My Plastics Appointment :)

Aug 25, 2010

I have an appointment tomorrow at 10:30 am to have a consultation for plastic surgury in Roswell NM.... I want a lower body lift and a BooB JoB!! My whole middle portion of my body is a mess!! and I'm looking forward to hearing the Dr's recommendations regarding what procedures would benefit my body best... I want to hurry up nad get it done!! but I know I must be patient.... :( I'm planning on having the surgury early next year sometime in Feb.??? I NEED THIS SOOOO BADD!!!!  and with the magical touch of the Plastic Surgeon  WhalaH I could have fullfilled my LIFE LONG goal to have the body I always wanted..... I am sooo happy I had my surgury done.. and for anybody who thinks the Gastric Bypass is the EASY way out.... Oh Honey Let ME TELL YA.... you are sooooo Mother Fricken Wrong... LoL! The first 4 months were hell... and I still know that when I eat something too fatty or fried.. I'm ganna dump ... its JUST GANNA HAPPEN... but I absolutely love the NEW ME!! God Blessed me with the opportunity to be NORMAL... and in the end that is ALL I ever wanted....  I wanted to walk in a store and not be the hugest person walking through the door... I wanted to go to a restaraunt and not be looked at as the girl who was ganna eat the entire buffet up.... (even though I admit... I probobly did) LoL! I just wanted to be like EVERYONE ELSE! and I'm already there... I still want to lose about 10 more pounds before I actually have surgury..... but my goal is so close I can almost TASTE IT... (hmmmm great choice of words, huh)... I don't view food as something I'm Prohibited to have anymore.... I view it as my fill up for energy and nutrition to keep me going..... I have been on the SouthBeach/Adkins Diet.... I just dont eat Bread, Pasta, Sugers, or Starches of any kind... and I love it!! I don't get all bloated and sick feeling like I have in the past when I fill up on Breads and so forth! I'm ready for this next chapter of my life! ! I will def. Blog on what the Dr. Tells me tomorrow... How will I know if this Dr. is GOOD ENOUGH to handle a case like me...???????? we'll see and I'll def. do a whole hell of alot of RESEARCH ON him.. before I EVER GO UNDER THE KNIFE!! whoooooo!  

