Drinking alcohol and having WLS....should you do it?

Dec 04, 2006

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Health Issues

     A 36-year old female gastric bypass patient left a party after having only two alcoholic beverages, drove her car into oncoming traffic, causing the death of a 12-year old child. Her blood alcohol level was above the legal limit for the operation of a motor vehicle and was far higher than would have been expected from the two alcoholic beverages she claimed to have consumed. Was the patient telling the truth about the amount of alcohol she drank at the party or did her surgery affect the way her body absorbed or metabolized the alcohol?

     A recent study reported in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found that the gastric bypass procedure significantly affects alcohol absorption and its inebriating influence. According to the study protocol, a group of gastric bypass patients, three years post-surgery, and their non-surgical controls consumed an alcoholic drink containing 20% v/v alcohol (95% ethanol), and blood alcohol levels were examined over a period of time. The data showed that blood alcohol levels of the gastric bypass patients were far higher and required much less time to peak than those of the non-surgical controls.

     The more rapid absorption of alcohol and heightened blood alcohol levels would cause the bariatric patient to have a more pronounced feeling of inebriation during and shortly after drinking. And, such effects could have serious ramifications with regard to driving an automobile or performing other skilled tasks such as operating heavy machinery, piloting a plane or any other task that may influence the safety of the individual or that of others.

     Why would alcohol absorption be higher for someone who has had gastric bypass (or any other surgical procedure that reduces the size of the stomach and bypasses the upper portion of the gut)? With the gastric bypass procedure, 95% of the stomach and the upper gut (duodenum and a portion of the jejunum) are bypassed. Alcohol passes directly from the stomach pouch, usually without restriction, into the second portion of the gut, known as the jejunum. This portion of the gut has a large surface area and readily and rapidly absorbs the alcohol.

     In addition to anatomical changes in the GI tract that influence alcohol absorption, the gastric bypass patient (or any bariatric patient) may also be more sensitive to the intoxicating effects of alcohol because of the reduced calorie intake that occurs after surgery. A number of studies have found that alcohol absorption is far higher if fasting or when consumed on an empty stomach than if provided with a meal or drank soon thereafter.

     During the first several months following gastric bypass or any other bariatric surgical procedure, total daily calorie intake is quite low. Drinking alcohol, even small amounts, at this time, would increase significantly an individuals risk for intoxication.

     In the rapid weight loss period following bariatric surgery, alcohol consumption could have far more serious consequences than inebriation, namely brain damage, coma and death. How is this possible?

     Muscle, heart, liver and other tissues use fat and sugar (glucose) for fuel. The brain, however, requires sugar (glucose) to function. To avoid low sugar, the body stores sugar in the form of glycogen. However, glycogen stores can be depleted in a short period of time with prolonged work or exercise, starvation or a diet low in carbohydrate. When this happens, the body has two back-ups mechanisms that help to provide the brain and nervous system the sugar required to function.

     One of the mechanisms whereby sugar is produced is a process called gluconeogenesis, a chemical pathway that converts certain components of protein, lactic acid and other substances into sugar. Fat cannot be converted into sugar. However, the production of sugar by gluconeogenesis is run by energy produced by the incomplete breakdown of fat into ketone bodies via a process known as ketosis.

     Ketone bodies can be used by all tissues, including the brain, for fuel. And, ketones can also be converted into sugar via gluconeogenesis. In this way, the brain and nervous system can function normally, even during times of low calorie intake, such as during the rapid weight loss period following bariatric surgery.

     The production of ketones is what causes the sweet or distinct smell in the urine and on the breaths of bariatric patients during the rapid weight loss period after surgery. And, during this time, it is extremely important that alcohol NOT be consumed. Why?

     Alcohol inhibits gluconeogenesis and ketosis. This means the brain and nerves are depleted of the fuel needed to function. The consequences of such fuel depletion initially are disorientation, confusion, semi-consciousness, coma and, ultimately, death. The detrimental effects of alcohol on the brains fuel supply can also cause accidents, such as the hypothetical situation described below.

     A bariatric patient, four weeks after surgery, had a couple of drinks and drove to the post office. But, instead of walking into the post office to get her mail, she drove her car through the front window. She claimed to have “blacked out” before the accident and had no memory of the event. People standing by said she was disoriented and, presumably, intoxicated. Fortunately, someone provided her a beverage containing sugar that helped her to regain full consciousness, preventing coma or even death, as well as an evening in jail.

     Drinking alcohol in the early postoperative period may have other adverse effects on health. Frequent vomiting, low calorie intake, not taking multivitamins and malabsorption may cause a number of vitamin and mineral deficits, including thiamin. Alcohol further reduces the absorption of thiamin, causing severe deficits and a condition known as Beriberi (see May 2003 issue of Beyond Change). Beriberi, in turn, may cause congestive heart failure, nerve damage, muscle cramping and pain, crippling, brain damage, a loss of memory and inability to learn, confusion, disorientation, coma and death.

