If I knew then...............

Jul 07, 2012

 If I knew then what I know now…………….

I would have received therapy (Counseling) Pre-Op to 3 years Post Op. (The many changes your body and life goes through is EXTREME during this time of your life). 4 the first time, I had to deal with my life and my feelings without the help of FOOD and ALCOHOL, and certain friends/boyfriend, This time of my life was enough to send me towards a downwards spiral (((((depression……)))))) It was rough and many of the people that I thought would be the happiest for me to lose weight were the most critical… I’ve lost many friends and acquaintances over just losing weight and being happy…. Not just because I just recently graduated with my Masters in Mental Health Counseling, but because I feel if I made one major mistake it was not seeking the help I needed for all the feelings I had towards myself…



I would have realized that this type of lifestyle ((restricted eating))… months 1 - 5 were Temporary!! This is the most important time to lose ALL the weight….. I wasn’t really aware that I would be eating normal quantities… ((smaller of course)) in just a few months…. I was miserable, and felt isolated and HEAD STARVING all the time…. Notice I said HEAD starving… ß it was all in my head! L I wish I would of known that not being able to consume much would only last 4 ½ months or so… Then I could go eat in a restaurant and no one would even know that I had the surgery….. I just ate smaller quantities…. Oh yea….AND THE THROWING UP STOPPED TOO!!! J

Take – Take –Take your vitamins…… This is something I still struggle with… you need them a lot longer than the 6 months of protein and vitamins to keep your hair… seems like shortly after that 6 month mark… I didn’t take them as seriously!!! I had a Blood Transfusion about 6 months ago and needed 2 units of blood… My diagnosis…. ~Malnutrition Anemia…..~ L Vitamins and Protein ARE NEEDED!!!! A NECESSITY TO LIVE!!! Not just something to help you keep your hair!!!! You need your vitamins forEVEEEEEEEEEER!


Oh Yeah... One more thing...... Realize that after WLS things aren't just magically changed for you.... Its a Struggle and a Huge Mountain to Conqueur but YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :) I remember after WLS I was on my way home and my mother and best friend busted open some Doritos and a Bologna sandwich and there I was... Fat as Ever... Head Hungry... and ROYALLY UPSET!!!! :( BE READY FOR THIS!!!!! LoL! I look back now and I think WOW!!!! The Sacrarice was SO WORTH IT!! but all of this were things I didn't really think about... :) PS. I still can't have those Doritos and my Bologna Sandwich!!! They are HORRIBLE FOR YOU!!! LoL!  

Just a little note for you guys fixing to have the surgery!!! Anyone Else Please Add any information you may feel is important to tell people seeking or pending  WLS J

