Getting there...

Apr 23, 2008

2min walk...8 min RUN...2min walk...4 min RUN...

I definitely run better/longer with someone running next to me...sounds dumb, huh?! I seem to pace better that way...

Those extra pounds finally came off...s l o w l y...I've been pushing my water and protein...I am just becoming increasingly impatient with the pounds lately...can't put my finger on why. Maybe just because the rest of my life is in such turmoil right now...I have no idea. Oh well.


Apr 17, 2008

Well...I have some good news and some bad news...

GOOD NEWS:  I have been back at the gym this week, and even though I have only started back up on the elliptical for 20 minutes, I am up a level to level 10, and then my rounds of strength training...and then running. 

***I ran for a whole 1/2 mile without stopping last night!!!! 7 minutes and something...4.8 pace!!!***

I smiled the whole way home!!!

I posted on the exercise board for some advise on how to build up the endurance running, and was given the website for a couch to 5K program. I'm starting that tonight!!! But I am totally psyched that I ran for a half a mile last night without wanting to die!!!!


After my doc apt. last week, I started following what the NUT said. I started eating a little bit more whole grains/veggies...still keeping my sugar low, and fiber/protein high. I GAINED 3#!!!!!

Now, I also had my first experience with the most horrible bout of constipation ever on Sunday. I don't know what was worse. Whether I was so constipated or whether it was the size of a small whale. I actually thought that I was going to have to go to the ER. I didn't know how I was going to get it out. I am not going to tell you what I had to do to get it out. Let me just say that I did what I had to do to keep myself from ripping in half...or I would still be sitting there right now. I have not felt right ever since. I have had a very FULL feeling...very crampy and bloated belly feeling. I have been pushing my fluids and even taking 1-2 stool softeners per day...and it's not helping. I am going to call my MD today...this sucks. I never thought in a million years anything terrible like this would happen. 

So, I don't know if it's the carbs (even though they were good carbs) or if I am just full of crap (literally) that is making me gain the weight....but something has got to give. I can understand coming to a stall and not losing...but I REFUSE to sit here and follow all the rules and then GAIN weight!!!! Especially seeing as I am finally getting back on track with working out!!!

I could scream!!!!!!!!

All is good in da hood!!

Apr 08, 2008

Well...had my appointment with the surgeon today...and they said I am doing great!!! I am at 178 (although was 177.2 this morning on my scale...). They said that I have lowered my risk for heart disease something crazy like 70%. The doctor's goal for me is 150. (My personal goal is 134). So that's pretty crazy!! I am less than 30 pounds away from the doctor's goal!!!

The only thing that my NUT said was that I have to ease up on the amount of fish I eat...I eat tuna and/or salmon probably 5-6days a week. They are concerned about mercury poisoning. This sucks for me, because fish is like my "fast food". It's quick, easy, and I love it!! And it's great protein and a great source of the Omega 3's. She wants me to try to go down to 3-4x/wk at the most. She said that I am still very strict on myself regarding what I eat. She said that's fine if I'm fine with it, but she said don't be afraid to "live a little" I said that there will be plenty of room for living when I am at goal!!!

So after my appointment, I stopped at the mall. NY & Co. was having a huge sale...I needed some shirts. I went through the whole store drooling over the things that I liked...and realized...I don't know how NOT to dress fat!!! I immediately grabbed the XLs, and they looked terrible. Then I tried L...and to my HUGE suprise, I wear a MEDIUM shirt!!!! Holy Crapolla!!! Then I got this adorable little crop swing jacket...size L...and it's too big!! I bought a size 14 jean capris which are a tad tight in the thigh...but then went over to Fashion bug and bought a size 12!!!! I cannot believe it!!!! So depending on where I am and how the clothes run, I am somewhere between 12 and 14. 16s are too big!!! OMG!!! That's all I have to say!!!

I'm so happy with this only regret is that I didn't do it sooner!!

Did I mention that I have collarbones?!?!!

Five months out on Monday...hope to get pics up soon!!

Still sick...go figure!

Apr 07, 2008

Well, the scale went down this week...but to be honest with you, I have been so sick that I have been following NONE of my rules...

I'm not eating...HARDLY AT ALL

I'm not drinking enough...

I'm not hitting my protein numbers...

I'm not working out...

I NEED to get working out again...the scale is still moving down for now (thank god) but I don't want to press my luck. 

I go to my surgeon and meet with a NUT tomorrow...we'll see what they say.

So sick...

Mar 25, 2008

I feel gross. I am so disappointed in myself. I have not been to the gym in two weeks...although I was still working out at home. And I have not even done that since last Wednesday. I have been just soooo sick and tired with this darn cold and headaches and backaches... I need to go to the chiropractor for my SI joint...and I have been getting up every morning at 5:30am to see if I can pull myself to the gym...and every morning I wake up with such a headache and stuffy head that I can't stand it. All I want to do is sleep. I can't even stay awake at work. And I am sooooo COLD...all the time. Everyone says that it's because I'm losing weight and my insulation is getting thinner. Whatever. I'm freaking cold!!!!

So afraid that by the time I start feeling better, I'm going to be so out of shape again...ARGH!!!

Pretty cool WOW moment!!!

