Thursday, Sept 20th...2007

Sep 20, 2007

Nyeesha emailed me today. 

She thinks she will hear something from Aetna "very soon". 

Whatever that means. 

How will I feel after hearing it's a go:

Excited, nervous, motivated. Ready to go. 

If it's no: then I will feel frustrated, worried, anxious, but I have a plan. So we'll just have to work the plan. 

Keep a good thought. It's my last prayer at night to God: Please let them approve me for this surgery so I can get my life back. 


So today I spoke with.....

Sep 19, 2007

Todays Aetna rep at precert was....drum roll please....


She said that this morning around 830am Aetna received papers from the MD office. 

Hmmm. That was intriguing.

I have received no message from Nyeesha.  I wonder what they needed that the office sent.  
I sent an email to Nyeesha yesterday about the letter I got from Aetna yesterday basically telling me they received my request and want all the paperwork to review.   I asked Ny if she got one too just to make sure and was there anything else I needed to get her. 

Not a peep from her yesterday or today. 

Hmmm..... Thinking 

I unlike my dh am not a cynical person. But I sure would like some answers from someone other than "we are talking to each other".   I guess no news is good news.  I have been on the other side, in the office that is.... the insurance nurse can call you several times and the patient will never even know about it.  I sure hope that it's paid off to be nice to Nyeesha so she speaks well of me on the phone to that nurse. 

I'm calling both of them tomorrow.  I keep praying. 
It's been since August 31st and still nothing. Ugh. 

One more call to Aetna 9/18/2007

Sep 17, 2007

So I spoke to Tameka today at Aetna Precert. Today is Sept 18th, 2007

 Operator Why yes, you may.

She says it says in the computer that they just picked up my paperwork and looked at it 8 days ago on the 10th. 
So it's not been in process since Nyeesha sent it. 
It sat for almost 8 days before anyone looked at it and it's still in process. 

Geez, this just stinks.  

Ugh.  I am so tired of waiting.  Pouty 

Am having the most realistic frightening dreams lately.  My pain is off the scales this morning. It gets so bad that if I do too much ( and that can mean as little as walking down the stairs too quickly) I get nauseous from all the pain. That's how bad it is.  I have noticed that if I take my Darvocet or Codeine at bedtime then I wake up in less pain for some reason. 

I have this supplement called Activive that I want to try but it has glucosamine in it and I am reluctant to use it since it's made from shellfish and I am allergic to shellfish. Have to call the company and see what they say.  The narcotics do help me feel better. But I don't want to be on them forever. 

DH is still gone to Chicago this week. Clare has been puking off and on with fever for more than a month now. We never know when it will hit but she keeps on doing it. Now last night she vomited all over the top of the stairs. I am out of carpet freshener since she dumped the rest of the box on my downstairs carpet yesterday.  

I told DH for our 10th anniversary he's buying me diamonds.

Custom Smiley
  Big ones now since he left me without my van

 and a sick kid  Vomit 

and a puppy     
 Puppy 2 
who poops everywhere    Pooper Scooper 

 but outside.  

Because I prefer to remember her on her birthday....

Sep 14, 2007

Ten years ago this week a little - no a large- part of my heart died along with her. 

My mother Carol, age 53, married 33 years to my wonderful father, succumbed to lung cancer.  She was a wife, sister, mother, grandmother, aunt and friend to many. But I was her only daughter.

She had been diagnosed with Lung Ca on July 15, 1997 and approximately 60 days later she died. In my brothers home, surrounded by her 2 sons, their wives and several grandchildren. And her very loving adoring husband. 

Three weeks later, I was married to James. 

Needless to say it was traumatizing to bury my mom and then get married 3 weeks later.  I could write a book about the experience but ....well. I didn't.

Her 64th birthday would have been tomorrow.  
She was really a terrific, nice, grounded, wonderful, prayerful, faithful, devoted, loving person who I adored.  I was only 31 when she died and I feel gipped by not having her around. 

I will post her pic over to the left.  
Happy Birthday mom, you know how much I miss you. 

Still nothing...

Sep 14, 2007

Well, not nothing.  I did call the precert number on my card to see if I could get anyone nice to tell me a little bit more.  This happened this am.
Spoke to a nice lady today who told me that on Wednesday they (meaning Aetna internally???) sent out a letter of medical necessity (to whom?? internal MD reviewers???). (BOY I NEED SOMEONE WHO WORKS AT AETNA TO DECIPHER THIS FOR ME)  She said that that looked good for being a yes. 
But who knows.  I've been on the other side of that phone and no one really knows for sure. 

