13 days to Surgery

Feb 22, 2010

Well this time in 2 weeks, I will be at the hospital and waiting for my surgery - don't yet know what time surgery will be but I have to be at the hospital for 8 am.  That will work out well, Andy's parents arrive tonight at midnight and then leave for the UK on the 9th - the morning of my surgery - they have to be at the airport at 6 am so we can drop them and then drive straight to the hospital.  In the meantime, I will play Dubai host/tour guide so we will be keeping busy - the challenge is not to eat too much as I have a goal of going to surgery at 286lbs and this is what I am now.  I don't have to do a pre-surgery diet but think that I will go onto a high protein one anyway, that way I can enjoy eating out which I think we will do a lot and hopefully maintain my weight or even drop a few pounds.

My mum had this surgery a year ago and she went into a bit of an eating frenzy - having to eat the last of just about everything and she ended up gaining weight (a lot) before her op.  I have to admit I don't feel that way, it's a bit like feeling at peace and just being able to make good choices anyway.  It's amazing how we all act differently.

Mum rang me yesterday and we have arranged for her to come out the week after my surgery to stay with us for a week - it will be good to see her and she can spend some time looking after me plus it will get her out of the uk and into the sun.  I saw her out here in November but hardly for any time as she stayed with my brother, his wife and children.

She's lost 7 stone since her op so has done well, but think that she has some bad habits creeping back in - so maybe seeing me start the journey might kick start hers again too - the prize for her is that if she loses some more weight she will be able to get her knees replaced as she has really bad arthritis.

Met up with a new pal I have made on this forum who lives in Dubai a few days ago, it was great to meet up and share experiences etc.  She has a band and wants revision to a sleeve and is seeing my consultant to discuss if that's possible.

Hooked up with another pal from here briefly on Facebook last night too so we can catch up more.

I had a hysterectomy a year and a half ago and used a similar forum to this then and am still in contact with about a dozen of my hystersisters - we shared our experiences then through thick and thin and all found the support excellent.

Lots to do today, shopping, UK Consultate, Airport etc

Bye for Now

