Surgery in 17 days time...

Feb 19, 2010

Well today is the weekend here in Dubai and I must admit to having a very lazy day.  Didn't wake up til 8 am and for the first time in a long time it was after my husband ! 

Had a lovely weekend breakfast - bacon, grilled tomatoes and eggs and then managed to fall asleep on the sofa for 2 hours - really lovely deep sleep.

Just been out for dinner at Soy - have lovely noodles, hammour fish and duck shared with hubbie - was trying to figure out what I will be able to eat on the menu after surgery in terms of portion size.  My worry is that hubbie will feel the urge to finish up anything that I don't eat and so he will gain weight too - I will need to make sure that I always order appetisers or half portions or take some home etc.

Been looking for a book on nutrition after surgery, nothing to be found in the bookshop at Ibn Battuta so might try the Dubai Mall or alternatively Amazon and get it shipped out.  It's so expensive buying books here - I guess we pay extra for shipping and also the price remains fixed in Dirhams even though the currency exchange doesn't and I am still paid in the UK so am constantly converting prices in my head - not sure that you ever stop doing that.  My SIL has been out there 7 years and she still converts back into Sterling.

Nothing major to report on the surgery front - apart from the fact that each day it gets closer is great - I am looking forward to starting my journey to the new me.

Just off to get a glass of wine - am drinking the last of my wine box before I get the surgery and become less able to enjoy a large glass without getting too drunk ! Cheers !