The one thing I know is I am so ready to change my direction.  I don't know how to eat the 'right' things anymore. So I might as well eat the way people who have WLS do.... it seems to work and I am more than ready to step up to the plate.  Bring it on baby. 

On a more personal note, I hurt like hell, dh is out of town so I have to farm my kids out this weekend which I hate bc I have no family in town so I end up inconveniencing a lovely friend of mine for a whole day 7a to nearly 8p with my kids. Now I am not bragging here but everyone says they are really good kids and are so polite so at least I have that going for me.  But I'm really just mad at my husband for having to work on a weekend and then my job for not giving me more weekends off.  But can't do anything about that either. 
That's a long story I can't get into here.  I could lose my current position if I call out sick tomorrow.  

S0 what shall I do for my friend who is watching my kids. I was thinking of baking a loaf of cranberry orange bread (don't be impressed, it's a mix)

My God I hurt. I cannot get up and down the stairs anymore without losing my breath or my legs following me like 2 great cinderblocks made of lead. 
I kid you not, my legs are hard to move up the stairs. My body is totalling screaming at me.  

Oh, and I forgot to mention Clare woke up vomiting this am, (nasty green, oh well, not everyone is a nurse like me who can handle descriptions of puke so I will spare you the description) let's just say when I went back in to see where it had landed she spewed everywhere. It was really well, bad. Gross too. 

If I can get through tomorrow and CLare does not puke at my friends house and get to SUnday where I have an awesome 17 yr old babysitter who is doing the whole day for me I will be fine. 

Please let me be approved next week Lord. Please.  

Robbie at Aetna

Sep 10, 2007

Well, just spoke to Robbie at Aetna and he says I am still in a holding pattern. Nothing else he had to add. 

In a few days I will call back to the Precert # on my ins. card.  
Maybe then I'll hear something. 

 Moodswings aaaerrrrrggggg.

Still waiting....

Sep 10, 2007

Still waiting.  
and waiting.

and waiting. 


Guess it's good that I am so busy with kids, school, groceries, managing my pain and just being tired. That wondering if the approval is going to come today is one of the last thoughts on my mind.  But I am really anxious to know one way or another.  I even have a plan if I am denied.....urrrggghhhh.


Sep 07, 2007

thanks indigo star!


I cant do this

Sep 06, 2007

.hov:hover{background-color:yellow;} I am practicing putting music on me blog...
I like this song, but in no way do I like country music. Just wanna make that extremely clear.
I just really like this song.

Music Video:
href="" target="_blank">This Ones For The Girls by (Martina McBride)

Music Video Code by Video Code Zone

Still waiting....

Sep 06, 2007

I sent Nyeesha some cute smileys the other day hoping that it would lead to her telling me Aetna has approved me.

But no such luck. She did like the smileys though- here's a sample:

   I love it when I find my name anywhere, isn't this cool?

No, I didn't send her this one, but cute for later...

This is the one I sent her. Love this one....

This is me at work ( I am a pediatric nurse in a call center so I use a headset like this 12 hours a day on the weekend- talking to mostly clueless parents who freak out that their kid has mosquito bites in the summer, go figure. ) 
No really, it's a great job. I do like it a lot. I work with truly great nurses at CHOP. (That's "the top kids hospital in the country" to CHOP administration!)

To me it's just work.  It's a nice place to work, it's just way too big. Really. Way too big. 

So some more smileys you ask:

This could be Sean and 2 kids, boy they need to go back to school.  Monday will be a great day!

 Treadmill This should be me on Monday morning after I drop off Clare at school. Hey, now that's a good thing to do with my free 2 to LA Fitness I go. 

But I don't do this:   Step Aerobics  Bad for my knees. 

This is how my face looks in the morning as I try to put weight on my feet.  The pain is a lot like this. 

So there's my smileys for today. I just love em.  

More later. 
If I get approved I will look like this:
Later all.  Maggie

About Me
Overland Park, KS
Surgery Date
Aug 13, 2006
Member Since

Friends 58

Latest Blog 102
My one year Anniversary/Birthday....
Complications do happen....
Nine months and 100 lbs gone!!!
Stuck at 98lbs and holding... the steering wheel is closer now
Teetering on 100lbs of weight loss
A normal day for me 7 months out
