
May 31, 2010

Things are going well. I am pretty much eating solids now.Soft ones though.It is going well. I can actually say my weight loss picked up when I added  more things to my diet.I get most of my protein from food now and greek yogurt. It is wonderful to eat again and to be able to grab a bite out sometimes with my family. I still think that the liquid diet has been the hardest part of the whole thing and one of the hardest things I have ever done! If you are reading this and on a liquid diet HANG IN THERE !!!! it is tough but worth it to be able to move on up to pureeds and solids and to have control over what you eat. I think because I always expect the worst (worry wort) that I feel almost surreal about the whole situation and expect it to stop or not work at anytime . I think that may be easing a little as I am starting to see little changes and notice little things are changing.I can feel a little difference in my clothes now and I can see a little difference in my body and I do not worry about if I am going to get full when I eat now.I used to always worry if what ever I ate or ordered would fill me up....no worries now. I look forward to continuing to see changes and move on to smaller clothes and maybe I will relax and enjoy the whole process !!!! I would like to actually enjoy my progress.LOL  I have lost weight before and gained it plus some back and I guess I am just too scarred by that  be too hopeful right now.I am just taking it day by day and working on a better me.:)
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May 29, 2010

I am doing really well I am eating more things and everything seems to be going down really well so far. I am still amazed at how little I can eat and be full and the weight has started falling off since I am adding dense protein to my diet.I am down 6 lbs in about 3 days.Woohoo !!!! I am loving it.I go for a fill in about a week so that will be cool .I know I will kind of have to start over with the whole eating thing ya know to find out what and how much of everything I can handle after the fill. I am looking forward to getting it though and working toward good restriction. I have started looking into good skincare products to maybe keep a little of the saggy skin at bay .I know there will be some and that exercise will help too but I am thinking if I can tackle it from every angle all the better.:)  I am hoping it will not be too bad. So I got me some face serum yesterday and used it this morning .I am gonna have to look in the mirror next time I go to the bathroom and see if I look 21 again yet !!!! LOL welp I am gonna go and find something productive to  do like maybe a nap! ;P It is a rainey day here so it is a good day for one. We are supposed to go to a pool party later on this evening so I need my beauty rest beforehand.

5-26-10 15 days post op

May 26, 2010

Went to see the nutritionist today and she liked what I am doing do far.She said that I could add some more solid things in next week and that now if things were really soft and I could mash them up with a fork first they do not have to go thru the blender . For lunch hubby and I got something from the fish place and I got broiled talapia and steamed veggies and it was DELISH !!!! I got lunch , dinner and some for my doggie out of it .It was a diet portion too! I was thrilled. It was so good I smashed everything up with my fork and chewed it really well too and all went well. We got invited to a pool party this weekend and I knew there would be adult beverages there and asked the nutritionist if is too early for me to "nurse" a glass of wine and she said NO go right ahead just count your calories in the wine! So that is cool I will not be an outcast not being able to eat or drink or having to bring all my own stuff .LOL I would not have cared wither way but it is cool I can have a few sips if I want to and everything will be fine.:)  
Things are going well and I lost another pound this week.I am also waiting on some water weight from my TOM to pass. I am venturing out and trying foods now and it is great I feel like I have to watch what I wat though as I have very little restrcition right now .That hopefully will change when I get my first fill on June 7th.Woohoo!!!! I cannot wait.:)

5-24-10 14 days post op

May 24, 2010

Went to the Dr today for my 2 wk check up and all went very well.They were happy with my weight loss and said my incision looked good and that I will get my first fill in 2 weeks ! I am excited about that . I go for my dietician follow up on Wednesday so we will see how that goes. I am enjoying pureeds much better than liquids :) . I am going to have refried beans again for dinner tonight I think. I am feeling great no issues so far except for trying to get everything in .lol Today the water is gonna be covered it is the protein I am a little shy of . Oh well I am a work in progress I guess. I feel alot better mentally today than I have in the past few wks and actually did start my period today .It is the first time in a long time I did not have to take hormones to start it. So it must have something to do with my weight b/c once I get over a certain wt I do not have them on my own.I am happy that I do not have to take the hormones and got one on my own!  Welp I am gonna go make dinner for the family and some beans for me.:)

