Surgery Experience - VSG & Gall Bladder Removal

Mar 27, 2010

I just found this in an email I sent and thought that I would post it here it gives information about my surgery experience:

I arrived at hospital at 6 am - spent 30 mins doing paperwork another 30 checking into my room then another 30 minutes changing into my gown and getting my bloods taken -  before I knew it I was on a bed in the pre surgical area chatting to a work colleague who was also there for surgery unbeknown to me (very surreal) ! 

My surgery was at 8 am on the dot.  My husband came with me to the hospital but I sent him away as I went down for surgery and then he came back at about 3.30pm which was when I was taken back to my room from the recovery room.  

I was given a relaxing tablet about 7.30 am but honestly don't think this had time to kick in before they took me into the surgery room.  I had to move onto the bed in the OR and apart from a warm blanket being put over me, that's all i remember of theatre !  I seem to remember someone telling me it was all over in the recovery room but that's about it.

I had a long surgery - the gall bladder removal was quick - but then the sleeve was long as my stomach was stuck to my spleen and it took them a long time to separate things.  In total my surgery was 6 hours and it then took a further 2 hours to get me from recovery and back into my room.  As the surgery was difficult I had some additional incisions to help the surgeon with access.   As my surgery took so long the surgeon decided to close me up with staples, he would normally use stiches.  I have 4 staples per incision plus a small incision closed with steri strips which was for the drain.

The hospital was good, I got a VIP room (free upgrade) which gave me a bedroom and also a private lounge area - not that I got to use the lounge but my husband did !

The nurses were great - I was up walking (albeit slowly and painfully) within 3 hours of surgery - nothing too much as I had a catheter and drain in and also they don't like giving out pain meds here in Dubai - compared to the UK where they keep on top of the pain.  Here I had to keep asking for them and I felt that I shouldn't have to do this.  Had to wear the funny inflatable leg things to keep pumping my legs, but have to say they are heaps better than surgical stockings so no complaints there.

Was attached to a drip, which gave me IV fluid, IV pain meds (very weak), IV anti nausea relief and something to stop acid in my stomach.  This was in my hand and blew once making my hand swell massively so they had to go in through the other hand (I have tiny veins so I always have to have IV's etc in my hand).

Struggled to get my oxygen levels high enough so spent 2 days on oxygen - even needing a portable source when I went for my leak test and walked around.

Had a fitful first night - the nurses were in most of the evening doing observations and the leg things were inflating plus the BP machine so between all of that I didn't get too much rest.

I was woken at 6 am the next morning and my catheter removed before changes of nurses - thankfully I had it for the night as I would have struggled to get in and out of bed otherwise.

I was covered in bruises - not from the incisions - they are fine, but from a clumsy anaesthetist - so have bruises  inside both wrists, elbows and on both hands - plus a massive bruise on my arm where the BP cuff was during the op.  I also had a really sore throat as he had managed to lacerate my throat too.

My surgeon was good - but got quiet annoyed with me as I was in bed too much - he seemed to have a knack of only coming in after I had done my walking and hence I was often asleep !! 

I had a leak test at 10 am the morning after surgery - had to drink this horrible fluid whilst standing in front of an upright X-Ray machine, I was wheeled down in a wheelchair so not too bad.  An hour after the initial leak test I had to go down for a second X-Ray this time lying down which was very painful as my weak pain meds were wearing out - all was ok - and the liquid seemed to drain out very quickly.  I was able to see this all on the XRay machine which was interesting.

Had a terrible claggy mouth on the day of surgery and first day so the lipsalve was a godsend.  Drank nothing but small sips of water late on the first day after surgery, and then thin chicken broth on the second day.

I was discharged after 2 nights which at the time felt too early, but now seems ok.  

The journey home was ok, was discharged with no pain meds at all or any real guidance about post op recovery, so have relied on this website heavily.

Since being home I have sleeping lots, sipping water and milk and juice and Bovril - struggling with thick fluids such as cup a soup so will leave that for a few more days or so.  I'm not feeling hungry at all - a bit weak but think that's through lack of nutrition and the anaesethic rather than anything else.  This is a breeze compared to my hysterectomy - as that was an open incision and not done laprascopically - I was in hospital 4 nights for that - but with tons of pain meds whilst I was in and at home.

Sleeping at home has been a challenge, spent 2 nights on the sofa propped up, but did spend my third night in bed which was good - I can just about sleep on my side if I am very careful.  Showering is ok as I have waterproof dressings on - I needed some help the first time, but have been ok after that - just have to take it slowly and carefully.  Am still covered in iodine and sticky plaster residue - it doesn't want to come off !!!

Have to go back 1 week after surgery to get the staples removed (hurray) and for a follow up appointment.