Mar 21, 2008

My BF is not a big guy...and last night...he gave me a hug, reached down to my legs, and pulled me up so that HE HAD ACTUALLY PICKED ME UP AND HAD MY LEGS WRAPPED AROUND HIS WAIST!!! 

The funny part is...his face did not turn beat red and he did not get a hernia!! He was never able to do that before!!!!

AND, I guess here is another one...

I am going to Florida in 2 months. May 15-20. I need a swim suit. I saw a really cute one in Penny's and was going to wait until May to buy it, seeing as I have no clue what size I will be by then. But then I noticed that there were only 4 left...I really liked it, so I grabbed a size 12 and figured that I'll leave the tags on it, and if it doesn't fit by May, I'll just return it. Well, just for sh**s and giggles, I tried it on. It's tight, but it doesn't look bad. IT BASICALLY FIT!!! I have not seen a size 12...well...maybe since I was 12!!! Now, I did NOT get the bottoms to go with them...I can find any kind of bottoms in May. I just really wanted the top. Holy sh**. This is cool!!!

BF Sabatoge...

Mar 19, 2008 I have said from the beginning that my BF has not been very agreeable with my WLS. He complains all the time that I can't eat with him, I can't drink with him...blah, blah, blah. He whines constantly about it. 

He went so far as to say to me last night while I was holding the cat..."You're gonna whittle away to nothing! Your gonna be skinny like your sister! Ugh!" Ok, hold up. I STILL WEIGH 188 pounds!!! I have no clue what size I am, but I AM STILL BIG!!! My sister is a size 0. That's not going to happen to me.  EVER!

But you know, I've noticed that he has been trying to get me to eat everything that is not good for me. Sugar cookies, doritos, mashed potatoes, etc. He will even go so far as to hold it up to my lips and try to get me to eat it!! WTF??? Then, if I ever don't feel well, he blames it on me not eating. He will sit there with a plate of completely unhealthy food, and say that he is going to outlive me because I'm so unhealthy. I explain that all I ever put into my mouth is healthy food, and my cholesterol is 91, and I can't believe how him eating all sorts of sugar, carbs and fat is possibly healthy, but he just won't listen.  

I'm so irritated with him I could scream!!! He never has anything good to say about my losing weight, and I feel like he is trying to sabatoge it!! ARGH!!

4 months out...189

Mar 13, 2008

4 months...down 57 (189)

I made my mini-goal, to be 190 by today. Actually one pound below. I weigh first thing in the morning. 

I'm having trouble at the gym...can't understand why. I have been struggling through my cardio...I'm just so tired. I need to be better about taking my vitamins. And water...and protein...Some days good...other days not so good. But I am still doing a MINIMUM of 30 min high-intensity elliptical, and then making my rounds among the machines, working inner and outer thighs, and upper body. Still doing hamstrings and abs at home, and trying to throw in some running here and there. Still can only do max 3 min run...walk, then maybe 2 min run again. I wish I could run more. I'm working on it. 

Next goal: 185 by April 1st...hopefully I'll weigh less than that, but that's the goal.  OH!! And to post 4 month pics! The befores are just gross for me to see now. Such a difference. 

Problem areas:  DEFINITELY the gut...DEFINITELY going to be a TT in my future. My arms...I'm not so confident that the skin will tighten up. NO PS on the arms though...those scars arent too pretty from what I can see. I really need my thighs to slim down. I know that have to some extent, but  they are just VERY SQUISHY now...ugh. And BOOBS...HA!! What boobs?? Hard to believe that I had some at one point!!  It's saddening...they are deflating rapidly.  Soon to be no more... Some people are just blessed with resilient skin...I'M not.


Mar 03, 2008

I am sickened by the fact that I have not been to the gym since last Tuesday. I did something to my back and have not been able to stand up straight, let alone work out. I did manage to do some crunches on Wednesday, though. I go to the chiropractor tonight at 5:15. Hopefully, I can go right to the gym afterwards. I love my chiropractor. I have had about a 10 year relationship with him!!!! I was hoping that I would not need to go anymore after I started losing weight, but I guess that this being the first time in 3.5 months, that's pretty good.

So let me get this straight...I have not worked out in 4 days, almost five....and the scale went down...I was 195 this morning. This whole WLS thing still amazes me!!! 

I'm trying to adopt a new motto..."Slow and steady wins the race...."

I hate the scale...

Feb 25, 2008

It has been teeter-tottering between 197.6 and 199.something. It is really ticking me off because being under 200 is such a big deal for me. It has been the same for a little over a week now. ARGH!!!

I had a really good workout yesterday! I took advantage of having the day off, and went to the gym for about 1.5 hours. I did my normal 40 minutes on the elliptical, then I did my rounds on about 7 machines, working my entire upper body and then inner/outer thighs, and then I got on the treadmill and tried to run again...

4 minute run...2 min walk...2 min run...DONE.

I just hope the scale moves soon, or I won't hit my mini-goal of weighing in at 195 by 3/1. 2nd goal is to be 190 by 3/14...which is my 4 month out date.
Please god let it happen

About Me
Buffalo, NY
Surgery Date
Jul 18, 2007
Member Since

Friends 100

Latest Blog 61
One year and one month...13 months out...
At goal, having a blast!! 10.5 months, 139
OK, I think I'm claiming it!!
10.5 months...goal?
~*9 MONTHS*~ AND 100 pounds!!!!