5-23-10 13 days post op

May 23, 2010

It has been a great weekend .Hate it is ending.:(  Went to see Tim Gunn yesterday he looks as good in person as he does on TV ! All put together and neat. Did a little shopping and was happy to see they added a soup and salad place in the food court so I could eat too!!!! NOT they were out of SOUP ! I had to get a protein smoothie instead.Today though I am getting a kind of early start on pureeds (1 day hehehe) and we went to Taco Bell and I got refried beans ! They were delish.They also stuck with me a looonnnggg time.:) I was very happy . I am averaging about 800 or so calories a day and try very hard to get my protein and waters in ! That part is a day by day thing today I still gotta work on the water part .:(  Got the protein though. That is the first thing I check now....Then I go for least calories and carbs . Gotta get that protein in.I am hovering it seems at the same weight now for like a 1/2 week .I think it is because I am haing trouble getting all my stuff in.So I gotta work on that. I go see my Dr tomorrow for my 2 wk check up so we will see how that goes. Everything else is going well right now no pain and the gas is pretty much gone although I do have a bout with it every now and again. Tomorrow I can have eggs ! Think I am gonna make low fat egg salad.Love that stuff.  I chop mine up really fine so it should go down fine. It is pretty much minced when I get done with it.lol

5-21-10 11 days post op

May 21, 2010

Feeling really good today ! Drove myself to Walmart and Harris Teeter which are about 15-20 mins away ! Been driving close by so this was my big day out alone.LOL Did well. Painted my toenails ....whew that is hard work ! I did fine with that as well. No incision pain and gas is much better. Several of the steri strips have came off and the incisions look good .I got ot the Dr on monday morning for my check up ! Down another pound today too! that makes 28 I think ? :)   Welp I am checking in .All is well and I am now just struggling to get everything in everyday! Seems like I always have something to drink in my hand.lol
Ohhhhh....tomorrow Tim Gunn from Project Runway is going to be at the mall about 45 mins from me and hubby is taking me to see him !!!! I am so excited.I will also probably do a little makeup shopping (I LOVE purses and makeup!) So I am excited about that.:) What will I wear ???? Better go dig in the closet !

5-19-10 9 days post op

May 20, 2010

Last night we went to see Alice Cooper and Rob Zombie .I was a little nervous because it was my first big night out since surgery .I have been to the store and stuff but not really out -out anywhere.It went great ! The show was amazing! I was SO tired after the show though and even dozed on the way home. ZZZZZZZZZZ LOL  Today the gas and bloating seems to be almost nothing and no weird gas bubble thing so far this morning! YAY !!!! Maybe that is gone ....that was no fun. I have got to get better about drinking all my liquids AND the nasty evil protein shakes everyday.I have been doing good but afraid i am not quite getting everything in.That means you are drinking something constantly .WHEW ..... I try hard to do it though.The protein shakes....well at 3 1/2 wks of nothing but those and soup I hate the thoughts of them at this point and my tummy cringes when I go to drink them.Gotta do what you gotta do though I am getting on with it. Next week maybe I can put the protein pwdr in other stuff like pudding or yogurt or something.I am tired of drinking everything!!!! LOL
My incisions itch and my steri strips are starting to fall off .No real pain or anything though .I had to call and get my Dr to call in my prozac as liquid b/c the taste of that stuff mixed with jello or whatever is purely and totally repulsive !!!! The liquid has a bad aftertaste but is doable. I am not really all that hungry a whole lot but when I am I try to have a little something like some yogurt or jello or shake (protein of course) .  I did have a little head hunger at the show last night....The carbs were smelling good at the consessions stand .LOL I was strong though and thought about how yucky I would feel if I ate the nachos .Esp this early.So I went on to my seat with my bottle of water ! LOL They looked good though :P
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5-18-10 8 days post op

