10 Months Post Op :) Low Carb Diet ???

Jul 16, 2010

Well Here I am 10 Months out and weigh about 165.. I haven't lost weight in a couple of months and feel like I need to do something to get me to my goal by my 1 year Milestone Mark... I want to be 140 lbs. so Today I'm taking a stand and Started a Low Carb Diet... The only reason I'm doing this particular diet is because it focuses on sooo much protein and I feel like my body could use some of that for sure... NO MORE SUGER, SWEETS, BREADS, PASTAS, FRUITS, POTATOES... Starches all together... JUST MEAT, CHEESE, SALAD AND EGGS.... I found some SF French Vanilla Coffee today and I'm excited because each morning thats ganna be my JUMP START... I'm looking into PLASTICS now for the skin and belly FLABOLAH... :) so that ALONE gives me incentive to get to my goal.... Food is just a fill up so here goes... I'll def. keep you guys posted on my progress :) Today I went to Lunch with some friends and I felt so wonderful and refreshed... I felt NORMAL for the first time I wasn't that 310 pound whale walking through the door... I was like most everyone else and it was great :) I'm not the DIFFERENT one anymore and my life has never been so SATISFYING...  I've lost the closeness with ALOT of my friends.... its like when I come, they turn running... ????? They don't call as much, so lately I just hang out with my family??? U would think they would be HAPPY for me???? I guess you never know what types of things change until your actually going through it all.... Most of my friends that don't really talk to me anymore are OVERWEIGHT... so maybe there's a little bit of Jealousy??? hmmmm? Oh well I've been blessed in too many ways to worry about it for too long :)
I'm HAPPY and thats all that matters... IM STILL UP AND DOWN WITH MY BOYFRIEND... but it doesn't get to me like it used to... I'm fine without him and he knows that now.... It has nothing to do with losing weight... Its just my SELFISH stage in life to be HAPPY and without crazy Drama and problems..... I AM A BLESSED YOUNG MOTHER OF 3 WONDERFUL CHILDREN... I have 4 classes left to recieve my Master's Degree in Mental Health Counseling... I'm HAPPY!!!!! :)