     Addiction transfer is yet another precaution to be considered with regard to alcohol. The prevalence of food addiction and associated eating abnormalities, i.e. binge eating, carbohydrate cravings, are high among individuals with morbid obesity. With bariatric surgery, the addictive tendencies for food and aberrant eating behavior are considerably improved. However, individuals with addictions often transfer their addiction to yet another substance, such as alcohol. According to the findings of one study, addiction transfer may occur in up to 25% of bariatric patients.

     Drinking alcohol after surgery may also reduce maximal weight loss success. Alcohol has no nutrient benefits and contains high numbers of calories that may cause weight gain or prevent weight loss. One 12-ounce can of beer, for instance, contains 150 calories; 3.5 ounces of wine contains 70 calories; 1.5 ounces of gin, rum, vodka or whiskey contains between 97 and 124 calories; and 1.5 ounces of liquer contains 160 calories.

     Based on all the information provided above, should the bariatric patient abstain from alcohol totally? The bariatric patient should absolutely NOT drink alcohol during the rapid weight loss period and definitely not if consuming no or low carbohydrates, not taking vitamin and mineral supplements, vomiting frequently, or not able to keep their food down. However, with time, there is no reason an individual should not be able to enjoy an occasional drink, provided they are aware that it only takes a small amount of alcohol to produce an inebriating effect. With such knowledge, appropriate precautions should be taken, such as waiting a sufficient length of time after drinking to drive or perform other skilled tasks. 

This info came from...      http://gaduiblog.com/2006/08/04/gastric-bypass-surgery/

Why are family members so dang STUPID sometimes?

Nov 30, 2006

I am truly having a bad day today and just need to blow it off somewhere.  I can't really talk to my hubby about it because he's got that "I told you so attitude" about this situation...and I just can't deal with that right now.  Mentally I do know he's right But it's like rubbing salt in an open wound.  I am just so mad I could kill someone.  So here is what set my day off so bad.  

I got a call from my oldest brother this morning which isn't really out of character as he calls me daily while he's driving his truck to different states.  But this morning he calls me earlier than he normally would...like 7:45...on his weekly trip to Wisconsin...he normally calls me @ 9.  So I answer and ask him what's up...he tells me that he just got a call from my sister in law (well my ex sister in law because she and my brother are divorced now) and she told him that my brother (her ex) is in jail.  OK, what did he do this time (hime and jail have been friends a few times so this isn't really a huge surprise), So my oldest brother tells me that it's for drug trafficking  /possesion with intent to sell.  WTF is he thinking was my reply to my brother on the phone...his reply was that he wasn't...well we both knew that, it was a retorical question.  So then he tells me that his bail is....$90,000.00.  Might as well be a frickin' million....we can't come up with that kind of cash...his azz is gonna have to ride this one out.  

So I go to the website for the state he lives in and put his name in the search box and up pops his dang mugshot.....looking like someone shot his dog (no offense to pet lovers).  So basically my sister in law wants us to help her to bail his butt out...not gonna happen.  This brother of mine has gotten himself into this type of trouble before and back then my mother bailed him out...and of course it was in the same state he's in now.  But the difference then he cut a deal and got probation for the same type of charges....that is why the bail was set so high.  My mother is deceased so I highly doubt that she is gonna be able to bail him out this time.  My brother said he WON'T put his house up for him because he fears he will cross over into Mexico and drop off the face of the earth...and he and his family would lose thier home...and I don't blame him.  Hubby said we aren't putting any money up for him either cause we are not gonna lose what little we have either....not to mention us associating with a 2 time drug trafficker can jeopardize his security clearances...and we aren't gonna mess ourselves up because of his bad choices.

I just want to go and slap the s$%t out of him....i'm so pissed off at him.  He has lost his job making 70,000 a year, home seized and all my mothers stuff as well as my sister in laws furnishings for her house, which also means no child support for my nieces.  I have been stress eating since this AM...and I got up and had my hour long workout and drank my protein shake and was doing so good.  GAWD, when do people stop to think about what they are doing?  

I do know I can't fix another adult...but it just pisses me off that him being stupid has cost my nieces all thier clothes and possesions as well as support to help keep a roof over thier heads.  They live in a different state than my brother.  I have got to find something to do other than eat and worry...this is killing me.  I feel bad but there is nothing I can do for him.  Rant over, thanks for listening.  TTFN.

Who would YOU like to meet?

