Surgery plus 3 days

Mar 11, 2010

Thanks for all of your messages of support on my blogs - they are really great.

Slept on the sofa last night - just couldn't get comfortable in bed.  But when I was comfortable I slept well.

Spent most of the day asleep interspersed with little walks around the appt and sips of water, apple juice and a bit of milk.

Slowly trying to remove all the sticky tape marks and iodine marks off of me but that's proving difficult - I don't have any bruises from the incisions - but do have lots of bruises from where they tried to get IV into me - both hands, both elbows and the insides of both wrists ! - plus a large bruise where the BP cuff was on my arm.

I also have a large laceration to the inside of my throat which doesn't feel great.

The surgeon said my surgery was very difficult and that it took a lot longer than anticipated, hence they have closed me up with staples and not stitches which is his usual preference - I have 8 incision holes plus 1 cut for a drain which is still uncomfortable as it only came out yesterday afternoon and is held together with steristrips.

I'm mostly out of pain, just in pain if I move around too fast or stand upright too quickly.

Not feeling at all hungry - sipping lots to try and get some liquids in - and appreciating every mouthful as it all tastes really good.

Off to read some posts about what I should/should not be doing at this stage - as the Consultant just said liquid diet, no more than 30mls at a time and see you in a week - feel a bit let down by this support but know that I have plenty on this site.

Well that's me - off for another nap soon !

Take Care

