The new Me... :/ :) :/ :)

Apr 18, 2011

Umm I used to be a Skinny Girl Stuck in a Fat Girls Body...... Now I'm a FaT GirL stuck In a Skinny Girls Body!! (mentally)..... !!! Guess no matter how much you change... your still just YOU!!! Sometimes it seems like I keep setting new goals because I get bored!! I dieted my whole life... so life without a constant goal or target gets old QUICK!!! now I'm on an exercise kick!!! I'm so lucky to have had an opportunity to be NORMAL (THIN) For the first time in my life... but at the end of the day... your still JUST YOU!!!!  My mind doesn't know its lost weight unless its right in front of the mirror!!!!  Just thought I'd write a lil' something... I'm ready for changes... I think within myself now :)

Night you Guys...


