Pre Op Liquid protein diet day seven

Sep 13, 2009

It will be one week today. It's almost noon and I have yet to drink my first shake. I feel OK though. I've been stuck trying to catch up on my work on the computer and learning about my new Blackberry. I'll have lots of time in the hospital to do that.
I need to go shopping and cut the lawn today. I'll update this later.

Update: Well.. the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. 
Someone drank all the milk in the house. So instead of drinking the whey powder with water.. my first "meal" of the day was a can of Low Carb Slim Fast.

When I came home from shopping, i dropped the gallon of milk and it split open.. Oh well.. no use crying over spilled milk. So I had another Slim Fast and began to cut the grass.  By now I only had 380 Calories for the day.  I ran out of gas before I was done cutting the lawn. (Me.. not the lawnmower).  So I had a third Slim Fast and finished the job.  My wife wants me to go out on a mile and a half walk tonight with the dog.  I'll have my fourth Slim Fast then probably.

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