3 weeks post op

Mar 31, 2010

Saw my surgeon today for my 3 week post-op appointment - all is fine and progressing well. 

From his scales I'm down 12 kgs in 3 weeks which is awesome.  I also lost 6 kgs the month before surgery when my gall bladder was playing up so in total am 18 kgs down.

My surgeon has cleared me for cardio exercise - (which is good as I went to the gym yesterday !) - spent 30 minutes on the bike then 10 on the X Trainer.  No weights for another 3 weeks.  Guess then I can get my new roller blades out and give them a try.

This is my last appointment with the surgeon, here in Dubai that's the end of the follow up.  However I am planning to find a nutritionist who can help me plan out the next stage of my journey and will continue to use this board for inspiration and encouragement.

Am on pureed food now - loving the taste of things much more than I did before. 

So here's a typical day at the moment :

7.30 am - 4 oz LF milk
9.00 am 1/2 egg scrambled with some milk and some shredded cheese
11.00 am - 4oz LF Milk or a probiotic drink or some LF plain yogurt with honey
2.00 pm - 4 oz pureed soup  (protein & veg)
5.00 pm - 5 oz Protein Shake with some fruit blended in (1/2 of a portion)
8.00 pm - 3 oz pureed mince beef/turkey & Veg & Gravy - plus 1 oz mash potato and cheese
10.30 pm - 5 oz Protein Shake wth some fruit blended in (1/2 of a portion)

Plus 1 1/2 litres - 2 litres of water/sugar free squash - sipped over the day

Think this takes me to about 40-50 g's of protein each day - but will need to add this up properly sometime.

Still not feeling hungry which is great - can also drink plenty of water which is good as it was one of my worries particularly as it gets so hot here.

Have bought some little pots which hold 1 scoop of protein powder - plan to leave some in the car with some drinking cups so that I always have a protein drink with me when I am out.

Had my hair coloured today, I went prepared with some protein powder, a small bottle of LF milk and my shaker - so was able to make my drink in the salon and make sure that I got some good protein even though my appointment was over lunch.    Must make sure I keep prepared and always have some portable snacks in the fridge.

Am feeling that I have more energy - though still need a nap in the afternoon.

That's it for now.

VSG & Gall Bladder Removal 9th March 2010
12 KG's Down in 3 weeks

