telling people about my surgery?

Apr 19, 2009

I really have not told anyone... i have very few close friends, and a few who are states away i talk to occasionally.  I have told no one at work, at all.  I wrote in my days off from work for may 5 - may 18, and gave no explanation, at all.  My husbands daughter is expecting a baby in a few days, i will probably just say i am going to Savannah to help out.  But, it will not be a secret for long.  I really don't want to deal with negativity, i feel that i do not need to explain my decision. So, anyway the only people who do know are my husband, daughter, a friend here, a friend in WA state and her daughter, that's it.  So, once the weight starts falling off, and they notice, then what? say yeah i gastric bypass? I'm dieting? i work with maybe, 4 people who have had gastric bypass, and all i see from others is negativity, it's not right.  and it's funny when you lose weight, people want to feed you! the people at work who did have it, i think they look great... but i hear what others say about them and now they are a few years out, and two of them are maybe 4 years out.  I always hear people say "oh they look sick". then i have one lady i used to work with, she told everyone she had cancer, instead of saying she had gastric bypass, she has gained most of her weight back.  She used to dump daily at work, and perforated her stomach i think 3 times.  I think some of that may come from lying to SO many people, and being deceitful about it.  She used to say she was volunteering at the hospital, when she was going to preop classes.  So somewhere down the road, i will have to bite the bullet with people i work with, and my husbands family, i just don't want to tell them before. I just want people to understand why i want this, but they are not over weight.... so will they really get it??   I hope so

feeling like a pig

Apr 17, 2009

I am going to start my preop diet on the 21st of april....which is 3 days away.  I want to eat everything, this is terrible, i have our meals planned for the weekend and for monday.  I'm going to back off coffee after this weekend, luckly it's not a addiction, and i don't smoke either, one thing less to quit!! 17 more days until my surgery.. i'm still excited and looking forward to a new life style.  Not much to write about, i'm just wanting to keep track.  I have a class next week, my last preop class, my next class i attend will be a postop support group!

preop dates !!

Apr 09, 2009

I got a call from the bariatric coordinator yesterday, she called to set up all my preop dates for me, for my surgery on May 5.  So i have to go meet my surgeon on April 27 I was hoping for the other surgeon at my hospital who is Dr Olsen, but I have Dr St. Jean... I have only met him once, but the other one, i see her at ALL my classes.  Dr. Amy Olsen...I had a class last night on nutrition, it was very short, like 25 minutes short, it was about the 2 week preop Atkins diet.  Then i go meet the anesthesiologist on the 28th, I think i need more blood work, my last stuff was drawn back in Jan, so I'll have to wait and see.  I figured out that i need to start that on April 21, so i will have to Atkins while I'm on vacation in myrtle beach on may 1-3, then i will be starting the liquid diet on the 3rd... while I'm at the beach, guess that will kinda suck!! My surgery day is a Tues, I'm hoping to get away with taking 12 days off work.  I plan on buying a elliptical machine to work out on, my friend and i practiced on them at sears, and those things kick your ass!! I do walk about 1-2 miles a day at work, but it doesn't raise my heart rate, so that is not going to help me at all!!  I had a flat today on my way to work, and a new tire to match the others will cost $140, for one tire... so I'm thinking of getting 4 new ones, I hate to spend all that money, and i'm going to be out of work again.  My foot is doing fair, could be better, I bought a pair if yellow box flip flops they are sooo comfy, i wish i could wear them to work.   T minus 25 days, and counting.... to a brand new healthy me, still haven't sold the husband 100% yet




surgery date

Apr 07, 2009

well, my bariatric coordinator called me today, and went over all my preop things i had to do, she asked when i was planning on surgery, so i told her the first part of may..... she gave me may 5.  As long as i go to my next two classes, one is tomorrow, and one is on the 21st.  I have to call the scheduling person so set up my meeting with the surgeon and anesthesia.  Then i think i need more recent blood work.  But as long as i make my next two classes, this will be the begining of my new life, and a healthy life!! im scared, nervous and excited!! it seems so close, and then again so far away... and i have only been in the program since the end of jan.  i know some people have waited years.  I am very lucky to be a military wife, and to have great insurance! without my husband, this would be out of reach.  I have to shop for all my post op stuff i will be needing for my liquid diet and my extra proteins.  I'm actually here, at less than a month!! i'll be starting my preop atkins diet soon also!!  Wow..... it's almost here, final count down
1 comment

middle of no where

Mar 25, 2009

Well, what can i say? have not had anything to do, no doctor appts, no classes, no tests... am i really getting close? trying to stick to a eating plan, today i did not do well!! and i had real coffee with real sugar and cream a big no no. Today work sucked, the weather was cool and windy, and my post op foot hurt. I needed a pick me up, unfortunately it was coffee and a pop tart... terrible huh? i need to straighten my act up, soon... real soon.  On a good note were going to the nascar car  race this weekend in virginia, this should be fun! looking forward to my next class! sometimes i think i need extra appts with nutrition, or maybe psych. some days are like katy perrys song, your up and your down, your in and your out, it's black and its white. maybe i need to up my celexa, maybe i should ask about that....but then i really feel like a nut!

