So Tired

Jan 19, 2011

These last couple of nights my husband and I have been passing out early. We occassionally sleep on our futon in the living room, this started when he wanted to do online gaming with his friends, and wanted me nearby so that when he was ready for bed, there I was, or in general he could just turn around and look at me with adoration any time he wanted. It turns out that we sleeping out there more than in the bedroom. The last three nights, we've been zonked by 9:30, 10:00. I usually stay up until 11:30, 12 with him, but not this week. We're all getting over the same cold (my husband, our son, and I) and I bet this is a huge part of it.
It makes me a little sad because this is our day:
6am, I wake up, and do the 6 week 6 pack video
7am, I leave for work, protein shake in hand
8am, I arrive at work (officially) and get to my day
9am, Hubby wakes up, we talk online, he gets baby ready and drops him off at day care when he go to work (930 am)
1230, I go to Curves for my lunch break
430, I head home, pick up my son on the way
530, dinner with the monster followed by playing with him
830-900, Husband comes home

the only variation is if i work go to curves in teh morning instead, then i do the video an hour or so after dinner.

So as you can see, we don't get to spend a lot of time together... sleeping further robs us of quality time. sigh. he's been working 6 day weeks with only saturdays off, hopefully that will change soon, I miss him.
I know I'm pushing it too hard, trying to stay awake to spend time with him instead of getting in my 8 hours, on top of being sick, I'm really not surprised that we keep zonking so early, I just wish I didn't wake up so tired.

Tonight we have promised to sleep in the bed room, after finishing season one, disc 2 of Blood Ties (we only made it halfway through last night) and doing pictures (didn't get around to that either).

The last 2 mornings, the monster has kinda woken up with me, and followed me to the bathroom. The first day he came in, this morning he couldn't do much more than nudge the door. He's exhausted too. I gave him extra cuddles both mornings and he went right back to sleep.

This morning I am really feeling the 6w6p, my abs are so tight it's crazy! and I'm only a week and a half into it, i can't imagine how i will feel not only for staying with it for the duration, but also how my body will look and feel after.


Hope everyone is well this morning

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Harpers Ferry, WV
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