De ja vu...

Jun 17, 2009

So I just got the pre-op call again from St. Agnes. I went over all of my medications again. It was kind of haven't I been through this before? But it was also interesting because I found myself hearing things that I did not hear before, such as showering instructions, etc. It is funny, I was bummed about not having the surgery on Monday, but actually it worked out. It allowed me to come home and deal with some last minute house matters and pay a few bills!

And now it is hump day...only one more day and then I will be back in the OR. I am not nearly as nervous as I was because I know the procedure this time around. I guess experience does help things out in this case. But I am really hoping the intubation goes smoothly this time...I want to be on the loosing side too!


About Me
Columbia, MD
Surgery Date
Apr 10, 2009
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