gained some, lost a little

Mar 18, 2009

well as embarrassing as it is, i gained 31 pounds since i started the bariatric program. I started at about 234, then after 2 months of no work i was 264, then last weigh in 261  Alot  of that was from my foot surgery, but some was from me too. So i decided that it would be helpful, that at my next weigh in that i loose a little, so i am dieting, i have  lost 2.6 pounds on my home scale so i am 258.4  and I'm going to try to behave. I had a nice dinner tonight, although my stomach is GROWLING!!  but i haven't snacked in 3 days.  I had my teeth cleaned today and she did a number on me, but that's my fault,  it's been one yr since last cleaning. I went back to work yesterday, and walked about a mile or more.  Other than that, I'm just happy that i don't have any more testing for awhile, and no classes until April 8 & 21.  Then I'll have to see what comes after that. i will keep blogging for me a other people on their journey also, and now that i do it, i enjoy it.  I like meeting new people on here, and their stories, we all have one!

wow what a day!!

Mar 17, 2009

Another good day for me, I'm happy!! went to another appt., women's wellness.... all went great, today is the day i have completed my preop "to do" list with the medical side of it anyway, i have 2 more classes, one each of education, and preop support.  Those will be completed April 21... then i have to have a one on one with my surgeon.  My surgeon is awesome, and it's a female, not sure if shes active military or a civilian,  but either way she is GREAT.  The more i see her in my classes, the more comfortable i get with this whole thing.  Today is also the first day, it sunk into my husbands head of what i want to do. he knows, guess he was in cloud.  But with him him being 22 yrs in the army, he does not have weight issues, never has, although now..... he does have a (beer-belly)  LOL it's really hard to explain to a anyone what this is like.  Being over weight, fat, obese, grossly obese... unless your one of us.  So then today he confesses he's scared, worried, upset, not sure if i am making a good choice and all that kind of stuff. which i understand, but I'm not going into this like its simple answer, a minor operation, a hang-nail.  This is major, this is my last chance, my only chance.  Like i heard in class today, my surgeon is giving me life, and i will owe her a depth of gratitude, that can only be repaid by doing what i am suppose to do.  Eat my protein, drink my water, get off my ass, work out, break a sweat.... and most of all take this 12 months to reprogram my brain, to eat to live, not live to eat.  Guess my husband does not see me as 260, before he knew my weight tonight, he said "yeah you had surgery and gained a little, I'd be worried if you weighed 250" HA so i say well guess what, I'm past that doofus, I'm 260.. the pants i wore to work 2 moths ago, wont go over my BUTT they were 16, i had to go out and buy a 18w to go back to work in.  He does not think gaining 30 lbs since foot surgery is bad lol.. but its not his BUTT. lol  but i am moving closer, and closer, i may even have surgery the first part of may, have to wait and see.  I have to buy a elliptical machine before surgery, i am 30 miles from the gym, so  that ain't working for me.  I'm gonna have to walk and work out from home!

addition to my great day!!

Mar 16, 2009

I went to take my pre-op quiz, it was 3 1/2 pages, i got a 90%.  Then we discussed the few items i did miss, i got the most important ones right! like complications with surgery, how big your stomach is, side effects of RNY, how much to eat etc.... most of them were multiple choice, that helps! but I'm one step closer, my psychologist was surprised to see me twice in one day with appointments, it's really becoming to seem real now, the closer i get, to my  new birthday!  the freedom from FAT, I'm gonna honor my new birthday with a tattoo of a bird, with my new birthday inside it, so i can remind myself of where i came from, and not to forget my personal struggles, to overcome my weight.  Reading a great book also "it's not what your eating, it's whats eating you" so far so good, think it will help me re-program my brain, to eat for fuel, and not to eat, just because its tastes good, or looks good, and all that stuff "we" have to work with!!  I am going on my favorite (kinda) diet, so i can get some of this 30 pounds off I've picked up, plus i really owe it to myself, my surgeon, my anesthesiologist, and my bariatric nurse to prove i am serious about changing my life  for good!!  and i have another appointment for tomorrow!!!      yeah!!

great day!!

Mar 16, 2009

Went for my follow up with my psychologist, and it went great!! this was the thing i was worried about the most, i don't why, but i was... the only bad thing is, i have gained 30 pounds since starting in the bariatric program, that's not good at all... but its due to my foot surgery, and all my set backs with it mostly, and also bad food choices too.  My psychologist is a real nice lady, shes so cute and petite... and smart, she appears to pretty young, maybe even under 30!! shes got a lot going for her.  Now my next hurdle is today at 2pm, i am taking my preop quiz, which is a requirement, i am pretty comfortable taking this, i have read a lot of literature besides my books i got from the surgery clinic.  I'm just upset about the 30 pounds, thats terrible, i need to get back to work, which i will be doing tomorrow,atleast there i'll be moving all the time...i feel like a COW

moving along

Mar 13, 2009

had a very busy day today... had a follow up with my foot surgeon today that went well, way better than last time, i had staph then.  Then i went to my preop physical, ekg, xrays and a pulmonary function test im a asthmatic.... did my blood work awhile back all i have left to do is womens wellness exams and my last appt. with psyc on monday at 8am, then 3 more CLASSES!!      im not doing well with dieting, i've been on my butt for 2 months since foot surgery and then a staph infection that was worse than the surgery itself.  I used to walk 2 miles a day, im lucky if ive 2 miles in 2 months!! 

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 09, 2009
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