
Aug 13, 2009

It has been almost eight weeks since my surgery...wow time is flying by! So far I am down 31 pounds...I have so many to go...but I must be grateful for the small steps in my life. These past two weeks have been tough in terms of getting in my workout. Work has been killing me and I have been working a lot of late hours...so I have to get back on another schedule. I have one week until my classes start which will had another hurdle to the mix, but I am not going to let that interfere with me staying on track. I have got to stay focused! I am thinking of finding another gym...and getting a trainer...perhaps if I get a set schedule that will definitely help more. In the meantime I am going to stay focused...I have too. I mean everyone says I am doing the right things...but sometimes patience can be a trying thing...


About Me
Columbia, MD
Surgery Date
Apr 10, 2009
Member Since

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