11-05-07 (yeah I know it's been almost 2 months)

Nov 05, 2007

Ok, me + 15 month old twins + coming down with something = one unhappy momma.

I feel like poo.... I had a rough weekend resulting in a skipped day at the gym, fundraising carwash for my nephew to raise funds for his funeral expenses, teething/fussy babies and not being able to get a damned thing done around the house. I was able to make it to the gym this morning but ever since I got home it's been going steadily downhill. I feel weaker and weaker and achey all over, I just know I've caught something.   Now I'm freaking out that the kids are going to get sick too. That's all I need. Sheesh, I wanna go to bed and curl up under a ton of warm blankets and just get over this.


Sep 27, 2007

Ok, I seriously hate my TOM. I have less restriction (not that I have that much to begin with right now), and I crave all things yummy and bad for me. So not fair! I'm trying to be good, I go to the gym four days a week (my trainer wanted me to start taking an additional day off in the middle of the week), and I try to make an effort to be mindful of what goes in my mouth. Right now it's way harder than usual, so I try to only have a super small amount of what I crave. I get the feeling that next week I'm going to have paid for this. I think I'm going to call the Dr.'s office and see what the soonest I can get my second fill is first thing Monday morning.


Sep 25, 2007

Ok, so it's been a while since I last blogged. I've been working out regularly with my trainer and I'm loving the fact that I'm more active than I've been in years (excluding chasing the kids of course). My DH says that my legs, butt and arms are looking better too, which is always nice to hear! The weather is finally starting to break here which is awesome. I'm looking forward to halloween and I've already gotten the kids costumes (we've got a fairy princess and a dragon this year) I can't wait to get their pictures taken in them. Other than that things have been pretty much normal. I'm a little frustrated that I still don't feel like I have much restriction and am struggling to make healthier food choices. I think my problem is I haven't had a PB, slime or stuck episode yet. I'm not fearful of what I'm eating and so I'm not as cautious as I should be. I need to work on eating slower and take smaller bites. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day and I'm going to double my efforts to do better.


Sep 13, 2007

I had my first fill today! Piece of cake, it was one stick and 3 seconds and I'm done. I thought the sick would be the numbing stuff and lo and behold it was done before it even seemed to start. Here's to hoping I feel some restriction when I start eating tomorrow.


Sep 12, 2007

Ok, so I went to support group yesterday and that was informative. I'm very happy mainly because Sonja was a smarty and asked about getting a fill sooner than her scheduled date and was able to, so I asked and I was able to also. Tomorrow morning I get my first fill and I'm looking forward to getting back on track. I was supposed to go to an aerobics class this morning but the babies woke up on the sick side so I had to stay home with them (child care has a no sick kids policy, which I fully agree with). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they have a good night and I'm feeling up to an 8 am yoga class. Oh and Yay!! I get a fill tomorrow!!! *so doing the happy dance*
Well, off to put toys away and get ready for bed. I'm sure I'll blog again in the next couple days as to how the fill goes.


Sep 04, 2007

I'm loving the gym. It feels so good to work my muscles again. I wish I had great news about weight loss but I've plateaued for the moment. I know I need my upcomming fill. In the meantime at least it makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something by working out. I can't believe how much of a good mood it puts me in. Drake has started taking his first steps. He's up to 10 on his own now. My baby is becoming a little boy, it's a little sad. Lilly is still the proverbial "little princess" she refuses to walk or be put down on her feet, she thinks it's her right to be carried everywhere. I'm sure as soon as she sees her bro walking that she'll join him. At least, that's how it went with the crawling.


Aug 30, 2007

I NEED restriction!! I have my appt for my first fill next month on the 20th and I can't wait. I'm dealing with my TOM right now and I think I could eat a horse, or two. I'm trying so hard to make good choices and eat small portions but I'm struggling. I'm hoping my workout tomorrow morning will give me some newfound resolve. Oh well finally got the kids to sleep so I should probably hit the sack as well.


Aug 27, 2007

Today I went to the gym and talked to a personal trainer. I'm starting a routine as of tomorrrow. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I'm going to be doing resistance training and on Tuesday and Thursday I'll be doing aerobics of some sort. I'm going to try Yoga tomorrow but they have a bunch of other classes that they offer. I'm so excited. Their scales aren't as nice as the Dr.'s offices though. Though to be fair I am starting my TOM any day now so that might have altered things a little.


Aug 25, 2007

I had a LONG day today. I had to watch my husband's store for him while he was working at an event he was sponsoring. Let me tell you, trying to do retail AND watch two one year olds at the same time, phew man am I beat, and yet it's 11:30 and I still can't fall asleep. I hate when that happens. Of course as soon as I do lay down I'm sure one of the little monsters will probably want a bottle. I need to call my gym on monday to get the details on the child care they provide and specifics on personal trainers. I want to start going next week, I'm sick of not excercising. Tomorrow is date night so I finally get to go see a movie with the hubby. Ok, enough rambling and pseudo whining I'm off to bed.


Aug 24, 2007

I went to lunch with a friend today. I had some refried beans and we came back to the house to watch a movie. No more refried beans for me. I had to make a mad dash for the bathroom.  I've had an odd ache in the back of my throat today too, right behind the dangly thing (can't remember the name of it). It feels kinda like it did when I got home from the hospital, all tight and swollen feeling.

About Me
Phoenix, AZ
Surgery Date
Aug 04, 2007
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