May 18, 2010

WEll today has been kind of ....eeehhhhhh. The gas kind of reared back up and the freaky air bubble thing has been happening alot more.:(  The hubby got me hot and sour and egg drop soup which I mixed to water down and put in the blender til it is broth like and last night all went well I  could not hold alot though .Then for lunch I watered the hot and sour down a ton with the egg drop not even spicey like last night (had just a tad of taste to it lol) I took a few bites and stood up and ....WHAM ! Same feeling as with the OJ ! I have been sick-ey feeling since and just ruined really.I think that means too soon for any amount of anything other than bland !!!! I ate some yogurt later on and it help some. I DID think about this before doing but thought hey it is a broth what could it hurt ?  Answer....ME !!!! What a retard I am .  Ok so I am back to REAL broths and yogurt and protein shakes.
The hubby and I talked today and he thinks my moods are a little unstable.I am bipolar and have not been taking my meds due to the fact I cannot swallow them and they taste like SHIT ! So today we had a talk in the kitchen and I promptly called to get them to call the pills I cannot swallow in as liquids.LOL Hubby is right things have been a little off with me lately. I am hoping things will even out soon and I will feel better mentally and physically .
Incision pain is great no pain at all really  .They itch like crazy but look great ! My steri strips are still on but a few are starting to lift. I drove for the first time today . Not very far but I did fine . I was happy to be out and about again on my own. :) I was a little sore turning and stuff and getting in and out of the car kind of pulled but nothing really to think about just something I noticed. My mom saw me today and she says she can really tel around my face and chest and tummy that I have lost.Which is good I have skinny legs I am kind of apple shaped so that is where I need to lose! I can tell in my clothes as well lately.That is positive !

5-17-10 7 days post op

May 17, 2010

Well exactly a week ago today I was banded ! WOW what a difference a week makes. I feel alot better .:)  For those of you with the gas and bloating thing going on right now ....take heart it gets better ! I still have a little here and there but nothing really bad.My incisions ITCH like crazy ! Guess they are healing under there.:) I still have the weird air bubble thing but not as often now. I am down 25 lbs today !!!! YAY !!!! The capris I put on are loose .My undies were loose too .Hahaha.I am starting to see a difference in my body even if it is very slight. Those things are mood lifters for sure. I have noticed my skin is very dry though.
I have started to give thought to the kind of eating lifestyle I want to lead when I CAN eat again.I am leaning towards low carb.Just seems best to me.I do not want to introduce the unhealthy carbs back into my body now that I am clean. I love veggies and lean meat will be fine with me so that is the way I think I am headed.
On a sad note last week a friend of my daughters from school passed away.Only 11 years old! She had some health issues but death was unexpected at this time and it has been hard. We had to go to the visitation for her last night and it was heart wrenching.We of course know her parents and she has been in school and in classes with my daughter since kindergarten.I tutored her in Kindergarten.So sad.:(  She was a gorgeous little bundle of spunk .Guess she had to be with the challenges she has had. She and my daughter were just on the front page of the home town paper singing in the honors chorus in our county .Just shows how fast things can change.Ok....here come the tears so I'll move on.
well my laundry is almost caught up so that is good so I am going to go try to get that done and it will be time to drink a protein shake soon.
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5-16-10 6 days out from surgery

May 16, 2010

Feeling the best today yet. Pain is non existant.Feel a little twinge when I get out of bed or use a random tummy muscle.I feel alot less bloated and gassey today and feel alot of the swelling feeling I had inside is gone. Still have that weird air bubble feeling every once in awhile usually after standing up but not nearly as often as before. I dare say there is a light at the end of the tunnel today.
Yesterday I struggeled . I was very depressed  and weepy.Could be alot of things but now in the middle of all this other stuff going on I am trying to have PMS. I usually do not have periods on my own esp when heavy I have to take meds so I guess I have lost enough to restart them so I will get a visit from mother nature soon probably.But I am having bad cramps! UGHHHH
LOL No biggie!   I also had an "episode" ..... see below
OK so I have some issues with cramping in my calves so I am thinking I am not getting enough of something so my MIL tells me that OJ has more potassium than a banana so I think ....hey I can have unswtnd juice so I'll pick some up.So yesterday afternoon I pour just a few ounces in a cup and sip it slowly for a long while seemed to go fine. Then about an hour after finishing it....WHAM I am sick as a dog.So sick on my stomach. SO..... No OJ for me!!!! LOL  Seemed to pass after about an hour or so. I was scared I was going to have to call and get something for nausea.
OK ....Well I am going to venture out of the house today to Target! YAY !!!!
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About Me
China Grove, NC
Surgery Date
Apr 26, 2010
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