS, FRUITS, POTATOES... Starches all together... JUST MEAT, CHEESE, SALAD AND EGGS.... I found some SF French Vanilla Coffee today and I'm excited because each morning thats ganna be my JUMP START... I'm looking into PLASTICS now for the skin and belly FLABOLAH... :) so that ALONE gives me incentive to get to my goal.... Food is just a fill up so here goes... I'll def. keep you guys posted on my progress :) Today I went to Lunch with some friends and I felt so wonderful and refreshed... I felt NORMAL for the first time I wasn't that 310 pound whale walking through the door... I was like most everyone else and it was great :) I'm not the DIFFERENT one anymore and my life has never been so SATISFYING...  I've lost the closeness with ALOT of my friends.... its like when I come, they turn running... ????? They don't call as much, so lately I just hang out with my family??? U would think they would be HAPPY for me???? I guess you never know what types of things change until your actually going through it all.... Most of my friends that don't really talk to me anymore are OVERWEIGHT... so maybe there's a little bit of Jealousy??? hmmmm? Oh well I've been blessed in too many ways to worry about it for too long :)
I'm HAPPY and thats all that matters... IM STILL UP AND DOWN WITH MY BOYFRIEND... but it doesn't get to me like it used to... I'm fine without him and he knows that now.... It has nothing to do with losing weight... Its just my SELFISH stage in life to be HAPPY and without crazy Drama and problems..... I AM A BLESSED YOUNG MOTHER OF 3 WONDERFUL CHILDREN... I have 4 classes left to recieve my Master's Degree in Mental Health Counseling... I'm HAPPY!!!!! :)

