frankurban posted a discussion topic 5 years, 5 months ago

I had a Duodenal Switch 10 years ago. I experimented with several probiotics to help curb gas and loose stool issues and VSL#3 has worked best for me. It's a medical grade probiotic with over 100 billion live probiotic bacteria and it has to be stored

frankurban posted a discussion topic 6 years ago

I'm having strange symptoms I've never had before... wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I'm concerned about a partial bowel obstruction or other issue.

I'm bloated and don't feel as if I'm fully eliminating food. In my 9 years post-

frankurban posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

I'm confused again!

I've never figured this one out. If we're malabsorbing 80% of all fat, shouldn't that affect our triglycerides as

frankurban posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

I've been throwing down $60/month on VSL#3 capsules. Each capsule has over 100 billion live probiotic bacteria and it has to be stored in the fridge. I take two a day. They're the best probiotic I've found, but that's $720/year!!!

Have you hear

frankurban posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

My Cardiologist told me I should add fish oil to my diet, but since it's oil based I'll malabsorb most of it. That's not going to help.

Anyone know of a water soluble fish oil?

I've looked into flaxseed oil as a sourc

frankurban posted a discussion topic 7 years, 11 months ago

My blood pressure is on the high end of normal, borderline. I'd like to see if I can find some DS friendly supplements to bring it under control before moving to medication.

Studies have shown CoQ10 reduces blood pressure, but most are fat solu

frankurban posted a discussion topic 12 years, 7 months ago
I've got an Incisional Hernia - My DS was 2 1/2 years ago. I suspected something was wrong, so I spoke w/ Dr. Rabkin (who performed my surgery), then visited with my local GP who confirmed my suspicion, then saw ...

frankurban posted a discussion topic 12 years, 8 months ago
Fecal Transplants Promising for Treating Intestina - A friend of mine posted this on Facebook. It doesn't sound like something I'd ever try, but I thought someone here might be interested. It's quite an odd treatment, but some are...

frankurban posted a discussion topic 12 years, 10 months ago
Anti-Fart Blankets & Underwear - beth-28's recent post, a bad case of gas and the fact that I'm in a relationship now have got me thinking. Do the anti-flatulance products I've heard of out there really work? ...

frankurban posted a discussion topic 12 years, 10 months ago
DS Docs in Los Angeles for Bowel Obstruction - I'm almost certainly having an episode of gas, but my gassy discomfort has me thinking about what I would do if I needed to see a doctor locally over concern of a bowel obstruction...

frankurban posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
Liquid Multi-Vitamin? Help! - I got back my 2 year lab results and they were perfect... except for one thing. My B6 levels are too high. My only source of B6 is a liquid multi-vitamin I take (Miracle 2000). It ...
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Surgery Date
Feb 26, 2009
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