Two months post-op and counting!

Sep 24, 2009

I was officially two months post op on the 20th of September.  It worked out well because I have decided to only weigh myself once a month.  I have lost another 12.5 pounds since August 28, when I had my last office visit at my Surgeon's office.  WOW, A few item of clothing that I had been waiting to reduce enough to get into are now too large.  I am trying to keep up with the clothing demands of my ever shrinking body.  I am so happy.  I feel very well.  I am eating what I think to be enough.  Some days I find it difficult to get all of my protein requirement in, but I am diligent about working at it.  My hips and knees do not ache when I walk distances anymore.  Funny thing is, I quit the anti-inflammatories that I took for arthritis, 2 weeks before surgery.  I no longer have any pain or swelling of my lower extremities.  I walk about 3 miles per day, and I am planning on starting back at the gym, the beginning of October.  I adopted a second dog, and the dogs keep me moving.  They love their walks.

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Surgery Date
Jul 19, 2007
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