Pre Op Liquid Diet Day Nine

Sep 15, 2009

I had a very busy day today.. so trying to ingest enough nutrition was going to be a challenge.
Here is a synopsis of my day.
5AM Got up, took a shower and got dressed
5:30 AM Spilled my Whey powder and milk shake after only drinking one third of it
6;15 AM got in car and drank a Low Carb Slim Fast shake and drove to the Cleveland Clinic
8:15 AM  I had the first of nine pre-op appointments at various offices around the clinic.
Noon I got enough of a break to go to the car and have my second slim fast can.
12:30 Continued with appointments (got a flu shot too)
3:30 Finished last appointment and when I got in the car I had another Slim fast, then drove home
6:15 Had my last Slim Fast Shake and went for a walk for 1 and a half miles.
8PM  Began looking at and organizing plans for pre-op shopping and things I need to do before Monday's RNY.

I'm pumped up about this surgery.  It has been my main focus for six months now.

If anyone wants to know how I have been handling this 14 day pre-op diet.. I have been keeping a journal on my profile.

