I said NO!!

Jan 14, 2011

Today I had two people soliciting girl scout cookies at work. The first one asked "Do you think your husband or son would like some girl scout cookies?" Instantly I felt "Sabotage!" but I know that wasn't her intent. A lot of people believe that the reason the surgery works is because it takes away your cravings and obssessive eating. For me? Not so much. If I have a box of cookies I will try to eat the box of cookies until I go into a carb coma. It's nice that she had such faith in me, but I don't have it in myself. My husband and I have a pact to not bring each others (and our own) trigger foods into the house unless it's kept far far away from the problem person. For example, I love chocolate, but not dark, he buys only dark and keeps it at his computer desk. Neither one of us can resist ice cream, so we don't buy it. I am the evil one who buys peanut butter and cheese, but I use both in a lot of recipes. As long as he doesn't realize it's around he's not tempted. I've been cooking ahead so that we only have to go in the fridge to grab our tupperware for the day or to fill Trevor's milk cup. I think it's been helping.
The second Girl Scout was our CEO's daughter, she was walking around with his assistant who knows I had WLS. I was very proud of her discretion, instead of saying "She can't have that" or "She had surgery" or "She's dieting" she said "She's diabetic" which I kinda no longer am, but it's a very socially acceptable disease and people know not to taunt the diabetics. Sadly they haven't learned to not taunt the fat people. I live my life like a diabetic, though without the medication, so I felt her explanation was appropriate.
A lot of people around my work care waaaaaaaaaay too much about what I put in my body. In fact there have been one or two occassions that I ate far far away from them when I was treating myself, because I didn't want to hear the comments. I know they are showing and interest and expressing concern, but seriously? I don't need a food NAZI, it just makes me angry and defensive and then want to do something bad.
And guess what, I said no to Girl Scout cookies all by myself! We even stood around talking about the best flavors and I didn't die craving them. But having them in my hand would be bad, I know that, and so I shall avoid it.
I'm pretty proud of me, and I just wanted to share :) No gateway drug, please :P


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Harpers Ferry, WV
Surgery Date
Oct 21, 2010
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