Update: Extended Abdominoplasty!!

Nov 03, 2010

Well PeePs!! I already got the money!! YaaaaY and we went through a BanK instead of those credit cards for surguries!! (surguryloans.com, and carecredit)... My finance charge is at 3.9 percent which is WONDERFUL!!  I called the Dr's office and they let me know my Surgury Date is December 1, 2010!! They are sending me all of the consents, lab work, and documents needed before surgury!! All I have to do is submit all paperwork as well as payment in full to the Surgeon and WhalaH!! Its done!!  The only reason I'm putting all my info on here, is for others to see that THIS CAN HAPPEN!! and to keep up thier spirits and faith when they battle the "BATTLE OF THE SKIN" LoL!  I almost feel like this is too good to be true, but I'LL TAKE THIS BLESSING with StridE!! If its meant to be!! I'll be under the knife on December 1 which is less than a month away!!

New Goals before Surgury:
Vitamin and Calcium daily
workout 4-5 times a week
60 oz (3 bottled waters) per day!
Prilosec daily to heal tummy (think I'm getting ulcers)

FINISH ALL HOMEWORK NEEDED FOR MY CLASS!! I HAVE 2 HUGE PAPERS DUE... A COMPREHENSIVE BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT ON A CHILD, AND A PERSONAL THEORY PAPER!! lots and lots of Duscussion and Videos are due too!! I'm going to get it all done this month and finish this class early! (Its an online course)!!

I'm also not going out or drinking alcohol (unless its a glass of wine with the girls)... But NOTHING ELSE!!
Thats it!! and Thats all!!

Pray for me Guys!!


