Dec 08, 2010

 Hey Everyone! I finally had my first round of plastics done!!! SuPeR DuPeR ExCitEd for what the future holds! It has been the HARDEST 7 DAYS OF MY ENTIRE LIFE!  My surgury was December 1st at 9:30 am! My surgury was over 4 hours long and the Dr. Removed 10 lbs. of skin from around my abdomen and lower back area... My procedure was called an Extended Abdominoplasty.. The Dr. was initially only going around the front of the abdomen and around the very corners of my sides... but in the end... I'm cut ALL THE WAY AROUND! The Dr. told me that he hadn't seen a case as severe as mine in 10 years... I had A TON OF SKIN TO REMOVE!!! It was Horrible! and I was released from the Hospital only 2 1/2 hours after surgury! WHICH I DON'T AGREE WITH ... If you guys ever have this procedure done! make sure you stay overnight!!!! IT IS HORRIBLE!!! I stayed in a motel room and soaked up all the Motel Towels and bedding in Blood mixed with fluid the Dr. had placed inside me  I was in soo much pain I felt several times a cold sweat and the room would spin and I almost passed out!!!! I feel good AS OF TODAY! still on pain meds and in pain too... but NOTHING like I was the first several days!!! I'm still very very swollen!!! but I'm soo happy that the worst is over with.... I call the Dr. today to find out if I can have my staples removed and my last drain removed too!!  I think I will feel alot better after this!!!
Well soon I'll put pictures up!!! they are aweful though!!! Just happy to have that skin removed and soon I'll feel WONDERFUL!!!!



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