SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
The Face of Forty - Today I celebrated my fortieth birthday today. I have to say it was not what I expected. Growing up you see people who were forty and they looked so old. My, what rose-colored ...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 33 - Eliminate Emotioinal Eating This one I really thought when reading the heading didn't apply to me. If anything when I'm upset and stressed, the LAST thing I want to do is eat. E...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 30 & 31 - I combined the next two because lesson 30 is non-applicable to me. Decide about Drinking My surgeon has a strict NO drinking policy that I adhere to, so drinking is a non-issue. ...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
fab recipes! - I haven't kept up on the recipes nightly like I should. But I have loaded the photos up and copied the recipes so we are reading to share! hehe Do keep in mind that some of thes...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 30 - Stay in Control When Eating Out I haven't actually gone out to eat since having my WLS, so this is great information for me! The lesson deals with having you actually go out ...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 29 - Resist Food Pushers This lesson deals with how to not give in to people that want you to eat things not on your healthy eating plan. I don't have this issue. I have NEVER had an...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
Five Day Pouch Test - I'm on day four of this test and I have to say....WOOT! It really has gotten me to my 220 #s I was celebrating yesterday! Without I would have NEVER have gotten there. The proc...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
220 lbs baby!! - That's right..... 220 lbs as of TODAY!!! Go me!!! hehe Time to rock this joint!!! WOOT!

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 28 - Get Ready to Weigh In This is about weekly weigh-ins and how to be consistent with when and what you are wearing. All things I'm doing. Also to track your weight so you know how...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 27 - Master the Seven Question Technique This lesson really pulls many of the previous ones together to help you be more prepared for sabotaging thoughts. To have all your needed res...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
Two nights of great meals! - I haven't posted any meals in awhile since recently most of the meals I have made haven't tasted that great and not worth posting! hehe I am doing the Five Day Pouch Test (start...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 26 - Recognize Thinking Mistakes This really resonated with me. The doctor lists nine common thinking mistakes of people who are wanting to lose weight. I chose one from each of t...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 25 - Identify sabotaging Thoughts This has been a recurring theme from the start of the book. I really had not thought that I had sabotaging thoughts. The examples that she gave d...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 24 - Deal with Discouragement This could NOT have come at a better time!! Yesterday I had plans to go to my WLS group. I had made several items using the low carb (only 4 carbs ...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 23 - Counter the Unfairness Syndrome This is not a lesson that applied to me. I read it, and could see how it might be very important to those that look at other people and wish they...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Wonderfully easy lavash chips!! Oh soo good! - so, I'm home today with a sick kiddo that was running a 102 temp. I thank the wonderful loving Lord for fever reducer meds! His fever is gone and he's enjoying a day of popsicles a...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Terrific Thursday! - Yesterday was a great day! Took the pup for a MUCH needed hour walk! He had a great time and I enjoyed the wonderful cool breeze that blew to cool down hot, sweaty skin and watchin...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 22 - Say, Oh, Well, to Disappointment This is a GREAT lesson! It really deals with when you are feeling discouraged as you watch others stuff their faces with yummy foods and you are...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 21 - Get Ready to Weigh In This lesson is about weighing in weekly and it is spot on with what I'm doing already. I do weigh daily, to keep an eye on my weight, but I record every Mo...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Shrinking my nanner - Well over the last few days I have really cut back on my eating and I think I'm back to my liquid post-op size! I can eat VERY little and when I do eat, literally three bites in I'...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
Tonights Dinner - Tonight was a three course meal with a main course, veggie side, and dessert Salisbury Steak wigh onion gravy Ingrediants: 1 egg 1 can (10.5 oz) condensed french onion soup...

SuziJones lost 1 lb since May 14 14 years, 1 month ago

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
My Monday - My friend Cindy came up with a great plan of action on the sleever board and I'm embracing it Here are my goals for this month: 1st goal~ Exercise Every day Mon-Friday for one...

SuziJones wrote a blog post 14 years, 1 month ago
The Beck Diet Solution ~ Lesson 20 - Get Back on Track This is a great lesson! It's about when you DO go off your healthy eating plan that you don't just throw in the towel for the whole day! That you stop there an...