Nov 25, 2006

Well all, I was updating my Myspace account today and answered the question of who I would like to meet.  So I thought it would be a kick to share my pick with all of you.  Tell me what you think of MY choice....shemar.jpg.  Now who would say that Shamar Moore isn't fine.  Thank goodness for such wonderful eye candy.  TTFN

Happy Thanksgiving Day to you

Nov 22, 2006

Well all, it looks like I won't be on much tomorrow so I thought I would wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving day.  I am heading in the kitchen to get my dinner started for tomorrow...as I don't want to spend the entire day in the kitchen tomorrow.  Gotta go clean those collard, mustard and turnip greens.  Now if I can just keep my family from eating them all tonight I will be ahead of the game.
I also called to set up the temporary housing for Jan.  I have to wait til Friday to hear from the rep...which is cool with me.  I will only hope they can find a spot in the place I saw online...it is truly gorgeous.  I would actually like to live there if it became available....but we shall see.  Happy turkey day and for those on the roads this holiday....please drive safely.  Take care. 

Gee, I think i'm depressed again....

Nov 17, 2006

Hi all.  I think I may be hitting a bout of depression again.  And this one sucks.  I don't even want to reply to any posts or help anyone out.  Ane that isn't me at all.  I feel overwhelmed with this move and the holidays right around the corner.  Not sure how to snap out of this one.  I don't really have the time for this one now.  The marriage thing is a little stressful as well, but nothing i'm not use to I guess.  Not in a bad way, but enough to make me feel stressed.  I feel like making myself a big drink and taking a muscle relaxer and sleeping in for the weekend.  I just may do that too.  I started having nightmares again about a week or so again...so I haven't slept much lately.  Maybe this will change.  I hope it does soon. Well enough whining for now, I will talk to you all soon.  smil4.gif

Starting to move things...

Nov 16, 2006

Well everyone, I have started to move my affairs to the NC area as of today.  This is gonna take some getting use to making all these calls back and forth. I'm trying to get my mobility set up for when I get there, lord knows i'm gonna need it. That is the only scary part of this for me, not being able to get around once I get there. I know I will be fine, but I can't shake the fear of the unknown. I put my countdown ticker on the profile today. And to see how long I have to make all this happen is a bit un nerving. I know we will get through this move and will be fine...but you know me, i'm not good unless i'm worrying. I should really make myself a list of things to do, but i'm scared I would lose it with all the throwing out of stuff. Well, that's my rant for the day...I will see you soon.hug00013.gif

So disappointed...time for the next step

Nov 14, 2006

Well everyone, as you all know I have been waiting to hear about my disability claim.  Well, I got the news that I was not approved....such a bummer.  I am going to appeal it of course, but I thought I wouldn't have to do this.  They didn't get my old records, and they claimed my vision isn't bad enough.  I wish they lived one day in my world.  So now I will have to wait 21 months in order to get an appeal hearing.  Because there is such a back log of appeals cases.  But I look at it this way, I will have enough money to put down on a house in NC when this does come through.  I have been assured by my caseworker that this is the normal thing for them to do the first time out until you appeal it.  So my plan is to go back to work once we get settled in NC doing part time.  I really have things I need to do so that will have to be enough. Well, that's my update for now.  I will see you soon.

My list of how to get your protein in

Nov 11, 2006


My list of how to get your protein in..

I warn in advance that some may not agree with my list, but it worked very well for me through these last months. I am glad to share the things that helped me through such a rough time.


-Slim fast low carb shakes…20 protein grams

-Stallone high protein pudding…20 grams You can also make your own using vanilla protein powder and jello brand pudding in the little containers.

-Yogurt….you can also add protein to it and eat it

-Cottage cheese or cottage doubles…11 grams of protein plus good carbs with the fruit.

-South Beach breakfast bars…10 grams of protein

-Refried Beans

-Lima Beans

-Chili…25 protein grams

-Crab cakes…11 grams min.

-Crab legs

-Tuna…whole can is 26 grams…half is 13

-Cheese cubes 2%…9 grams per 7 pieces

-Corned beef hash….20 grams per cup…2 cups per can I do realize that it’s a little high in calories but it you figure your day around it you will be able to have it.

-Peanut butter

-Turkey slices (3)…gives you 9 grams of protein

-Chicken Breast…25 grams

-Turkey Breast

-Power crunch bars

-Filet mignon…or other quality cuts of lean meats…25 grams or more

-Cream soups…about 9 grams

-Protein shakes…23-34.5 grams I mix mine with crystal light for flavor. I have trouble drinking it straight from the tub.

-Atkins high protein bars…5 to a pack with 14 grams

-Liquid protein from GNC…18 grams from 3 tablespoons of liquid

-Hard boiled eggs

-Pork Rinds… I do know that these aren’t a complete protein, but with meat or beans it is.

-Turkey mignon….I found these at Aldi’s for 4.99 for a 4 pack.

-Kashi high protein cereal…also good for fiber source. And you can also throw a handful of kashi in with your high protein pudding to boost the protein and add some fiber.

-Canadian Bacon…3 slices if you can eat them

-Spinach Quiche…7 grams…for the recipe just ask. And its good carbs to boot

-Pepperoni and cheese…I use the stars and moons cheese for this and buy one pillow pack and eat about 5 of them…sometimes I add crackers if I want a little carb and make it into a lunchable type meal.

-Crab Salad…home made or store bought

-Deli chicken slices wrapped in boston lettuce

-Baked or pan blackened salmon or talapia or orange roughy

-The chicken of the sea tuna steaks in the pack with the tuna…25 grams in each steak




-Cooked Shrimp…unthawed and eaten

-Sauteed portabello mushrooms…cooked using I can’t believe it’s not butter.

-Stuffed mushrooms

I am sure I have forgotten something…but this is a good start for you.

What is the correct portion size...here are the facts.

Nov 11, 2006

The right portion ... Is about the size of ...
8 ozs of water/ is one cup
3 oz. of meat or poultry / A cassette tape
3 oz. of grilled fish / Your checkbook
½ cup of pasta or rice / An ice cream scoop
1 oz. of cheese / 4 stacked dice
1 cup fresh greens / A tennis ball
1 oz. of pretzels or other snack foods / A large handful
1 medium fruit or a small potato / Your computer mouse
1 teasthingy of butter or margarine / A Scrabble tile
1 ounce of bread or / 1 small roll A Yo-Yo

some general rules to keep from sliding back----
Protein first--veg second

5 crackers is general a serving.

1 cup size bowls and saucers to control portion sizes.

List for the hospital and after surgery

Nov 11, 2006

Hospital list
-Lip balm / chap stick…for the dry lips when you can’t have ice chips
-Baby wipes or antibacterial wipes to freshen up,
-Trial size baby lotion or favorite lotion,
-Small shampoo and conditioner,
-Brush, hair ties
-Toothbrush and paste …the hospital provides some but it tastes horrible
-Insurance card and living will or health care proxy, medication list
-Your own pillow w/colored case (this will be handy for the ride home too),
-Loose clothes to wear home and a good pair of non slip sole slip on shoes…you will hate to bend over to put on shoes
-Camera in case you want to document the journey …this is an optional item
-Phone numbers in case you want to call family / friends,
-Sanitary napkins (a lot of women will start their cycle right after surgery),
-Eye covering (if light bothers you), earplugs (if noise bothers you)
-Pictures of family or loved ones…This is an optional item
-Small fan …this is an optional item
-Get some type of long wooden spoon or something you can wrap toilet tissue around. If that doesn't work, get a family member to wipe your butt.
-A robe and house shoes to walk in the hall after surgery

Pack your bag to go to the hospital and then remove HALF of that. You won't use it all! Promise! (Thanks for this great tip Tooter)

Post op list
-Replace all the batteries in things you use regularly (TV control, VCR Controls, cordless phone, etc). Nothing worse than having to haul your butt of the couch 3 days post op just to change the channel. Also if you don't have a cordless phone, invest 5 bucks in a long cord for your phone so it can sit by you. Just TRY to 'run' for the phone post op lol. NOT!
-Buy yourself a small bag of sugar-free peppermints. These are great if your queasy post op. Or peppermint tea. Hot tea is a great help in the mornings to relax the pouch.
-Lots of small dishes to eat from
-Small plastic dishes for freezing and or refrigerating left -overs
-Small spoons and forks (
-Extra measuring cups and spoons
-Vitamin e oil for dry stomach skin
- Foods that can be eaten post op. Bottled water ,baby apple juice (Dole,),instant breakfast, no sugar added popsicles, jello pudding, some type of protein powder, gatorade ,chicken broth, instant mashed potatoes.
-A good strainer to strain the chunks out of soup
-For those of you that don't have a shower seat, see if someone you know has one you can borrow (bleach the thing before using of course though) or purchase one if possible. Make sure if you are borrowing one that it has rubber grips on the feet of it though that are in good shape. You certainly don't want to slip and fall in the shower
-One of those grabbers that you can pick things up off the floor
-Whatever vitamins and supplements you plan on taking
-Protein shakes and shaker cups
-Bags of ice…for getting in fluids and making shakes cold
-Mederma or scar gone to heal incisions
-Papaya Enzymes...Helps when something gets stuck

About Me
Charlotte, NC
Surgery Date
Dec 02, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Pre-op photo. I look so bad like this.
9 Mo. post op. feeling so much better

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